
  • 网络Violet;violette
  1. 维奥莱特在信的末尾附加了一条备注。

    Violet appended a note at the end of the letter

  2. 1914年7月下旬,他和维奥莱特与几个朋友在特威德河畔贝里克附近度过了几天。

    In late July 1914 , he and Violet spent a few days with friends near Berwick-upon-Tweed

  3. 剧中格兰瑟姆老伯爵遗孀的名字维奥莱特(Violet)重磅回归,被列入2013年100个最受欢迎女孩名的榜单中。该角色由玛姬•史密斯女爵扮演。

    Violet , the first name of the matriarchal Dowager Countess of Grantham played by Dame Maggie Smith , has seen a particularly large comeback after it made the top 100 girls ' names for 2013 .

  4. 观众会看到克鲁尼在剧中频频抛媚眼献香吻,除了对克劳利的妻子外,还让饰演克劳利的母亲维奥莱特(Violet)的玛吉·史密斯(MaggieSmith)因被其亲吻手背而高兴得晕了过去。

    The skit indulged in many winks to the audience , starting with Hollywood 's charms working not only on Crowley 's wife but even his mother Violet ( Maggie Smith ) , who faints after receiving a kiss from him 。

  5. 维奥莱特,我讨厌上数学课!你能不能

    Violet , I don 't like Maths ! Can you

  6. 维奥莱特说她要到达边境了。

    Violet said that she would reach the border .

  7. 维奥莱特,你知道蛇怕人胜过人怕蛇吗?

    Violet , do you know snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them ?

  8. 她和文妮莎以及维奥莱特.迪金森一起,于1906年前往希腊旅行,并将荷马的《奥德赛》带在她的手提包里。

    With Vanessa and Violet Dickinson she traveled in1906 to Greece , where she carried Homer 's Odyssey in her handbag .

  9. 2010年有466名女孩取名为“维奥莱特”,去年这个数字上升为709名。在全国排行榜中,“维奥莱特”从第123名直升至第78名。

    Spiralling from 466 girls in 2010 to 709 last year , it has jumped in the national rankings from 123rd to 78th .

  10. 答:对于维奥莱特来说,她与克拉更重逢时,内心更享受那种被爱的感觉,感觉自己是个妩媚动人的女人。

    A. With Violet , what she enjoyed from seeing Kuragin again was that sense of being loved , of being a desirable woman .

  11. 这对母子度过了愉快了亲子时光,萨缪尔的两个姐姐,维奥莱特和瑟拉芬娜,都在忙于自己的活动。

    The two had a mother-son day together while Samuel 's older sisters , Violet and Seraphina , were busy with activities of their own .

  12. 他们需要更多的名人,现有的名人子女遵循自然进程,尤其是当示希洛、苏瑞、金斯敦、维奥莱特都在相隔五个月内出生。

    They needed more celebrities , and the children of existing celebs were a natural progression , especially when Shiloh , Suri , Kingston , and Violet were all born within a five-month span .

  13. 在小说中,有三个主要的黑人女性:维奥莱特,多卡斯,爱丽丝,他们饱受种族歧视和父权主义的的压迫,为了追求自我身份竭尽全力与之抗争。

    In the fiction , there are main three black women figures : Violet , Dorcas , Alice . They are deeply influenced by racial discrimination , patriarchy . In order to seek for self-identities , they try their best to fight .

  14. 詹妮弗今年35岁,她的女儿维奥莱特22个月大。一直以来,她和丈夫本•阿弗莱克被公认为是拥有成功事业与幸福家庭的完美典范。

    The 35-year-old star - who has a 22-month old daughter , Violet , with husband Ben Affleck - has been recognised as a shining example of how to juggle a successful career and a happy family life with style and elegance .