
  • 网络Tupperware;tupperware brands
  1. 我做了这么多整容手术,等我死了以后他们可以把我的遗体捐给特百惠(家用塑料制品公司)。

    I 've had so much plastic surgery , when I die they will donate my body to Tupperware .

  2. 近年来,特百惠(tupperware)似乎已经成了美国梦的缩影。

    In recent years , Tupperware has seemed to epitomise the American dream .

  3. 上世纪50年代,特百惠(Tupperware)从家庭主妇身上抓住了商机。

    Tupperware Path to economic opportunity for 1950s housewives .

  4. 特百惠公司(Tupperware)是最近受美元走强打击的公司之一。

    Tupperware ( TUP ) is among the latest companies hit by the stronger dollar .

  5. 其中包括雅芳(Avon)、特百惠(Tupperware)和玫琳凯(MaryKay)等知名公司,但大部分都是名不见经传的小公司。

    Some are well-known , like Avon ( AVP ) , Tupperware ( TUP ) , and Mary Kay , but most are less familiar .

  6. 与光顾这家食堂的其他形形色色的办公室职员和退休老人一样,我也拿着自己的饭盆或特百惠(Tupperware)饭盒,仅仅花上5到8元人民币,就能装上满满一饭盒肉、鱼、米饭和臭豆腐。

    Like the rest of the motley crew of office workers and pensioners who patronise that refectory , I show up with my own saucepan or Tupperware container , which gets loaded to the brim with meat , fish , rice and stinky tofu for as little as Rmb5-8 a meal .

  7. 新产品、聚会和新的销售政策能彻底改造特百惠吗?

    Can new products , parties and sales incentive reinvent Tupperware ?

  8. 这是著名的死海特百惠牌塑料盒;

    This is the famous Dead Sea Tupperware .

  9. 相比之下,即使特百惠派对都开始显得像是闪闪发光的知识分子沙龙。

    Even the Tupperware party starts to look a glittering intellectual salon by comparison .

  10. 特百惠的例子表明,很多成功的“美国”企业已不再具有浓厚的美国特色。

    As Tupperware shows , many successful " American " companies are no longer particularly American .

  11. 冰箱里有特百惠的保鲜盒,内盛三口米饭或一块吃剩的鸡翅。

    You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing .

  12. 从这里你能看到一个典型的去特百惠派对的50年代,家庭主妇的形象。

    So you get this image of her as this stereotypical '50s housewife going to Tupperware parties .

  13. 相对于比较唇膏的颜色或特百惠容器,在淘金聚会上卖掉的物品的来历,可能会成为更生动的闲聊话题。

    The provenance of items sold at gold-rush parties can make for juicier gossip than comparing lipstick colours or Tupperware containers .

  14. 让我们再会到上个月曼哈顿起居室里的那次特百惠聚会,对公司来说,情形发展的相当不错。

    Back in the Manhattan living room of last month 's Tupperware party , the news for the company appears quite good .

  15. 特百惠和其他密封容器制造商又有了长足进步,尤其是在更小容器方面。

    Tupperware and similar sealed container companies have been striding forward at a remarkable pace ; especially in the area of smaller containers .

  16. 布伦娜·西诺特有个爆炸性的想法&她和她室友计划几周后主办她们自己的特百惠聚会。

    Brenna Sinnott had such a blast that she and her roommate plan to host their own party in just a few weeks .

  17. 在这个不起眼的起点基础上一家直销巨头诞生了,通过“特百惠派对”的形式向数百万计的家庭主妇销售塑料制品。

    And from those humble origins , a direct sales giant emerged , with those " Tupperware parties " selling plastic to millions of housewives .

  18. 希望特百惠的优质家居生活用品是改善和创造您美好生活和家居的好机会。

    I hope that the Tupperware Life Style product has given you the opportunity to improve and make m o re beautiful your daily life and your home .

  19. 我的第三个特百惠杯都一样是漏水的,导致背包和裤子都湿了。周二的会员日,多了不少群组织活动的人。

    My third 's cups of tupperware be all one aleak , result on pack and trousers all wet . Tuesday ; s member day , Respectable persons of group organise movement .

  20. 你同样可以用特百惠的密封盒来做一些酸奶。先往里面倒入一些香草酸奶,然后再放入等量的新鲜水果、果酱。如果你愿意的话,还可以加入一些蜂蜜。(酸奶、草莓、蜂蜜是最好的东西)。

    The same little Tupperware that worked for fruit cups can be filled from a tub of vanilla yogurt with the exact amount of fresh fruit , jam and honey you want your kid to eat ( yogurt , strawberries and honey is the best thing ever ) .