
  1. 甜辣对虾味道恰到好处,根本无需铜勺的涩味助阵,更无需劳金勺之大驾。

    The sweet-peppery prawns were perfectly balanced , and did not require an astringent lick of copper , or even a smear of gold .

  2. 铜勺与锌勺的味道厚重些,略带一丝金属苦味;铜勺由于在空气中略微氧化,所以闻上去甚至有股金属味。

    Copper and zinc were bold and assertive , with bitter , metallic tastes ; the copper spoons even smelt metallic as they gently oxidised in the air .

  3. 第二个问题,我通常用以下简单的组成:在一升热水(而不是开水)中两皂粉勺硫酸铜和一皂粉勺的固色剂(定影液),混合并过滤。

    Second question-I usually use following simple com in one liter of hot , not boiled , water two soap spoons of copper vitriol and one soap spoon of fixing agent , mixed and than filter .