
  • 网络Vickers;wix;Vicks;F.Vikers
  1. 维克斯机枪有时会出故障。

    Vickers machine-guns could be temperamental .

  2. 《泰晤士河群岛》,由米兰达·维克斯所著。

    Eyots and Aits — Thames Islands , by Miranda Vickers .

  3. 这正是维克斯委员会(VickersCommission)提出的建议中无可辩驳的论点。

    That is the irrefutable case for the Vickers Commission recommendations .

  4. 我们很关心员工的福祉,社区关系经理柯斯汀•维克斯(KirstenWeeks)解释道。

    We 're interested in employee wellbeing , explains Kirsten Weeks , community relations manager .

  5. 挑战者2坦克由英国英国维克斯防务系统公司设计和制造,该公司目前的名称是BAESystemsLand&Armaments。

    The Challenger 2 was designed and built bythe British company Vickers Defence Systems , now known asBAE Systems Land & Armaments .

  6. 斯科特在Twitter上发帖称,他和同事的安全乃至性命多亏了维克斯。

    In a Twitter posting , Mr. Scott said he and his colleagues owe their safety , even lives , to Mr. Vickers .

  7. 七十岁的温斯顿·霍尔曼(WinstonHolman)有生以来一直居住在维克斯堡。

    Seventy-year-old Winston Holman has lived in Vicksburg all his life .

  8. 约翰-麦克尼克尔,Les斯塔布斯,斯坦-维克斯,PeterSillett都来自低级别的联赛。

    John McNicholl , Les Stubbs , Stan Wicks and Peter Sillett all arrived from he lower leagues .

  9. 第一点是我们从许多渠道都已清楚获知的呼吁将常规的银行业务与投机交易明确地分离开,这得到了英国维克斯委员会(vickerscommission)的支持。

    One is something we have now heard clearly from many sources a plea endorsed by the Vickers commission that routine banking business should be clearly separated from speculative transactions .

  10. 该委员会将在明年1月份提交的议会法案中加入一些提议,以体现约翰维克斯爵士(SirJohnVickers)的建议。维克斯爵士此前曾主持了一项对银行业未来监管模式的调查。

    The committee will feed proposals into a parliamentary bill being introduced in January to enact the recommendations of Sir John Vickers , who chaired an earlier inquiry into future models for the regulation of banking .

  11. 在对证据进行冷静的审视后,我还相信,危机显示,对银行业加强监管,比监督它的操守更可取这也是我一直与约翰维克斯爵士(sirjohnvickers)共同持有的观点。

    I also believe , on a dispassionate view of the evidence , that the crisis shows tougher regulation of the banking industry is preferable to supervision of its conduct a view I have always shared with Sir John Vickers .

  12. 对英国人的进一步调查发现,马麦酱也是受欢迎的必备物品,14%的受访者出国会带着它,仅次于茶包。还有11%的人喜欢带“hobnob”牌巧克力,9%的人会带维克斯薄荷膏,只有8%的人选择了咖啡。

    Honing in on Brits , after tea bags , marmite was a popular item to pack with 14 percent of respondents taking the spread overseas , along with 11 percent carrying chocolate hob nobs , nine percent Vicks Vapor Rub and just 8 percent plumping for coffee .

  13. 也许这是他死前交给维克斯的。

    Maybe he gave it to wickles before he died .

  14. 但是现在,他们已来不及考虑维克斯堡。

    But now they could give little thought to vicksburg .

  15. 维克斯领我们进了个恐怖的鬼城!

    Wickles has led us into a terrifying ghost town !

  16. 维克斯堡曾是密西西比河下游的门户。

    Vicksburg was the key to the lower Mississippi .

  17. 现年58岁的维克斯曾在皇家骑警效力28年。

    The 58-year old officer spent 28 years with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police .

  18. 25岁的列维.杰科维克斯来自纽约,他参加了葬礼。

    Levi Jurkowicz , 25 , from New York , was at the service .

  19. 他的哥哥相信这是维克斯第一次与他人交火。

    His brother believes this is the first time Vickers ever exchanged fire with anyone .

  20. 杰科维克斯也出席了生日庆祝会。

    Jurkowicz was at the birthday .

  21. 银行家警告称,维克斯规则可能使顶级银行家流失到亚洲和美国。

    Bankers have warned of a brain drain of top bankers to Asia and the US .

  22. 密西西比河在密西西比州的维克斯堡等地设置了记录。

    The river has been setting records in places like Vicksburg in the state of Mississippi .

  23. 维克斯金刚石棱锥硬度试验

    Vickers diamond pyramid hardness test

  24. 在北维克斯堡,朋友和家人一直在帮助约安公园准备离开。

    In North Vicksburg , friends and family members have been helping Joann Parks prepare to leave .

  25. 但是后来你冲着维克斯老师大喊,我就不敢告诉你了。

    But then you were yelling at Mr. Vickers , and I-I was just too scared to tell you .

  26. 维克斯对这种看法感到愤怒是可以理解的,因为他正在坚决抵抗来自既得利益集团的不可接受的压力。

    Sir John is understandably angry at this suggestion , as he stood up to unacceptable pressure from vested interests .

  27. 这些素质使李发动了令人钦佩的马纳塞斯第二战役和钱瑟勒斯维尔战役,为格兰特赢得了维克斯堡战役。

    These were the qualities which gave Lee the dazzling campaigns of Second Manassas and Chancellorsville and won Vicksburg for Grant .

  28. 有许多自己制作网站的模板素材,维克斯就是其中最普遍而且最推崇的一个网站。

    There are many DIY website building platforms out there and Wix is one of the most common and highly recommended .

  29. 对于英国维克斯委员会所提议的那种消除银行业风险的做法,他们继续构成阻碍。

    And they pose a continuing obstacle to the de-risking of banking of the kind recommended by the Vickers Commission in the UK .

  30. 1863年美国内战期间的一场非常重要的战役就发生于此,使得维克斯堡成为最受游客欢迎的一个地方。

    There was an important battle there in eighteen sixty-three during the Civil War & which still makes it a popular stop for visitors .