
tè bié jué yì
  • Special Resolution;extraordinary resolution
  1. G20承诺针对金融公司设立特别决议制度,并表示顶级银行应当拟定生前遗嘱。

    They promised to develop special resolution mechanisms for financial firms and said top banks should develop living wills .

  2. 因此,最近有关利用“特别决议机构”和“生前遗嘱”、从母公司层面处理复杂金融机构破产问题的提议非常重要。

    Recent proposals for " special resolution authority " and " living wills " to handle the failure of complex financial institutions at the parent level are thus hugely important .

  3. 他认为,后者可以通过为小额存款提供保险来实现,为银行创建一套特别决议制度,使存款保险计划成为首选债权人。

    The latter , he suggests , can be achieved by insuring small deposits , creating a special resolutions regime for banks and making the deposit insurance scheme a preferred creditor .

  4. 今年出台的新银行业法案为零售银行制定了一份特别决议制度。大多数人认为,该份制度应该也对投资银行推广。

    Most believe that the Special Resolu ­ tion Regime for retail banks , included in a new Banking Act this year , should be extended to invest ­ ment banks .

  5. 从这个意义上说,践踏优先权,并对普通这个词采取极为宽泛的解释(一项特别决议需要75%的票数),也许是可以原谅的。

    In that sense , trampling over pre-emption rights , and adopting a very loose interpretation of the word ordinary a special resolution requires 75 per cent of the votes is perhaps excusable .

  6. 特别会议决议以三分之二以上的董事同意方可通过。

    Resolutions at special board meetings shall be passed with the consent of at least two thirds of the directors .

  7. 决议草案敦促联合国遵照今年五月特别会议通过的决议,派遣维和部队到该区去。

    The draft resolution urges the United Nations to send its peacekeeping troops to the region in accordance with the resolution adopted at a special meeting last May .