
  • 网络Toy Soldier
  1. 那些玩具士兵改变了我的生活趋向。

    The toy soldiers turned the current of my life .

  2. 1500个迷你型玩具士兵围堵美国大使馆

    1,500 mini toy soldiers surround American embassy

  3. 几乎每个历史时期都有娃娃,小武器,玩具士兵,小动物和车辆。

    Nearly every civilization had dolls , little weapons , toy soldiers , tiny animals and vehicles .

  4. 她上楼去领乔,费了不少口舌才把他与那一团玩具士兵分开。

    She collected Joe from upstairs , separating him with some difficulty from a regiment of toy soldiers .

  5. 有一天他拿了一支非常大的锡汤匙,开始用它来制造玩具士兵。

    One day he took a very big tin spoon and began to make soldiers out of it .

  6. 没有什么比一袋玩具士兵中的芭蕾舞演员更不对劲了,要么是玩具厂非常混乱,要么是这名演员需要试试别的招聘网站。

    A ballerina in the midst of a bag of toy soldiers couldn 't be more out of place - either there was a serious mix-up at the toy factory , or she needs to try a different job recruitment site .

  7. 有两种木制玩具:士兵和火车。

    There are two types of wooden toys : soldiers and trains .

  8. 一个布娃娃玩具挂在椅子上,床上摆着一个小玩具士兵。

    A doll hung over a chair and a toy soldier occupied the little stand by the bed .