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  • picture puzzle;jigsaw
  1. 通过制作一个拼图游戏介绍了Authorware7.0的使用。

    It introduces the use of Authorware 7 . 0 by making a picture puzzle game .

  2. 我没有耐性做拼图游戏。

    I don 't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles .

  3. 我们把拼图玩具的各部分拼合在了一起。

    We fitted together the pieces of the puzzle .

  4. 这个过程和拼图相似。

    This process is akin to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle

  5. 她拼图玩得很棒。

    She was jolly good at jigsaws

  6. 这是拼图。

    This is a composite illustration .

  7. Sam&Joe's应有尽有——书,糖果,玩具,棒球卡,拼图和游戏。

    Sam & Joe 's had it all — books , candy , toys , baseball cards , puzzles and games .

  8. 七巧板Tangram七巧板是一个小块拼图游戏,由七个扁平的多边形组成,这些多边形放在一起可以形成其他形状。

    The tangram is a dissection3 puzzle consisting of seven flat polygons which are put together to form shapes .

  9. 一副拼图就能让我沉醉几个小时。

    A jigsaw puzzle can keep me absorbed for hours .

  10. 离开之前,我捡起他们的十字架重新放回去,断裂的痕迹一目了然,因此看上去就像是个拼图一样。

    Before I left , I picked up their cross and put it back in place on their tomb . The break was clean so it fit like a puzzle piece .

  11. 传统的一对夫妻加1.6个孩子的家庭模式正在被“混合家庭”或“拼图家庭”所取代,这类家庭中夫妻一方或双方会带着之前婚姻中的孩子加入新家庭。

    The traditional married couple with 1.6 children was increasingly being replaced by " amalgamated " or " jigsaw " families where one or both of the couple have children from a previous relationship .

  12. 羊毛衫CAD中拼图式组合设计新款式

    New pattern design of cardigan using combined pattern element method in CAD

  13. 本文在同心拼图方法的基础上,提出了一种新的与场景几何相结合的3D全光函数方法&边界光场。

    We propose a new3D plenoptic function method-Boundary Light Field , which works with rough geometry model of scene objects .

  14. 基于AutoCAD的自动拼图软件开发

    Development of Engineering Drafting Auto Splitting System on AutoCAD

  15. 论述了羊毛衫CAD中拼图式组合设计新款式的主要技术和基本原理。

    This paper introduces the main technology and basic principle of new pattern design of cardigan using combined pattern element method in CAD .

  16. 同心拼图(ConcentricMosaics,CM)是一种重要的基于图像的绘制方法。

    Concentric Mosaics is an important image based rendering method .

  17. DVD就像2D拼图,这种钻石技术则像3D模型,他说。

    A DVD is like a 2-D puzzle , and this diamond technique is like a 3-D model , he said .

  18. 法式风情的拼图&法国城市Nancy,Strasbourg游记

    Composite Picture in French Style & Itinerary of Nancy , Strasbourg

  19. 用拼图法研究Ramsey数下界的一些注记

    Some Notes on Lower Bound for Ramsey Numbers Using Patching Method

  20. 在得知BuffaloGamesInc.拼图玩具的包装盒印刷是在加拿大完成的之后,他便将这些产品赶出了自家卖场。

    He banished puzzles made by Buffalo Games Inc. after learning that the printing on the boxes was done in Canada .

  21. 作为拼图的最后一块,您将看到Flex如何将Ajax作为应用程序调用。

    As the final piece in the puzzle , you will see how Flex can call Ajax as an application .

  22. 这一联合白皮书对于SOA参考模型、本体、参考架构、成熟度模型、建模语言以及治理相关的等等标准都进行了解释,并将它们置于了整个拼图中合理的位置。

    This joint white paper explains and positions standards for SOA reference models , ontologies , reference architectures , maturity models , modeling languages , and governance .

  23. 跨省区新一代多普勒天气雷达PUP产品调用与拼图实现

    Inter-province PUP Products Call and Puzzles Implementation by Means of new Generation Doppler Weather Radar

  24. 这就使我们将目光转移到缺少的第二块拼图上:xfy,一个用于处理不可预测的、未知的XML词汇的平台。

    And this leads us to the second missing piece : xfy , a platform aimed at processing unpredictable , unknown XML vocabularies .

  25. Subversion的开发有一个清晰和开放的计划,因此这个团体不可避免将执行拼图缺失的部分。

    Development of Subversion has a clear and open plan , so inevitably the community will implement the missing pieces of the jigsaw .

  26. 全景拼图是近年来兴起的基于图像的绘制技术(IBR)中的一个重要研究方向。

    Panorama mosaic is an important research area of Image-Based Rendering ( IBR ), which is popular in recent years .

  27. 平行拼图不仅可以应用到基于图像的绘制技术(IBR)中(即用平行线投影代替透视投影),而且可以广泛地运用于基于图像的三维重建。

    It can be easily used in wide application field , from image based rendering ( IBR ) to image based 3D Modeling .

  28. KeithEMurphy是德克萨斯A&M大学犬类遗传学实验室的首席研究员,他说,“你在这看到的是这一拼图的第一块。”

    Keith E.Murphy , principal investigator at the Canine Genetics Laboratory of Texas A & M University , said ," What you 've got here is the first piece of that puzzle . "

  29. 此外,Amazon拥有很好的声望和良好的按使用量收费(pay-only-for-what-you-use)的模型,EC2是云计算拼图中一个重要的、受欢迎的部分。

    Add to this Amazon 's reputation and a nice pay-only-for-what-you-use model , and EC2 is a popular and important piece of the cloud computing puzzle .

  30. 不过,虽然EFSF扩容朝着解决危机迈出了一大步,但不幸的是这只是完成这幅复杂的经济拼图的第一块。

    But while enlarging the EFSF was a big step forward to resolving this crisis , it is unfortunately just the first piece needed to complete this complicated economic puzzle .