
  • 网络Toy Factory;UCTOYS;ICTI
  1. 小伙子对家的依恋,至少对于旭日(EarlyLight)来说是好消息,他就是在这家香港老板的玩具厂接受面试的。

    The young man 's conviction that there is no place like home is at least good news for Early Light , the Hong Kong-owned toy factory where he was being interviewed .

  2. 工厂经理MichaelLiu表示,中国已进入劳动力持续紧缺的新阶段,玩具厂想留住工人,这种投资就是必要的。

    If the toy factory is to retain workers in China 's new era of persistent labour shortages , then this kind of investment is necessary , says manager Michael Liu .

  3. 科科由德国SimbaToys玩具厂为阿联酋航空特约提供,今后两年里只会出现在阿航航班上。

    The Querk , from German manufacturer Simba Toys , will be exclusively available on Emirates flights for the next two years .

  4. 青柳旗下现在有一家研发公司,一家电子厂和一家玩具厂,主要的业务是提供OEM和ODM服务给日本客户。

    Nowadays it owns one R & D company , one electronics factory and one toys factory , offering OEM and ODM services to Japanese customers mainly .

  5. 在中国制造业重镇——东莞市的一家工厂外,校车放下了一群孩子。这些孩子的父母就在这家美驰图(Maisto)玩具厂工作,生产比美高(Bburago)车模收藏品和遥控玩具车。

    Outside a factory in Dongguan , a city in China 's manufacturing heartlands , school buses drop off children whose parents work at the Maisto toy factory , which manufactures Bburago collectable cars and radio-controlled vehicles .

  6. 不过,还有许多玩具厂表示他们能挺过难关。

    Many other factories , however , say they are weathering the storm .

  7. 广州一家玩具厂的工人。

    Workers at a toy factory in Guangzhou .

  8. 玩具厂消防设计体会

    On Design of Fire System for Toy Manufactory

  9. 本周二,在邻近深圳的东莞市,数百名工人在一家玩具厂外进行抗议。

    On Tuesday , hundreds of workers rioted outside a toy factory in neighbouring Dongguan .

  10. 仪征市工艺玩具厂

    Yizheng arts , crafts and toys factory

  11. 某塑胶玩具厂的塑胶焊接超声机工作时噪音特别大;

    Noise for plastics to weld a machine work that factory of some plastics toy is specially big ;

  12. 在1993年创建Klikset之前,我在一家玩具厂找到了一份兼职工作。

    I got a part time job in a toy factory before setting up Klikset in nineteen ninety-three .

  13. 增城人力集市抢工忙东莞玩具厂招聘招摇过街

    Zengcheng human resource market are busy in hiring , Dongguan toy factory employment advertisements swagger on the street

  14. 今年夏季以来,广东省已有数百家玩具厂因为承受不住压力而倒闭。

    These combined pressures have forced hundreds of toy makers in Guangdong province , home to Foshan , to close since the summer .

  15. 汕头市澄海区东繁玩具厂是集玩具开发、生产、贸易为一体的综合型进出口企业之一。

    Chenghai District of Shantou City is an integrated enterprise in East prosperity which includes development , production , import and export trading .

  16. 我们的客户包括手袋厂、雨伞厂、鞋厂、帽厂、玩具厂、制衣厂、织带厂等不同行业。

    We have clients from various industries such as handbags , umbrellas , shoes , headwear , toys , garments and weaving manufacturers .

  17. “我们一些公司没有竞争力启动加薪,”东莞市一家台湾玩具厂的厂主抱怨说。

    " Some of us were not competitive to begin with , " complained the owner of a Taiwanese toy factory in nearby Dongguan .

  18. 本公司的产品主要用于五金螺丝厂、五金工艺品厂、五金弹簧厂、电子厂、玩具厂、表业制造厂等!

    Our products are mainly used for metal screws factory , hardware handicraft factory , hardware factory , toy factory , spring factory , watchmaking factory etc.

  19. 方法选择某玩具厂608名接触混苯涂料的工人为接触组,以1007名非接触混苯涂料的亿都半导体厂工人为对照组,进行一般体格检查。

    Methods 608 workers exposed to paints containing benzene series compounds and 1007 non-exposed workers in a semi-conductor factory were undertaken medical examinations and the health conditions were compared between these two groups .

  20. 可上周早些时候,他在家乡韶关(广东北部贫困山区里的最大城市,靠近内陆省份湖南)一家大型玩具厂门口等待面试。

    Earlier this week , he could instead be found waiting for an interview outside the gates of a large toy factory in his hometown of Shaoguan , the largest city in Guangdongs poor and mountainous northern region , close to the border with inland Hunan province .

  21. 将去参观儿童玩具制造厂。

    We 'll visit the factory that makes toys for children .

  22. 附近的一家玩具制造厂今年关闭。

    A toy factory nearby closed down this year .

  23. 一家叫做Budsies的玩具制造厂可以根据孩子的画生产订制的手工毛绒玩具。

    Budsies , a toy manufacturer , will create a custom , handcrafted stuffed animal based on your child 's artwork .

  24. 廊坊市华欣玩具乐器厂是一家专业的儿童乐器生产厂家,具备产品设计、制造和销售的综合实力。

    Huaxin T.M.I Factory is professionalized in manufacturing various percussion instruments in China and possesses integrated capabilities of design , manufacture and sale .

  25. 这张照片由摄影师詹幼兵拍摄,他能体会到躺在椅子上睡觉也是一种享受——因为他以前就是一名工人,在不同的玩具和电子厂里工作过。

    This picture was taken by photographer Zhan Youbing who is well qualified to understand why even grabbing a nap in a chairis a matter of great comfort - for he is a former employee from a number of factories producing toys and electronic products .

  26. 它当时的想法是对我说:如果我是使安装和覆盖与“中国制造”玩具整个墙面和并列与中国玩具厂工人的肖像呢?

    It was then the idea came to me : what if I was to make an installation and cover an entire wall with toys " made in China " and juxtapose them with portraits of Chinese toy-factory workers ?

  27. 平行于准备安装的玩具过程中,我访问了中国五个玩具厂工人在那里我拍摄了生产玩具。

    Parallel to the process of preparing the toys for the installation , I visited five toy factories in China where I photographed the workers producing the toys .

  28. 没有什么比一袋玩具士兵中的芭蕾舞演员更不对劲了,要么是玩具厂非常混乱,要么是这名演员需要试试别的招聘网站。

    A ballerina in the midst of a bag of toy soldiers couldn 't be more out of place - either there was a serious mix-up at the toy factory , or she needs to try a different job recruitment site .