  • bottle;flask;jar;vase
  • 口小腹大的器皿,多为瓷或玻璃做成,通常用来盛液体:~子。酒~。花~。

  • 量词,用于瓶装的东西:两~啤酒。


(瓶子) bottle; vase; jar; flask:

  • 醋瓶

    vinegar cruet;

  • 花瓶

    flower vase;

  • 芥末瓶

    mustard pot;

  • 两瓶牛奶

    two bottles of milk;

  • 热水瓶

    thermos flask;

  • 盐瓶

    saltcellar; saltshaker


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 瓶守

    Ping Shou

  1. 你得先把瓶盖子打开!

    You need to take the top off the bottle first !

  2. 一瓶酒下肚,哈里的话匣子便打开了。

    A bottle of wine had loosened Harry 's tongue .

  3. 我打不开这广口瓶的盖子。

    I can 't get the lid off this jar .

  4. 我要拿这两瓶换那一瓶。

    I 'll swap these two bottles for that one .

  5. 她又把广口瓶的盖子拧上。

    She screwed the cap back on the jar .

  6. 他说他存放着一瓶白兰地只是为了药用。

    He claims he keeps a bottle of brandy only for medicinal purposes .

  7. 他喝了整整一瓶酒。

    He drank a whole bottle of wine .

  8. 这小玩意儿开广口瓶挺好。

    This gadget 's great for opening jars .

  9. 现在把广口瓶侧着放倒。

    Now lay the jar on its side .

  10. 这是我们最后的一瓶水了。

    This is our last bottle of water .

  11. 使用前摇匀瓶内物品。

    Shake the bottle well before use .

  12. 我们每人都喝了整整一瓶。

    We drank a whole bottle each .

  13. 要不要我再开一瓶?

    Shall I open another bottle ?

  14. 此瓶容量为两升。

    The bottle contains two litres .

  15. 六瓶应该够了。

    Six bottles should be enough .

  16. 这瓶香槟酒只卖3.50英镑,太便宜了。

    At only £ 3.50 , this champagne is a steal .

  17. 我把一瓶香槟放进冷冻室。

    I put a bottle of champagne in the freezer compartment .

  18. 我们美餐了一顿,还喝了一瓶香槟。

    We had a nice meal with a bottle of champagne .

  19. 收集小昆虫时可以把它们装进广口瓶里。

    Small insects can be collected by shaking them into a jar

  20. 我去售酒商店买几瓶威士忌。

    I 'm going to the off-licence to buy some whisky .

  21. 他正在启一瓶葡萄酒的瓶塞。

    He was pulling the cork from a bottle of wine .

  22. 她做了三明治,把保温瓶灌满,又放了糖进去。

    She made sandwiches , filled a flask and put sugar in

  23. 四五个男人在喝保温瓶里的茶水。

    Four or five men were drinking tea from flasks .

  24. 史蒂夫打开几瓶香槟酒庆功。

    Steve uncorked bottles of champagne to toast the achievement .

  25. 这一瓶已经空了,不过我们还有一瓶。

    This bottle 's dead . But we 've got another one .

  26. 他指了指空瓶子,女服务员立即重新拿了一瓶。

    He pointed at the empty bottle and the waitress quickly replaced it

  27. 他走到冰箱处拿出一瓶酒。

    He went to the refrigerator and removed a bottle of wine .

  28. 他把静脉滴注瓶从头顶的钩子上拿下来。

    He disconnected the IV bottle from the overhead hook .

  29. 她正握着瓶颈摇晃一瓶葡萄酒。

    She was swinging a bottle of wine by its neck

  30. 他仔细地看着瓶上的标签。

    He peered at the label on the bottle .