
  • 网络poor student;the most needy students
  1. 特困生问题是目前高校学生管理工作中比较突出的问题,重视这个问题并切实解决好,对高校的稳定和学生的成才起着十分重要的作用。

    The problem of the most needy students stands out in university student management . Great attention and proper solution to this problem play an important role in the stability on campus and in the process of turning students into qualified professionals .

  2. 新形势下高校特困生工作面临的问题及解决方法

    The Problems about Special Poor Students in College under New Situation and Solutions

  3. 扩招之下的高校特困生问题研究

    On the problem of the destitute students with college enrollment increasing

  4. 师范院校特困生的心理健康状况调查与分析

    Survey on mental health among destitute students of normal college

  5. 论高校特困生的现状及其对策

    On the Particularly - poor College Students ' Present Situation and Policy

  6. 伦理关怀在高校特困生工作中的作用

    The Effect of Ethical Concern on Poverty - stricken Undergraduates

  7. 谈高校特困生的心理健康教育

    Education in Mental Health of Exceptionally Poor College Students

  8. 大学特困生心理健康状况研究

    Research on the Mental Health of Needy College students

  9. 甘肃高校特困生思想状况的调查

    Investigation on Ideological Situation of Poverty-stricken Undergraduates in Universities and Colleges in Gansu

  10. 在解决经济困难的同时,我们不应忽视还有相当一部分特困生存在学习困难。

    Yet a number of them are still suffering from academic difficulties as well .

  11. 高校学生双贫困现象透视浅析高校特困生的心理障碍及对策

    " Mental Poverty " of Impoverished College Students

  12. 工科特困生心理素质的调查分析

    Analysis of Mental Quality of Poverty-stricken Engineering Students

  13. 特困生虚荣心理分析及解决途径

    A Psycho-analysis of the Amour-propre Vanity of Very Needy Undergraduates and the Suggested Solutions

  14. 新形势下地方院校特困生工作的研究

    Research into the work about Exceptional Poverty Students of Local Universities under the New Situation

  15. 湖南高校特困生体育活动与体育消费的研究报告

    A Report on the Sports Activities and Sports Consumption of the Poverty-Stricken College Students in Hunan

  16. 大学生就业困难群体援助:现状、困境与出路高校特困生的精神解困工作探析

    The Assistance of College Students ' Employment Disadvantaged Groups : Present Situation , Difficulties and Outlets

  17. 为此,应针对特困生的心理特点,加强其心理健康教育。

    Therefore , in accordance with their psychological characteristics , we should strengthen their psychological education .

  18. 把握特困生的思想状况,是做好特困生思想教育工作的前提。

    Evaluate the ideological situation of poverty-stricken undergraduates is a prerequisite for doing good ideological education work .

  19. 对特困生的界定并不是一个单纯的经济问题,而是一个综合性问题。

    The definition of poor students is not a purely economic issue , but a comprehensive problem .

  20. 有71.5%的特困生对目前生活比较不满意或不满意。

    71.5 % of the extraordinarily poor students were not very satisfied or completely satisfied with their current lives .

  21. 浅谈高职院特困生常见的心理问题及对策浅析高校经济困难学生的精神解困

    Some Opinions and Countermeasure about the Common and Mental Problems of the Students in Poverty in Higher Vocational Colleges

  22. 本文在对甘肃高校随机抽样的530名特困生进行调查问卷结果统计的基础上,提出了一些建议性对策。

    Based on the investigate dates of530poverty-stricken undergraduates sampled in universities and colleges in gansu , some proposals are put forward .

  23. 高校特困生的经济状况得到了社会普遍关注,解困工作取得了相当的成效。

    The economic situation of poverty-stricken college students has been greatly improved on thanks to the whole society 's attention and assistance .

  24. 而且“一补”政策只落实到学校正规考试录取的寄宿生中的特困生。

    It is the poor students among those boarding school and enrolled through the formal examination that can be favored the policy .

  25. 是社会各界十分关注的问题。特困生心理健康问题已引起社会各界的高度关注和重视。

    Very poor students ' psychological health problem has already aroused great concern from various circles of society and paid attention to .

  26. 本文分析了高校特困生的成因,并从物质扶贫与精神解困两个方面进行了论述。

    This paper analyzed the cause of destitute students in colleges , and elaborated it from material poverty alleviation and spiritual poverty alleviation .

  27. 特困生的界定,特困生形成的原因,解决特困生问题的对策。

    The article discusses the definition for the destitute students , the forming causes for them , and the countermeasures to solve their problem .

  28. 目的:本文深入剖析医学院校特困生的心理状况及其产生的原因,以便有针对性地做好其思想政治教育工作。

    Objective : the paper analyzes in depth psychological conditions and reason of poverty-stricken medical undergraduates so that we can work well upon them both ideologically and politically .

  29. 本文从多方面分析了特困生中常见的一些心理问题,并有针对性地提出了一些切实可行的方法和措施。

    The paper analyses some common and mental problems of the students in poverty form different aspects and shows us some feasible ways and measures to solve it .

  30. 随着高校特困生数量和困难程度的增加,他们的“精神困惑”日益凸现,迫切需要重视解决。

    With the increase of the number of college students in poverty and the degree of their poverty , more and more psychological problems have appeared among them .