
  • 网络Distinguished Professor;Special-term Professor;Distinguished Visiting Professor
  1. 最近一个研究小组,特聘教授在加州大学河滨分校的化学,盖伊贝特朗导致硼化合物来构建刘易斯基地。

    A research team lead by Guy Bertrand , a distinguished professor of chemistry at the University of California at Riverside , recently reported on the use of boron-based compounds to build Lewis bases .

  2. 这项工作是达拉斯德州大学的学习和记忆伯曼实验室、Jane和BudSmith特聘教授提供支持。

    This work was supported by the Berman Laboratory of Learning and Memory at The University of Texas at Dallas and the Jane and Bud Smith Distinguished Chair .

  3. 部分资金将用于设立“劳伦斯和洛里金融特聘教授职位”,以及为该校学生设立博士及mba奖学金。

    Part of the investment will be used to create the Laurence d.And Lori W. Endowed Chair in finance , which will support research in finance , and to establish PhD and MBA fellowships for students at the school .

  4. 参加这个MBA预备项目的学生将在线学习三门课程:商业分析、管理经济学和财务会计。授课老师都是任教于哈佛商学院MBA项目的全职、终身和特聘教授。

    Students who enroll in the pre-MBA program will take a trio of online classes business analytics , economics for managers , and financial accounting all taught by full-time , tenured , and endowed professors at Harvard Business School who have taught in the MBA program .

  5. 特聘教授保证聘期内全职在本校工作。

    Ability to work full time during the period of employment .

  6. 教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授&褚健

    Chair Professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Programme-Chu Jian

  7. 特聘教授12人和讲座教授4人。学校有全日制普通本科生35523人,硕博士生16117人,外国留学生565人。

    SCU has 35 523 full-time undergraduates , 16 117 master and doctor degree candidates and 565 overseas students .

  8. 学校为特聘教授配备科研助手,在人才选聘和队伍建设方面给予政策支持。

    An SMU Specially-Appointed Professor is assigned research assistants and enjoys policy support in selecting team members and developing the team .

  9. 长江学者讲座教授:雷新根教授1999年我所被批准为长江计划特聘教授设岗单位;

    Institute of Animal Nutrition , Sichuan Agricultural University , was authorized the position of professor fellowship of Changjiang Scholar Program in1999.Dr .

  10. 该工程希望能招募到包括海外专业人才、海外高层次青年人才、教授(含长江学者特聘教授)、副教授、讲师、研究员和博士后。

    The project hopes to recruit advanced overseas professionals , young overseas talents , professors ( including the Yangtze River Scholar Professors ) , associate professors , instructors , researchers and postdoctor fellows .

  11. 中国农业大学现有2737余位专职教师,其中中国科学院院士5人中国工程院院士5人,教授286人、副教授504人,“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授13人,“国家杰出青年科学基金”18人。

    China Agricultural University has 2 737 fulltime teachers , including 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of icngineering Sciences , 286 full professors , 504 associate professors , 13 special professors of " Cheungkong Scholars Program "

  12. 学校现有各类在校学生近25000名。学校拥有一批高水平的师资队伍,现有教职工总数3300余名,其中中国工程院院士7名,长江学者奖励计划特聘教授2人,教授、副教授等高级职称教师近600名。

    The university has a total enrolment of over 25000 students and a faculty and staff of over 3300 , including 7 academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering , 2 professors specially invited on " Cheungkong Scholars Program " , and about 600 full and associate professors .

  13. 该校有高级职称专职教师岗位600个,其中博一士生导师122人,长江学者奖励计划特聘教授人人事一部“百千万人才上程”人,国家有突出贡献的中青年专家8人,享受政府特殊津贴100人。

    instructors , one specialty invited professor of " scholars Cheungkong Scholars Program " , 3 included in the " Hundreds Thousands and Ten-Thousands Personnel Project " of the Ministry of Personnel 8 state-grade young experts with outstanding contributions , and 100 experts benefiting from the government 's special subsidy .

  14. 两院院士19人,国家批准有突出贡献的中青年专家17人,“长江学者奖励计划”特聘教授11人、讲座教授3人,国家杰出青年基金获得者14人。

    It has 19 academicians of either the Chinese Academy of sciences or the Chinese Academy of Engineering , 17 middle-age experts with outstanding contributions at the national level , 11 special professors of " Cheungkong Scholars Program " , 3 resident professors and 14 recipients of State Outstanding Youth Foundation .

  15. “973计划’,首席科学家3名,长江学者特聘教授7名,国家级有突出贡献专家1'1名,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者7名,国家优秀青年教师基金获得者11名,各类正副高级职称的人员1000余人。

    in-chief of " Project 973 " in China , 7 Professors of " Cheungkong Scholars Program " , 11 nationally accredited experts with outstanding contributions , 5 recipients of National Outstanding Youth Scientific Fund , 7 gainers of the Fund of National Excellent Young Teacher , over 1000 full time professors and associate professors .

  16. 2004年至今受聘为美国蒙哥马利学院特聘中国画教授,学术主持;

    2004 now Professor of Chinese traditional painting , Academic Director for Montgomery College , Maryland , USA ;