
  • 网络human joining
  1. 本文分别论述了有限责任公司的人合性特征、股份有限公司特别是上市公司资合性的特征。

    This paper analyses both the human joining nature of the limited liabilities companies and the capital joining nature of the share limited companies , especially the public listed companies .

  2. 对此,世界上大部分国家通行的做法是采取赋予股东优先购买权的方式,通过其制度价值的发挥,平衡股权的流动性、公司的人合性与交易的安全性三者之间的价值冲突。

    In view of this , the customary practice of most nations is to endow shareholders with prioritized purchase right . Through the display of system value , the value conflict of equity fluidity , human joining and transaction safety can be balanced .

  3. 论有限公司人合性的理性回归

    Discussing Rational Regression of People Combination in Limited Company

  4. 因此,公司僵局大多发生在人数较少、人合性较强的有限公司中。

    Therefore , the corporation deadlock always occurs in small limited liability companies with stronger people combination .

  5. 而有限责任公司是一种人合性较强的公司,在公司关系的稳定性上有更严格的要求。

    As the person cooperation of limited liability company , having more stringent requirements on stable relationships .

  6. 有限责任公司是在具有中国特色的市场经济条件下最主要的公司组织形式,兼具资合性和人合性。

    Limited liability company is the main company form of company organization , both owned together and co-author .

  7. 在我国,有限责任公司的人合性同样需要股东除名制度的守护。

    In our country , person joint of LLC also needs to be guarded by the expulsion system .

  8. 理论上一般认为,有限责任公司具有人合性,因此其股权对外转让受有程序限制。

    Due to the co-personal characteristic of limited liability corporation , the outside-transfer procedures of shares are limited .

  9. 人合性特征使得有限责任公司的股东之间存在着特殊的信赖与合作关系。

    The cooperation of labor in the limited cooperation renders a specially reliable and cooperative relationship among the shareholders .

  10. 本文从这个角度出发,对隐名出资行为与公司人合性的冲突进行了研究。

    From this perspective , the article studies the conflict between anonymous contribution and people combination of the limited liability company .

  11. 正是由于兼具资合性和人合性这个重要特征,决定了有限责任公司股权转让的特殊性。

    It is because of this important feature of the particularity of the transfer of shares of the limited liability company .

  12. 美国封闭公司同大陆法系的有限责任公司一样,具有人合性的特征。

    US Closely-held Company is featured by its collaboration of human resource as is Limited Liability Company under the civil law system .

  13. 由于同意权纯粹只起到摆设的作用,故应该废除同意权,同时完善优先购买权,更好地协调有限责任公司的人合性与资合性。

    We should abolish the consent right and perfect the priority right , so we can harmonize the personality and capital in company .

  14. 有限责任公司的人合性特征被视为其不同于其他公司类型的重要标志之一。

    The personality in company has been conceived as one of important features that differentiate limited liability companies from other types of companies .

  15. 有限责任公司具有资合兼人合的特征,而人合性对于有限公司的良好运作具有更加重要的意义。

    Limited liability companies have people combination and capital combination , but people contribution has more important significance for the limited liability company .

  16. 同时,公司资本制度为维护公司的人合性所确立的股权自由转让的原则,为股东的利益起到了强有力的保护。

    At the same time , the corporation capital system provides powerful protection for the principle of transferring stock right freely and shareholders ' interest .

  17. 有限责任公司兼具资合性与人合性两个特点,比较重视股东之间的信任和合作关系,如果股东之间缺少信赖,那么公司就会难以为继。

    Limited liability company has two features : co-owned and co-author . If the shareholders are lack of trust , the companies will be unsustainable .

  18. 但不同的是,合作社是具有社团性、非营利性、人合性和法人性的组织。

    To be compared with corporation and partnership , cooperation is a separate legal entity which is based on its members and is a non-profit association .

  19. 这种人合性直接导致了封闭公司的封闭性特征,进而造成了小股东转让其股权的困难。

    Such collaboration of human resource directly leads to the feature of closely-held companies , and further leads to the difficulty for the minority shareholders to transfer the shares .

  20. 实际上,有限责任公司的股权进行非常态转让,并不影响有限责任公司的人合性,也不影响其资合性。

    In fact , abnormal transfer of limited ( company 's ) stock right does not disturb the harmonious ( cooperation ) among shareholders and capital integrity of the company .

  21. 对于有限责任公司而言,由于人合性导致的股权转让不自由,异议股东股权回购请求权的制度价值显得更为重要。

    For limited liability company , the result of harmonious cooperation among the equity transfer is not free , the system value of the dissenting shareholder equity repurchase claims is even more important .

  22. 有限责任公司兼具人合性与资合性的特点,这决定了股权转让必须受到一定的限制。

    The limited liability company owes the features of human resource integrity and the capital integrity , and because of this , the transfer of the stock rights is subject to certain restrictions .

  23. 公司僵局是指在公司运行过程中,由于股东或董事之间人合性的丧失而发生激烈的矛盾或冲突,僵持不下,导致公司运行机制失灵,公司处于瘫痪、停滞状态的法律事实。

    Company deadlock is a legal fact that shareholders or directors not only lose the basic trust but also have intense contradictions or conflicts between them , leading to failure of the company operating mechanism .

  24. 有限责任公司是一种兼具资合性和人合性的企业法人,且人合性特征更为显著,主要表现在公司的设立主要基于公司股东间的相互信赖。

    Limited corporation is a combination of both people and capitals , and the former is more obvious , which is reflected in the mutual trust between shareholders as the base to found a corporation .

  25. 有限责任公司是人合性与资合性的统一,出资人之间的相互信任和依赖是其存在的基本前提,因此,股权的自由转让要受到一定的限制。

    A limited liability company is one of the unity with people and nature , which basic premise is mutual trust between the investors . Therefore , the free transfer of shares is subjected to certain restrictions .

  26. 实现股权质权的后果是发生股权转让,此时必须考虑有限责任公司的人合性按照相关法律规定进行出让股权。

    The consequence of achieving share pledge is transferring the possession of stock right and the people combination of limited liability company should be considered to transfer he possession of stock right in accordance with the relevant law .

  27. 有限责任公司介于股份公司和无限公司之间,兼有人合性和资合性的特点,其股权转让似乎无时不在自由和限制之间游弋。

    The limited liability company , which has the feature of Human resource integrity and capital integrity , is between the stock joint company and the unlimited liability company . Shares transfer happens all the time freely or constrainedly .

  28. 有限责任公司作为公司的一种,其独有的特征在于它兼有人合性与资合性,这就决定了有限责任公司的股权转让具有特殊性。

    As one type of company , the particular characteristic of the limited liability company lies in its regulations , jointly funded not only by people but by capital , which determines the transfer of ownership has its own particularity .

  29. 股东优先购买权是股东的一项特别权利,是为了限制有限责任公司的股东对外转让股权,维护有限责任公司的人合性,维护公司的正常经营秩序的稳定而设立的。

    Shareholders ' right of pre-emption , a special rights of pre-emption , is designed to prevent shareholders on transferring their shares externally , maintain the people-unity nature of the limited company , and keep the operation stability of the company .

  30. 有限责任公司自创设以来因其具备的双重性&人合性与资合性以及灵活的运营模式,成为了广大投资营业者最为喜爱的经营模式。

    Because of the dual nature-the people combination and capital combination natures , and together with flexible operation mode , Limited Liability Company , since its foundation , has become the favorite management mode among the majority of investors in business .