
  • 网络aluminum contamination
  1. 目的:介绍肠外营养液中的铝污染。

    Objective : To introduce the aluminum contamination of parenteral nutrient solutions .

  2. 方法:本文根据国内外文献,对肠外营养液中的铝污染进行了综述。

    Methods : The article reviews the aluminum contamination of parenteral nutrient solutions by literatures .

  3. 目前工业上大量使用的无磷洗涤助剂为4A沸石和偏硅酸钠,4A存在潜在的铝污染问题,而偏硅酸钠的抗硬水性差。

    Zeolite ( 4A ) and sodium metasilicates are largely used as phosphate-free detergent builders in industry . There is a potential pollution because of the zeolite containing Al 3 + . The softening water capability of sodium metasilicate is poor .

  4. 浅谈草本花卉在电解铝污染区的应用

    Talking on Herbaceous Flower of Application in Electrolytic Aluminium Industry Polluted Area

  5. 提出了控制铝污染对策和建议。

    Some proposals and measures for the aluminum pollution control .

  6. 造纸污泥堆肥对酸性土壤铝污染的影响

    Effect of paper mill sludge compost on aluminum pollution in acid soil

  7. 为了解上海市食品中铝污染情况,采集四个品种94件样品用国标法GB/T5009.182-2003进行了铝含量的分析。

    The aluminum in the foods was investigated in Shanghai .

  8. 上海市食品中铝污染情况分析

    Analysis on Aluminum Pollution in the Foods in Shanghai

  9. 土壤硝化细菌、反硝化细菌可以作为铝污染土壤生态环境的指示菌。

    Nitrifier or denitrifier could be used as indicator bacteria of Al-polluted soil .

  10. 渭河西安市段铝污染状况及其来源分析

    Status and source analysis of aluminum pollution in Xi'an section of the Weihe River

  11. 并提出了控制食品中铝污染的对策与建议。

    And we have suggested the way of controlling the aluminium contamination in food .

  12. 土壤铝污染不仅影响作物的生长发育和产量,也对食品安全产生了潜在威胁。

    Aluminum pollution in soil not only affects growth and yield of crop plants , but also develops a potential risk to food health .

  13. 结果:肠外营养液中的铝污染研究仍处于探索阶段,但已找到了两个主要来源,给予了一些解决措施。

    Results : The aluminum contamination of parenteral nutrient solutions is still in the stage of study , but at present researchers have found two main sources and provide some solutions .

  14. 铝的污染与危害

    Pollution and harm of Aluminium

  15. 提高我国铝工业污染控制技术用于铝工业废渣堆场的防渗材料有人工和天然防渗材料两种。

    Improvement of the Technology on Aluminium Industrial Pollution Control in China There are two types of material which can be used for the prevention of permeance of aluminium industrial residue deposit : the natural material and the artificial material .

  16. 铝工业废水污染治理的研究

    Study and Treatment of Waste Waler Pollution from Aluminum Industry

  17. 例如,中国约10年前下令电解铝行业淘汰污染严重的自焙槽技术,铝厂都改造了设备。

    For instance , about a decade ago China ordered the phase-out of the heavily polluting Soderberg process at aluminium smelters , and smelters were duly upgraded .

  18. 结果表明,随模拟酸雨pH值下降,土壤pH值和盐基饱和度明显降低,而交换性酸度明显增加,污染土壤中交换性氢含量比未污染土壤高,而交换性铝含量比未污染土壤低。

    The results showed a decrease of pH and base saturation , and increase content of exchangeable acidity in both uncontaminated and contaminated red soil and yellow red soil within the pH decreasing of simulated acid rain , significantly .

  19. 湖北铝电解行业废气污染控制对策探讨

    Discussion on countermeasure of air-pollution control in Hubei aluminium electrolysis enterprise

  20. 铝铸件用无污染高溃散性动物胶粘结剂的研究

    Study on Gelatin Binder of Foundry in Aluminum Alloy

  21. 油页岩废渣因酸度高,养分含量低,并存在一定程度的铝毒和重金属污染等,使得植物很难在其中正常生长发育。

    Because of the high acidity , low nutrients content , aluminum toxicity and potential heavy metals pollution , oil shale waste slag has negative effects on the normal growth of plants .

  22. 线性生产模式下,铝企业不对环境污染进行治理,造成了巨大的社会外部成本,这部分成本不需要企业自身来承担,因此铝企业成本只包括生产经营成本。

    In linear producing mode , aluminum firms do not curb environmental pollution , causing huge social external cost , but they do not have to pay for this , the cost of aluminum firms is production and operation cost .

  23. 电解铝行业是高能耗高污染的行业,提高电解烟气中HF的净化效率成为减少目前电解铝工艺环境污染的关键。

    Smelting aluminum is a high power consumption and high pollution industry , improving efficiency of decontaminate pot fume HF is becoming linchpin of decrease pollution of smelting aluminum .

  24. 采用快速凝固技术获得激冷片,将其加入同成分铝液中以实现对铝的无合金污染的晶粒细化。

    The grain refinement of aluminium with no alloy pollution can be achieved by adding rapidly solidified sheet into aluminium melt with same chemical composition .

  25. [目的]研究铝致大鼠学习记忆障碍的相关机制,并探讨该毒性作用的年龄及性别差异,为制定针对性的预防措施、控制铝污染、提高人类生活质量提供重要的理论依据。

    [ Objective ] The mechanisms of learning and memory impairment and age-related and sex-related difference in rat induced by aluminum were studied , to provide the important and scientific basis for the specific prevention of aluminum intoxication and the improvement of Al-exposed workers life quality .