
  • 网络Artificial Vision
  1. 结论:儿童白内障摘除后植入人工晶体是恢复视力的最好方法。

    Conclusion : Implantating artificial lenses after cataract is the best way of regaining effective vision .

  2. 前言:目的:观察折叠人工晶体植入的视力,术中、术后并发症、术后散光发生。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the visual acuities , complications in and after surgery , the astigmatic after the foldable Iol implantation .

  3. 结果前房人工晶状体植入术后视力与术前矫正视力基本相同,而缝线固定的后房人工晶状体术后视力稍低于术前矫正视力(P<0.05)。

    Results The postoperative vision were close to preoperative corrected vision in AC IOL implantation group , and the postoperative vision decreased in PC IOL implantation group ( P < 0.05 ) .