
shǒu yǎn xié tiáo
  • hand-eye coordination
  1. 基于耦合ADRC原理的机器人无标定手眼协调

    Uncalibrated robotic hand-eye coordination based on theory of coupled ADRC

  2. 运用实验的方法研究了空间手眼协调与3D-Widget大小之间的关系。

    With experimental method , studied the relationship between hand-eye coordination in space and the size of 3D-Widget .

  3. 要想提高手眼协调能力,就练习投球和接球。

    To improve hand-eye co-ordination , practise throwing and catching balls .

  4. 并在最后模拟了真实三维场景,用实验的方法来研究空间中手眼协调互动与3D-Widget之间的关系。

    And in the final , a real-dimensional scene is simulated . Studied the relationship between hand-eye coordination interaction and size of 3D-Widget with experimental method .

  5. 研究机器人无标定手眼协调控制,提出了自适应遗传算法(AGA)选取与优化自抗扰控制器(ADRC)参数的方法,较好地解决了其过多参数难以调节的问题。

    The control of uncalibrated robotic hand-eye coordination is studied and a method that adopts Adaptive Genetic Algorithm ( AGA ) to choose and optimize parameters of the Auto Disturbance Rejection Controller ( ADRC ) is proposed , which well solves the problem of adjusting its over-abundant parameters .

  6. 分析了虚拟三维用户界面的手眼协调交互机制。

    Analyzed hand-eye coordination interaction mechanism in virtual 3D user interface .

  7. 基于在线识别的机器人动态手眼协调

    Robot dynamic hand - eye coordination based on online recognition

  8. 对训练脑袋、肌肉及手眼协调很有帮助。

    We train their brains , muscles and eye-hand coordination .

  9. 网球之类的运动需要良好的手眼协调能力。

    You need good hand-eye coordination to play racket sports .

  10. 玩电脑游戏需要有好的手眼协调。

    You need to have good hand-eye coordination to play computer games .

  11. 发展之路&一本娱乐性手眼协调能力技能惹人喜爱的小孩。

    An entertaining way to develop hand-eye coordination skill for fun-loving kids .

  12. 研究人员称,玩电子游戏可以提高医生的手眼协调能力,并增加手指的灵活度。

    Researchers said playing video games can improve doctors'hand-eye coordination and agility .

  13. 生物视觉引导运动机制及机器人手眼协调研究

    Research on Mechanisms Inherent in Biological Vision Guided Motion and Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination

  14. 机器人手眼协调的图象直接反馈方法

    Robot Hand - Eye Coordination with Direct Image Feedback

  15. 基于手眼协调机器人的共享控制遥操作系统

    Shared control teleoperation system based on robotic Hand-Eye coordination

  16. 我的手眼协调性非常好,但是,呃,不过我的牙套和牙齿的协调性……并不那么好。

    As good as my hand-eye coordination is , my mouthpiece-to-mouth coordination is ... not .

  17. 任何体育活动,包括有效的手眼协调活动,对大脑都有好处。

    Any physical activity that includes effective hand eye coordination is good for your brain .

  18. 他的手眼协调功能在退化。

    His eye-hand coordination 's deteriorating .

  19. 其他调查人员又发现玩电子游戏的孩子思维更敏捷,有好的手眼协调能力。

    Other researchers found that children who played video games were quick thinkers and had good hand-eye co-ordination .

  20. 对于较年幼的儿童,这课程还能训练他们手眼协调的能力和手部的灵巧度。

    For younger children , it is also a great training for hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills .

  21. 基于遗传优化自抗扰控制器的机器人无标定手眼协调汽车驾驶机器人多机械手协调控制研究

    Uncalibrated Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination Based on Genetically Optimized ADRC Coordinated control of multiple manipulators for vehicle robot driver

  22. 手眼协调能力强,有能力破解陷阱,运球低,手速快。

    Good hand eye coordination , able to split traps , keep dribble low , very quick hands ...

  23. 结论长期接触锰可引起职业接触工人情感状态、心理运动能力、手眼协调能力的改变。

    Conclusion The emotion state , psychomotor performance and manual dexterity in the long-term manganese-exposed workers could be changed .

  24. 对训练脑袋、肉及手眼协调很有帮助。我一定对别人伸出援助的手。

    We train their brains , muscles and eye-hand coordination . I make a point of giving a hand to others .

  25. 本文研究利用神经网络实现雅可比矩阵模型的机器人手眼协调无标定动态系统的跟踪性能。

    The paper studies performance of the uncalibrated hand-eye coordination system , whose image Jacobian matrix is estimated by Neural Network way .

  26. 据科学家说,男孩从事运动项目胜过女孩的原因在于他们具有对于球类竞赛来说所必需的手眼协调能力。

    According to scientists , the reason boys excel in sports early on is their superior hand-eye coordination necessary for ball games .

  27. 当研究受试者返回现实世界时,他们在视觉聚焦、图像跟踪和手眼协调等方面都出现了问题。

    When study subjects returned to the real world , they had trouble with visual focusing , tracking images and hand-eye coordination .

  28. 研究者发现,打游戏可以改善孩子们的手眼协调能力,增强他们对科学的兴趣,甚至还能提高他们的智商。

    Researchers have found that computer games can improve children 's hand-eye coordination , their grip on science , even their IQ .

  29. 玩电脑游戏是需要眼明手快,有较好的手眼协调能力。

    Nancy : These are also people who could be good pilots or surgeons , or whatever . I have terrible hand-eye coordination .

  30. 伦敦:一项研究发现,孕妇服用鱼油有助于婴儿大脑发育和手眼协调。

    London : Giving fish oil to pregnant women can help boost the babies'brain development and hand-eye coordination , a study has found .