
shǒu tí dài
  • handbag;valise;handgrip
  1. 小姐,请把你的手提袋放在X光线扫瞄机上面。

    Miss , please put your handbag onto the X-ray scanner .

  2. 对不起,这是你的手提袋吗?

    I beg your pardon , Is this your handbag ?

  3. 他的所有家当都装在一个干净的方格图案手提袋里。

    All his worldly goods were packed into a neat checked carrier bag

  4. 食品杂货店老板说她行窃并要求检查她的手提袋。

    The grocer accused her of shoplifting and demanded to look in her bag

  5. 为了安全起见,已经把它放进手提袋了。

    It had already been placed in a carrier for safety .

  6. 礼品部专业生产:礼品盒、工艺盒、手提袋、礼品袋、封套、PVC。

    Gifts of professional production : gift boxes of boxes , handbags , gift bags , envelopes , PVC .

  7. 他们从老师和外界专家那里学习,例如NANCYGALE,她拥有一家制作手提袋的环保型企业。

    They learn from teachers and outside experts like Nancy Gale . She owns an environmentally friendly business that makes handbags .

  8. 会场气氛是积极的,装满纸墨校样的手提袋可能都会让你忘了近日亚马逊(Amazon)电子书销量已超过出版物一事。

    The mood was positive and , judging from the tote bags full of paper-and-ink galleys , you wouldn 't have known that e-book sales had recently overcome print book sales at Amazon .

  9. 在这一轮新潮流中有J.Mendel家6500美元的手提袋,该手提袋采用的是阔尾羔羊皮。

    Among the new bling popping out all over is J. Mendel 's $ 6500 tote made of broadtail ( the pelt of a very young lamb ) .

  10. 你的手提袋里有没有酒精饮料?

    Do you have any alcoholic drinks in your carry-on bag ?

  11. 当天你就可以抵达檀香山。当我抵达时便发觉手提袋不见了。

    You will be arriving in Honolulu on the same day .

  12. 你认为你不小心留下了你的手提袋?

    You think you left your purse at my place by accident ?

  13. 她手提袋里的钱包小偷很容易偷走。

    The purse in her handbag was a sitter for any thief .

  14. 他抢了手提袋和梯子,逃走了。

    He snatched the purse and the ladder , and ran away .

  15. 是的,这个手提箱还有这个手提袋。

    Yes , this suitcase and this carry-on bag .

  16. 显然,你也真的可以把它当做一个手提袋来使用。

    It can also be used as one apparently .

  17. 对不起!我不要廉价手提袋。

    Sorry ! I do not want cheap handbag .

  18. 你换了新的手提袋?

    Are you starting a new paper handbag trend ?

  19. 当我抵达时便发觉手提袋不见了。

    When I got there , I realized that it was not there .

  20. 曾几何时,手提袋竟变成二度就业的生涯规画?

    When did making bags become the fallback career ?

  21. 感谢您来函索取本公司新型手提袋目录。

    We thank you for your letter asking for our new handbag catalogs .

  22. 定制手提袋也包括在内。

    A custom carrying case is also included .

  23. 于是,那个女孩为斯科菲尔德从那位女医生的手提袋中偷来了钥匙。

    Then the girl stole the keys from the doctor 's handbag for Scofield .

  24. 提着两只手提袋,她的家就装在里头。

    Carrying her home in two carrier bags .

  25. 手提袋的东西都不见了。

    The contents of the bag were missing .

  26. 你把票放在手提袋里了?

    You left the tickets in the purse ?

  27. 你们有行李要现在托运吗约翰:有,就这个手提袋。

    Do you have any luggage that you 'd like to check at this time .

  28. 这些手提袋价格合理,有各种款式和颜色。

    These totes are reasonably priced , come in a variety of styles and colors .

  29. 我上来取我的手提袋,我把它忘在我的办公室了。

    I 've come up for my bag , I left it in my office .

  30. 你这儿卖塑料手提袋吗?

    Do you sell plastic traveling bags ?