
wéi quán
  • 维护合法权益 safeguard legitimate rights and interests
  1. 如果车企不能提供质量过硬的产品和良好的售后服务,不能保障消费者安全行驶,甚至恶意猜测维权者的动机,可能会砸了自己的招牌。

    If a car company could not guarantee a safe driving experience and even speculates about a consumer 's motivation , its brand image could be tarnished in the end .

  2. WTO知识产权保护体系与我国图书馆维权策略

    The Intellectual Property Protection of WTO and the Strategies and Methods for Protecting the Rights of Libraries in China

  3. 因此,可接受的B计划是存在的。如果保诚不得不依赖该计划,那就是多亏了股东维权主义。

    So there is an acceptable Plan B. If the Pru has to fall back on that , thank goodness for shareholder activism .

  4. 从IcahnEnterprises公司到潘兴广场资本管理公司,再到对冲基金ThirdPoint,维权对冲基金(activisthedgefunds)的影响力似乎在不断增强。

    The influence of activist hedge funds , from Icahn Enterprises to Pershing Square to Third Point , appears to be growing .

  5. 第一,要了解WTO规则和贸易投资壁垒的相关知识,不断增强维权意识和能力;

    Firstly , understand the WTO rules and trade and investment barriers so as to strengthen the consciousness and ability to safeguard the legal rights ;

  6. 独立投资者和企业治理维权人士戴维韦伯(davidwebb)也表示反对这项合并计划。

    David Webb , an independent investor and corporate governance activist , has also railed against the proposal .

  7. SA8000与工会维权策略

    SA8000 and Trade Unions ' Strategy of Protecting Rights

  8. 关于MTV维权事件的法理思考

    Legal thinking about events of defending rights of MTV

  9. 社会责任标准(SA8000)与劳动者维权

    Social Accountability 8000 and the Right-Maintenance of Workers

  10. 深入分析发现,因工致残农民工的这种维权现状主要是个人(P)与环境(E)交互作用的结果。

    It has been discovered after further analysis , current situation of rights protection of migrant workers with work-related disability mainly results from the interaction of personage ( P ) and environment ( E ) .

  11. 全球最大的家装零售商家得宝(HOMEDEPOT)正考虑出售或分拆其大型批发供应部门。此前维权股东对公司施压,要求改变其经营策略。

    Home Depot , the world 's biggest home improvement retailer , is considering the sale or spin-off of its large wholesale supplies division following pressure from activist shareholders for a change in strategy .

  12. 杨致远得到了公司董事会的支持即使是在维权投资者卡尔伊卡恩(carlicahn)今年夏季加入之后。

    Mr Yang had the support of the board , even after the activist investor Carl Icahn joined in the summer .

  13. troweprice并不是有名的维权投资者,但有一种事情会让它愤怒,那就是私人股本公司杠杆收购的趋势。

    T Rowe price is not known as an activist investor , but one area where its hackles have beenraised is the trend to leveraged buy-outs by private equity firms .

  14. 今年6月,伦敦对冲基金&儿童投资基金(Children'sInvestmentFund,简称TCI)经历了历来表现最糟糕的一个月,亏损超过10亿美元,因为市场低迷对维权投资者的打击尤为沉重。

    The Children 's Investment Fund , the London hedge fund , lost more than $ 1bn in its worst month ever in June as activists were hit particularly badly by the poor markets .

  15. 看起来,不只是卡尔•伊坎(维权投资者&译注)认为迈克尔•戴尔同意出价249亿美元收购与其同名的戴尔公司(Dell)是笔好买卖。

    It seems that Carl Icahn may not be the only one who thinks Michael Dell got a bargain by agreeing to buy his eponymous company for $ 24.9 billion .

  16. 上周五,一名法官支持维权投资者戴维艾因霍恩(davideinhorn)的主张,阻止苹果给予股东机会,就三项互相绑定的公司治理措施进行表决。

    On Friday , a judge sided with activist investor David Einhorn and prevented apple from offering shareholders the chance to a vote on three bundled governance provisions .

  17. 美国消费者维权团体“公共市民(PublicCitizen)”贸易政策负责人洛瑞•沃勒克(LoriWallach)表示,这项协议将只会促进海外就业的增长,而对美国国内就业没什么帮助。

    Lori Wallach , director of the trade program at the watchdog group Public Citizen says that rather than increase employment at home , the agreement will merely promote job growth overseas .

  18. 加入WTO后,随着外国产品和服务的大量涌入国内市场和市场内的竞争越来越激烈,消费者的维权问题也出现了一些新的特点、新的变化。

    The entry into the WTO , with the large portion of imported products and service from abroad , accounts for an increasingly fierce competition in the home market . This breeds a number of new features as to the protection of customer benefits .

  19. 维权投资者嗅到了血腥,开始围攻这家公司,打头的是大卫•艾因霍恩(DavidEinhorn),接着是卡尔•伊坎(CarlIcahn),他们游说改变苹果的经营和财务管理方式。

    Sensing blood , activist investors began to circle the company ; first David Einhorn , then Carl Icahn , have lobbied for changes to how Apple is run and manages its finances .

  20. 隐私维权人士担心的是,若goggles增添了人脸识别功能,用户将能够通过相片来追踪陌生人,使goggles成为盯梢者和身份欺诈者的理想工具。

    Privacy campaigners have raised fears that adding facial recognition to goggles would allow users to track strangers through a photograph , making it into an ideal tool for stalkers and identity fraudsters .

  21. 该调查覆盖了标准普尔500指数(S&P500)成分股公司CEO过去两年的总体薪酬,其结果将给公司治理维权人士要求对高管薪酬进行更严格审查的呼声增加影响力。

    The results of the survey , which looked at total compensation of chief executives of companies in the S & P 500 index over the past two years , will add weight to calls by corporate governance activists for more oversight of executive pay .

  22. 维权投资者卡尔伊卡恩(carlicahn)为人熟知的习惯是起床很晚,工作到深夜,在大多数人通常已经熟睡的时候进行谈判,因此他在困倦的谈判对手面前很有优势。

    Carl Icahn , the activist investor , is known for waking up late and working late into the night , holding negotiations when most people would normally be fast asleep and he has an advantage over his weary rivals .

  23. 由于这些约束不适用于公关公司,因此霍尔曼等维权主义者提出了一个长期存在的问题,即在客户利益发生冲突前,wpp等公司能代表多少个客户和多少个问题。

    With no such stricture applying to public relations houses , activists such as Mr Holman raise the persistent issue of how many clients , on how many issues , a company such as WPP can take on before the interests of clients begin to conflict .

  24. 知识产权侵权与维权的博弈分析

    Game-theoretic analysis of the invading and protecting of intellectual property rights

  25. 其次是要学会选择恰当的维权策略。

    Second is to learn to choose appropriate rights protection strategy .

  26. 对深化维权机制建设的几点思考

    On Several Considerations of Deepening a Mechanism Construction of Safeguarding Rights

  27. 高校知识分子维权体系的构建

    The Construction of High-ranking Intellectuals ' Asserting Rights System in University

  28. 计算机网络中的著作权保护消费者要善于依法维权

    Computer Protect by Copyright of Network Protect your right by law

  29. 首先是同时提高自身的维权能力和劳动能力。

    First is also improve their rights protection ability and work ability .

  30. 从维权观探讨以人为本的学生管理模式

    Probing into the Student Management Model from the Rights-assenting Angle