
  • 网络history of anthropology
  1. 第二,民族文物在不同博物馆的实践与中国人类学史的传统之间有密切的关系。

    Secondly , the various practice models of cultural relics shows intimate connections with the historical process of anthropology in China .

  2. 西方人类学电影史述评

    A Review of the History of Western Visual-anthropological Films

  3. 人类学学科史的研究是跟随学科实践之后进行的另外一种人类学学术活动。

    The research on academic history of anthropology is another kind of academic activity of anthropology following anthropological practice .

  4. 将人类学与科学史结合起来进行研究,为科学技术与社会研究领域的学者展示了一种新工具、新方法,提供了考察科学的新角度、新视野。

    The combination of anthropology and the history of science provides a new point of view and new field of vision of reviewing science .

  5. 试论历史人类学与中国近代史研究中的几个问题

    Reviews on Historical Anthropology and Modern Chinese Research

  6. 无论对于人类学还是对于科技史,蛊毒都是一个很有吸引力的研究对象。

    Both for anthropology and history of science , Gu Du is a very attractive subject to study .

  7. 历史人类学在中国社会史研究中影响逐步扩大,成为步入21世纪之后中国社会史研究中最重要的研究趋势之一。

    The impact of the history anthropology in the Chinese social history study gradually expanded , and became one of the most important research trends in the 21st century .