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  • character device
  1. Linux字符设备驱动程序工作机理

    The Operation Principle of Linux Character Device Driver

  2. 磁带驱动器是顺序存取设备,会通过registerchrdevregion将自身注册为字符设备。

    The tape driver is a sequential access device and registers itself as a character device through register_chrdev_region .

  3. LINUX系统下的字符设备驱动程序的设计

    Design of a Byte Device of the Driving Program in LINUX System

  4. 基于Linux字符设备驱动程序的设计与实现

    Design & Implementation of Char Drive Procedures Based on Linux

  5. 基于嵌入式Linux的USB字符设备驱动程序设计

    Design of USB Char Device Driver Based on Embedded Linux

  6. 一种基于字符设备驱动的Linux性能参数获取方法有线通信的模式与实现

    Char - Device - Driver Based Method for Gathering Linux Performance Data Constitution and Implementation of Communicating with Data

  7. 驱动程序符合Linux字符设备驱动程序的标准规范,屏蔽了硬件细节,为上层软件提供了标准的接口。

    Accordance with the standards of Linux char device driver program , this driver program provides some uniform API for software applications .

  8. 其中包括:字符设备驱动程序开发、网络设备驱动程序开发、触摸屏驱动程序开发、USB驱动程序开发。

    These include : character device driver development , network device driver development , touch screen driver development , USB driver development .

  9. 然而,具有同步API的字符设备却需要额外的工作才能支持AIO。

    Character drivers , however , have a synchronous API , and will not support AIO without some additional work .

  10. 内核中的KVM通过/dev/kvm字符设备来公开虚拟化后的硬件。

    The KVM module in the kernel exposes the virtualized hardware through the / dev / kvm character device .

  11. 对于大多数字符设备驱动,支持AIO并不能获得太多好处。

    For most char drivers , there is little benefit to be gained from AIO support .

  12. 因此作者介绍了设备驱动程序的实现原理,并以非常典型的字符设备为例,设计了I2CMaster设备的驱动程序。

    So , the author introduces how the device drivers works on , and gives an example of designing a typical character device driver & I2C master device .

  13. 本文通过对与字符设备驱动程序相关的内核源代码分析,从驱动程序内部结构以及驱动程序运行的内核环境两方面入手,对linux平台下的字符设备驱动程序的工作机理进行了分析和阐述。

    This paper , based on the analysis of the linux kernel source code , describes the internal structure , the operating environment of the character device driver , and the operating principle of the character device driver .

  14. 接着研究了Linux环境下的设备驱动程序,深入了解设备模型和设备驱动程序开发框架以及并发、内存、中断机制,从而熟悉字符设备、块设备、网络设备驱动开发的一般方法。

    Then research device driver under the Linux environment , acquaintance device model and the mechanism of concurrency , memory , interupt deeply . And then be familiar with driver development methods of char device , bulk device , net device .

  15. 它由一组驱动器组成,比如块设备(SCSI磁盘和SCSICD-ROM)和字符设备(SCSI磁带和SCSIgeneric)。

    It consists of a set of drivers such as the block devices ( SCSI disk and SCSI CD-ROM ) and the character devices ( SCSI tape and SCSI generic ) .

  16. 本文在简要介绍彩色液晶显示屏显示原理和SD卡原理的基础上,详细介绍了以液晶驱动和SD卡驱动实现的Linux两个具有代表性的字符设备和块设备驱动程序的编写。

    This thesis briefly introduces the principles of color LCD and SD card and particularly introduces the driver implementation of color LCD and SD card which are the representatives of char and block device driver in Linux operating system .

  17. 在嵌入式Linux系统中,将交换机看作字符设备和网络设备的结合体,在内核中注册了设备驱动程序模块,在用户空间以用户进程的方式通过编程接口对设备驱动程序进行管理和设置。

    The switch is regarded as a combination of character device and network device in embedded Linux . A modular of device driver is registered in kernel , and the user processes in user space can manage and configure it by calling the interface .

  18. 文章介绍了采用Linux虚拟字符设备和虚拟网络设备的处理方式编写以太网无源光网络(EPON)设备驱动程序的方法,具有简单易行的特点,同时介绍了其应用和具体的实现步骤。

    This article introduces the technique of using virtual char device and virtual network device in Linux to write EPON device driver , which is simple and easy to implement . Meanwhile , its application and detailed implementation are presented .

  19. 接着,结合系统软件的研究与设计方案,分析研究了Linux字符设备驱动程序的架构,阐述了用户应用层与字符设备驱动层间的映射模型,设计实现了基于串口的传感器数据采集程序。

    Thirdly , on the basis of the design of software , the paper analysis the driver architecture of Linux character device , describes the mapping model between the layer of user application and device driver , and accomplishes the data acquisition program based on UART .

  20. 本文还介绍了对uClinux系统的扩展,包括实现日志型文件系统JFFS和特殊的字符设备&按键的驱动。

    As some extended work , JFFS , a flash based journaling file system , is added to the uClinux system , and drivers for some special character devices , buttons , are written .

  21. FD4中的内容比较有趣,因为它是一个字符设备的只读句柄,实质上是/dev/log。

    FD4 is where things get a bit more interesting , since it is a write-only handle to a character device , essentially / dev / log .

  22. 在路径名或文件名中不能使用字符设备名称

    Can 't use character device names in path or file names

  23. 文件系统将被作为块字符设备来处理。

    The file system will be handled as a block character device .

  24. 文件名“1”不能包含字符设备名称。

    File name ' | 1'cannot contain character device names .

  25. 这些整个都只是对真正的字符设备文件的符号链接。

    These entries are just symbolic links to real character ( device ) files .

  26. 一般情况下,比较常用的两种方法为创建/proc文件与注册字符设备驱动文件。

    There are two methods often used , that are registering char equipment device file and setting up / proc file .

  27. 实验结果显示,两者的效率与性能上/proc要略高于字符设备文件。

    The experimental result shows that the efficiency and performance of / proc file is higher than that of character equipment file .

  28. 重点研究了数字电视接收卡的字符设备驱动问题,阐述了用户空间开发驱动程序的过程;

    The focus is about the char device driver design used in the DVB receiving card and the drive development process in user space ;

  29. 关于Windows系统下挂接字符终端设备的设想与实现

    Some Ideas of Connecting Computers with Terminals in Windows System

  30. 最后以字符型设备驱动程序设计和uClinux多线程程序设计为实例研究了基于uClinux操作系统具体应用的开发方法,实现了对uClinux操作系统应用的完整性研究。

    Finally , this paper takes character device drivers designing and multi-thread program designing on uClinux as examples for researching on the methods of developing the applications on uClinux .