
  1. 浅议综合性人文社科类学术期刊的编辑素养

    On the Editor 's Quality of a Comprehensive Academic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

  2. 关于医学院校人文社科类课程教育教学现状的调查与思考

    Investigation and reflection of the education status of humanities and social science courses in medical colleges

  3. 高等医学院校结合专业教育开展人文社科类课程教学的思考

    Combination of Professional Education with Humanities and Social Sciences Course Teaching at Medical Colleges and Universities

  4. 理工农医类大学设立人文社科类课程的重要意义

    The Significance of Establishment of Courses of Humane learning and social sciences in universities of science , Engineering , Agriculture and medicine

  5. 但由于攻读人文社科类博士学位的女性很多,所以才有足够的女性最终留下来成为女教授,使这些领域的女教授数量达到一定规模。

    But because there are so many women in those Ph.D. programs , enough ultimately stay to amount to a critical mass of female professors .

  6. 结合专业教育开展人文社科类课程教学,是高等医学教育教学改革中的一个新的勇敢尝试。

    Combination of humanities and social sciences courses teaching to carry out professional education teaching is a brave new attempt in reform of higher medical education and teaching .

  7. 文化差异与民族地区校本课程开发&一种教育人类学的视角高等医学院校结合专业教育开展人文社科类课程教学的思考

    Cultural Differences and School-based Curriculum Development In Ethnic minority regions & A Perspective of Educational Anthropology Combination of Professional Education with Humanities and Social Sciences Course Teaching at Medical Colleges and Universities

  8. 同时,也为其他类型司法鉴定(如知识产权司法鉴定、税务司法鉴定与资产评估司法鉴定等)的相关制度研究提供一个研究范例,丰富人文社科类鉴定的相关理论和制度。

    At the same time , It provides study examples for relative system of other types judicial identification ( such as intellectual property judicial identification , tax judicial identification forensic and judicial identification of assets evaluation , etc. ) and enriches theory and system of humanities and social science identification .

  9. 三要加强人文社科艺术类课程的教学力度,使其内化为学生高尚人格的营养素;

    Thirdly , strengthen the curricula of the humanities , social science and arts , internalizing them into the nutritious elements to develop the students ' nobel character ;

  10. 本文探讨了国际上环境教育的发展历程,分析了国内高校环境教育课程体系的发展现状,指出了高校人文、社科类学生的环境教育方面还几乎是一个空白,缺少针对性较强的课程。

    In this paper , the efforts are made in the discussion on the development course of international environmental education and the analysis of the curriculum system of environmental education in internal high education .