
tóng sī
  • copper wire
铜丝 [tóng sī]
  • [copper wire] 通常是由热轧铜棒不退火(但尺寸较小的丝可能要求中间退火)拉制而成的丝

铜丝[tóng sī]
  1. 铜丝易弯曲。

    Copper wire is flexible .

  2. 室内设计师安妮克簠靟森(AnnickPetersen)设计了由细铜丝制作的鸟笼形灯具,她认为线条形设计是工业材料打造家具流行时尚的组成部分。

    Interior designer Annick Petersen , whose cage-like lights are made from thin copper wire strips , believes line-based designs are part of a trend for furniture made from industrial materials .

  3. 木材纤维-铜丝网复合MDF的研究

    Study on the Wood Fiber-Copper Wire Net Composite MDF

  4. 在从铜丝跳跃到工件上的过程中,火花腐蚀出一条清晰的路径,这可以通过NC来密切控制。

    In jumping from the wire to the workpiece , the sparks erode away a clear defined path , which can be very closely controlled with NC .

  5. 对铜丝球键合焊形球过程FAB参数进行了优化。

    The parameters of FAB ( free air ball ) process during copper wire bonding were optimized .

  6. 利用此实验系统,对微米尺度的多晶铜丝、单晶铜箔和GaAs薄膜分别进行了单向拉伸、疲劳加载和三点弯曲实验,并对材料的相关力学性能进行了测试和实验表征。

    By using the testing system , monotonic and cyclic loading , three-point bending tests were performed for micron-scale polycrystalline Cu wires , single crystal Cu foils and GaAs films , respectively .

  7. 笔者重点研究了不同目数的铜丝网和木材纤维压制具有电磁屏蔽效能的复合MDF的生产工艺。

    The manufacturing technology of wood fiber-copper wire net composite MDF , which have electromagnetic shielding effectiveness ( ESE ), was studied in this paper .

  8. 采用铜丝编织带和铜箔连接的3种热桥进行对比实验,研究了热桥的传热特性对热耦合二级Stirling型脉管制冷机性能的影响。

    To investigate the effect of heat transfer characteristics of heat bridge on the refrigeration performance of a thermally coupled two-stage Stirling-type pulse tube refrigerator , contrastive experiments with three types of heat bridge s were performed .

  9. 用化学镀方法在铜丝上镀NiFeP薄膜,采用电流退火的方法对复合结构丝进行热处理。

    NiFeP / CuBe composite wires were produced by electroless-deposition , then were an - nealed using a DC Joule annealing technique for certain time in the environment of nitrogen gas .

  10. 针对NiehoffM5拉丝机结构特点及用户对铜丝产品质量的要求,对NiehoffM5拉丝机进行国产化设计,即加入退火装置。

    In view of the Characteristic of the structure of Niehoff M5 drawing machine and the customers request for the quality of copper wire products , we carry on the manufacture design domestically , by that we mean add the annealing installment .

  11. 锰铜丝压力计的制作与应用

    Manganese - copper filament pressure gauge & its manufacturing and Application

  12. 铜丝球焊中形球过程的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of the Ball Forming Process in Copper Ball Bonding

  13. 对手征性石英和螺旋铜丝的结构进行了分析研究。

    The structures of chiral quartz and copper helices are analysized .

  14. 铜丝网屏蔽具有较好的防护效果。

    Whole-body shielding with the copper net may achieve satisfactory effect .

  15. 硬的铜丝很容易从铜网上得到。

    Harden drawn brass wire very easy to get from brass net .

  16. 文章对铜丝通电熔化熔断进行了理论上的一些研究。

    The thesis makes some theoretical research on fusing of opper wire .

  17. 导体:多股精绞镀锡铜丝,抗腐蚀性强。

    Conductor : fine strands of tinned copper wire , exellent corrosion resistance .

  18. 铜丝球焊形球过程分析

    Analysis for ball forming process during copper wire welding

  19. 硬铜丝是很难得到。

    Hard drawn brass wire is difficult to get .

  20. 并且脉冲能够通过玻璃纤维承载,不是铜丝。

    And the pulses would travel over glass fibres , not copper wire .

  21. 如果是铜丝,我们知道y的大小。

    If we take our copper wire , we know what y is .

  22. 铜丝填塞治疗外伤性颈内动脉&海绵窦瘘

    Surgical treatment of traumatic carotid-cavernous fistulas ( CCF ) by copper wire insertion

  23. 化学法生产镀铜丝新工艺的研究

    Study of the New Technique of Producing Copper Plating Wire in Chemical Method

  24. 金、铜丝球键合焊点的可靠性对比研究

    Contrast Research on the Reliability of Gold and Copper Wire / Ball Bonding

  25. 一根头发比同等粗细的铜丝还要结实。

    A human hair is stronger than copper wire of the same thickness .

  26. 铜丝网扩散焊接简易方法

    A simple DW Method for Copper wire Net

  27. 高性能键合铜丝的制备及其球键合工艺研究

    Study on the Preparation and Ball Bonding Process for the High-Performance Copper Bonding Wire

  28. 导体材料:无氧铜丝。

    Conductor material : no oxygen copper wire .

  29. 纳米铜丝尺寸效应的分子动力学模拟

    Molecular dynamics simulation of length scale effects on tension nano crystal line line copper wire

  30. 听说您能供应高质量的铜丝。

    We were told that you were in a position to supply high quality copperware .