
tóng xiàng
  • bronze statue
铜像 [tóng xiàng]
  • [bronze statue] 用青铜所雕刻或塑造的形象(如人或兽)

铜像[tóng xiàng]
  1. 他们立了一座铜像[纪念碑]纪念他。

    They set up a bronze statue [ monument ] to his memory .

  2. 你看,这就是他的铜像。

    Look , that 's a bronze statue of him .

  3. 铜像的面部也出奇的圆润,与C罗轮廓分明的外形大相径庭。

    The face is also unusually chubby , in contrast to Ronaldo 's chiseled looks .

  4. 然而,这座为了庆祝马德拉机场更名为C罗名字的铜像却招来一片嘲笑声。

    Instead , the bronze bust commemorating Cristiano Ronaldo 's new namesake airport attracted widespread derision .

  5. C罗铜像的两眼距离太近,挑眉嬉笑的表情更像是抛媚眼。

    It squashes his eyes close together , and the cheeky raised-eyebrow smile more resembles a leer .

  6. C罗曾4次获得年度足球先生,2016年他带领葡萄牙队夺得欧洲杯冠军,C罗铜像本该是一种象征“卓越典范”的荣耀。

    It was supposed to be an honour befitting of an " example of excellence , " the four-time footballer of the year who led Portugal to victory in last year 's European Championship .

  7. 作为已故的伊夫圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)藏品的一部分,这两尊铜像上月在巴黎拍卖。它们成为了中国的埃尔金大理石雕塑。

    Auctioned in Paris last month as part of the collection of the late Yves Saint Laurent , the bronzes have become China 's Elgin Marbles .

  8. 介绍用陶瓷型精铸的方法,整体铸造高1.38m铜像的成功经验。

    The method for investment casting in ceramic mould and the successful experience for copper integrate casting figure with 1.38 m in height are introduced .

  9. 这是热闹的交叉路口,有尊纳尔逊的纪念铜像。

    It 's a busy road junction with Nelson 's statue .

  10. 书桌上有一尊柏拉图的铜像。

    On the desk there was a bronze figure of Plato .

  11. 万寿台上,向金日成铜像鞠躬的人们。

    People bowing to Mansudae Grand Monument , Mansu Hill .

  12. 在这座喷泉中央,是正在嬉戏的铜像家庭。

    In the center of this fountain is a frolicking bronze family .

  13. 最初在奥斯卡颁奖礼上颁发的小金人都是镀金实心铜像。

    The statuettes presented at the initial ceremonies were gold-plated solid bronze .

  14. 万寿台,金日成铜像旁的人民解放纪念碑。

    Mansudae Grand Monument , Mansu Hill , people 's revolutionary struggle memorial .

  15. 铜像几乎“糟践”了这位英俊的足球运动员。

    The bust hardly does the handsome footballer justice .

  16. 用冷硬树脂砂制造大型铜像

    Casting of Large-size Bronze Statues by Cold-setting Resin Sand

  17. 自由女神铜像从法国运抵纽约市。

    The Statue of Liberty was carried to the United States from France .

  18. 为纪念这位诗人而铸的巨大铜像矗立在主广场上。

    A huge bronze statue commemorating the poet stands in the main square .

  19. 我久久地凝视着那尊铜像。

    I fixed my eyes on the bronze statue for a long time .

  20. 我依然承接为私人制作铜像和绘画的任务。

    I still do private bronze commissions and paintings .

  21. 大型铸造铜像壁板的分块设计

    Deblocking Design of Large Cast Bronze Statue Attached Plate

  22. 对古董铜像的仔细检查证明它是件赝品。

    A careful examination of the antique bronze showed it to be a forgery .

  23. 铜像和纪念碑使我们想起了威廉·莎士比亚、特·克特以及其他许多人。

    Busts and monuments remind us of William Shakespeare , Walter Scott and many others .

  24. 刚才,我参加了孔子铜像的揭幕典礼。

    A short while ago , I attended the unveiling of the statue of Confucius .

  25. 当着残暴的战争把铜像推翻,

    When wasteful war shall statues overturn ,

  26. 图为一北京报摊展示的一则关于两尊铜像出售情况的新闻报道。

    Beijing news stand shows a report about the sale of the two bronze artifacts .

  27. 铸造铜像的工程结构

    Engineering Structure of Casting Copper Buddhism Portrait

  28. 就是这尊南海观音铜像。

    Is this Nanhai Guanyin bronze statue .

  29. 这荧玫瑰铜像面部辉光让你的肤色温暖,微妙的光泽。

    This glimmering rose bronze facial glow gives your complexion a warm , delicate sheen .

  30. 手稿是找到了,可是那个铜像却始终没有着落。

    The manuscript was found but the whereabouts of the Kalpa Vigraha is still a mystery .