
  • 网络anthropology;anthropological research;humanities
  1. SDA特别推荐的课程,如技术写作、人类学研究方法等等;

    Electives where the SDA strongly recommended specific choices , e.g.Technical Writing to fill an English elective and Anthropological Research Methods to fill a social-science elective .

  2. 乡土中国人类学研究

    On Anthropological Research of Rural China THE NATIVE SOIL AND VILLAGERS

  3. “我完全同意这些作者的看法,”斯万特·帕博说道,他是德国马克斯普朗克进化人类学研究所的主任及生物学家。

    " Essentially , I could not agree more with the authors , " said Svante Paabo , a biologist and director of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany .

  4. 现在这所博物馆仍然是考古学和人类学研究的重要基地之

    Today the Museum remains8 a base for wide-ranging archaeological and anthropological9 research .

  5. 我本人的业余人类学研究,现已扩展到了黑莓(blackberry)的使用情况。

    My own amateur anthropological observations have now extended to the use of blackberries .

  6. 本文就Y染色体STR位点的特性以及它们在人类学研究中的应用作一综述。

    Here , we review the traits of Y-STR and their applications in the study of anthropological research .

  7. 这一特征对于研究G6PD缺陷症复杂的临床表现有一定意义,对于人类学研究有参考作用。

    This feature will play a role in studying the complicated manifestations and anthropology of G6PD deficiency .

  8. 【方法】根据WHO提供的人类学研究方法对IMCI病例管理涉及的12个关键的医学术语所对应地方术语进行研究。

    Survey was done to find the appropriate local terms for 12 important medical terms in IMCI case management based on the forms provided by WHO .

  9. 罗格斯大学的人类学研究教授海伦-费希尔建议说:&ldo?quo;男人都想着女人不会说谎,女人也希望男人如此认为,因此男女之间开始在相互之间玩一些心理游戏。”非常有趣!

    Research professor of anthropology at Rutgers Helen E. Fisher suggests that , " Men want to think women don 't cheat , and women want men to think they don 't cheat , and therefore the sexes have been playing a little psychological game with each other . " Fun !

  10. 本文是一个建立在对台北市100多名女老板的访谈基础上的人类学研究。文章描绘了她们的生活世界(Life-Worlds),并探究其想法可能对21世纪都市人类学所具有的意义。

    This study , based on interviews and ethnographic research with over 100 Taipei entrepreneurs , describes their life-worlds and implications their visions may have for global womanhood in the 21st century .

  11. 西方旅游人类学研究述评

    A Review of Researches on Anthropology of Tourism in the West

  12. 澳门:民族学人类学研究的一块宝地

    Macao : A Precious Land of Research of Ethnology and Anthropology

  13. 土家织锦工艺传承的教育人类学研究

    The Pedagogical Anthropology Research on the Inheritance of Tujia Brocade Technique

  14. 百年文学人类学研究范式的审美视阈

    Aesthetic Perspective of the Study of Literary Anthropology for a Century

  15. 身份·参与·书写&家乡人类学研究的三个困惑

    Identity . Participation . Writing & Three Confusions about Native Anthropology

  16. 文化人类学研究方法及其理论在武术研究中的应用

    Application of Cultural Anthropology Research Method and Theory in Wushu Research

  17. 中国人类学研究50年回顾

    A Review of China 's Anthropology Study in 50 Years

  18. 文化人类学研究与中医

    On Study of TCM Culture Cultural Anthropological Research and Traditional Chinese Medicine

  19. 民族文化传承的教育人类学研究

    A Study on Inheriting Ethnic Cultures in the View of Educational Anthropology

  20. 对中国审美人类学研究具有极大的启示。

    Have a great enlightenment to the study of Chinese aesthetic anthropology .

  21. 论李亦园人类学研究的二重倾向

    On the Duel Tendencies of Li Yiyuan 's Anthropological Research

  22. 桂林文化底蕴的审美人类学研究

    The Aesthetic-Anthropology Research of the Inside Information in GuiLin Culture

  23. 湖南苗族体质人类学研究

    A study on physical anthropology of Miao Nationality in Hunan

  24. 新兴家族企业文化变迁的人类学研究

    Anthropology Research on the Change of Emerging Family Corporate Culture

  25. 计算机模拟方法在民族学与人类学研究中的应用

    Application of Computer Simulation to Study of Ethnology and Anthropology

  26. 在当代文化人类学研究领域,格尔兹是颇具影响力的一位人物。

    Geertz is famous in the fields of contemporary culture of anthropology .

  27. 从某种意义上来说他的人类学研究是其社会学研究的继续和深化。

    In some senses , his anthropology study deepened his research of sociology .

  28. 田野工作本身是人类学研究的重要部分。

    The field job is an important part of the study on Anthropology .

  29. 中国法律人类学研究三十年:1978~2008

    Three Decades of Study on Legal Anthropology in China : 1978 ~ 2008

  30. 试析美国课堂教学领域中的人类学研究

    An Analysis of Anthropological Research in the Field of Classroom Teaching in America