
  • 网络Literal Interpretation;Literal Interpreting
  1. 严格的字面解释(区别于对意图的解释)。

    A strictly literal interpretation ( as distinct from the intention ) .

  2. 然而,传统基督教的观点是暗示了“圣经的字面解释”是一种矛盾修饰法。

    The traditional Christian view implies however that a " literal interpretation of the bible " is an oxymoron .

  3. 依字面解释,猫自发性膀胱炎(FIC)是一种不明原因引起的猫膀胱发炎。

    Feline idiopathic cystitis ( FIC ) literally means an inflammation of the urinary bladder in cats of unknown origin .

  4. 文义解释方法包括字面解释和语法解释。

    Literal interpretation method includes direct interpretation and grammatical interpretation .

  5. 从字面解释的观点是正确的。

    The interpretation from literal point of view is correct .

  6. 留白一词往往容易被误解从字面解释的空白。

    The term white space is often misunderstood to literally mean white space .

  7. 对于特殊类型的权利要求,除了采用字面解释和等同解释等方法外,还应当采用特殊的解释规则。

    As for the special type claims , special interpretation rules should be used .

  8. 这种异像和梦中的有关符号象征着比字面解释具有更深刻意义的精神原型。

    The symbols involved in such visions and dreams represent spiritual archetypes having a much deeper meaning than a literal interpretation .

  9. 只是他们有着很强的信仰,执着于圣经上的字面解释,所以扭曲事实数据来符合他们的理论。

    It 's just that their faith is so strong in this literal interpretation of the Bible that they distort all the data to fit their model .

  10. 牛:我不是一个短波爱好者,以任何手段,但工业设计,开放给字面解释对工业。

    The Beef : I am not a shortwave enthusiast , by any means , but the industrial design , open for a literal interpretation on the industrial .

  11. 当时她对试图调和生物、地质等学科与圣经字面解释的“创世论科学”产生了兴趣。

    At that time , she tried to reconcile the biological , geological sciences and the literal interpretation of the Bible , the " Creation Science " interest .

  12. 字面解释其实是一种非解释,指当刑法条文规定明确时径直予以适用而无需解释的一种方法。

    Direct interpretation actually is a method of " not interpret " . When legal provisions are clear , we can use it directly and do not need to interpret .

  13. 在解释专利权利要求时,应当采取相对保守的态度。笔者认为我国法院应当建立起字面解释、等同解释、手段+功能解释和区别解释的原则,而对于诸如目的解释等应该谨慎适用。

    Courts in our country should establish the principles of literal interpretation , Equivalent interpretation , means-plus-function interpretation and distinguishable interpretation and also should be cautious to use other interpretations such as intention interpretation and so on .

  14. 传统司法能动主义时期,宪法解释被认为是对成文宪法所固定的、不变的含义的揭示与运用,相应地,法律方法主要体现在字面解释、平义解释、立法史的辅助作用等。

    In traditional judicial activism , constitutional interpretation was considered as the reveal of context of constitution which was fixed and unchangeable . Correspondingly , legal methods is mainly composed of context interpretation , plain-meaning interpretation and assistance of legislative history .

  15. 在行政审判中对于法律条文的解释,法官经常采用的是文义解释也就是字面解释,通过解释法律条文的通常含义来适用法律和认定案件事实。

    In the administrative trial , regarding the interpretation of statute , judges are often adopted the literal interpretation . By interpreting the usually means of the statues , as a basis of application of laws and finds the facts of the case .

  16. 综合我国基本权利谱系、基本权利条款间的关系及立法意图,既不宜对言论作字面解释,将其含义限定为口头形式,同时也不宜作过分的扩充解释。

    Considering the system of basic rights , the relationship among the basic rights and the intention of legislator in China , the article 35 of the Constitution should be interpreted neither with the literal rule , nor by an excessively extensive method .

  17. 公共利益(publicinterest),从字面上解释,是指具有公共属性之主体群的共同利益。

    Public interest literally means common interest of the public .

  18. 羊皮书是按照字面来解释?

    The parchment was intended to be interpreted literally ?

  19. (过分地)照字面意义解释某人的话

    Take a person ( too ) literally

  20. 带点讽刺的幽默特别危险,因为收件人很可能就会按字面来解释而被激怒。

    Sarcastic humor is particularly risky because the recipient might interpret it literally and take offense .

  21. “素人”从字面上解释就是普通人、门外汉、偶尔客串的爱好者。

    Literally speaking , a " naive person " is an amateur , a layman , an enthusiast who from time to time joins the creation .

  22. 对“无虹膜畸形”字面上的解释就是“没有虹膜”,此病极有可能伴发青光眼(glaucoma)和白内障(cataracts)。

    This figures , as the literal translation of aniridia is " without iris . " Further conditions , such as glaucoma and cataracts , are likely to occur along with aniridia .

  23. 你们可能觉得奇怪,我坚持字面化地解释这些字,你们听到的和使用的方式可能不同。

    Now see you may find this kind of weird that I 'm insisting so literally on the interpretation of these words because that may not be the way you use them or hear them .