
pínɡ jǐnɡ xiào yìng
  • bottleneck effect
  1. 软件无线电中A/D变换器和DSP的瓶颈效应及对策

    Bottleneck Effects of ADC & DSP in Software Radio and Their Solutions

  2. 随着CPU运算速度的不断加快,传统的机械硬盘的读写速度的瓶颈效应越来越明显,进而导致了固态硬盘的发展。

    As the accelerating speed of CPU operation , traditional mechanical hard disk which is reading and writing slowly have become the bottleneck of compute , which result in the development of solid state disk .

  3. 突破原丝瓶颈效应加速我国PAN炭纤维技术的发展

    Breaking through Bottle-neck in PAN Precursor Research , Speeding up Development of Techniques for PAN-based Carbon Fiber in China

  4. 随着分布式数据库系统发展,传统的C/S访问模式会对数据库服务器产生瓶颈效应,因此引入移动agent进行分布式数据库访问系统设计,这样可以减少对网络带宽的依赖。

    With the development of DDBS , traditional C / S mode may give birth to bottle-neck effect . Mobile agent is brought to the design of distributed database accessing system to reduce the dependence on network bandwidth .

  5. 采用一个推广的LWR模型研究交通瓶颈效应。

    The effects of traffic bottlenecks using an extended LWR model are dealt with .

  6. 采集卡和上位主机是一般采用ISA总线接口连接方式传输数据信息,但由于ISA总线传输速率低。易造成瓶颈效应。

    The PCI bus Data acquisition card change data with computer by ISA interface , but ISA interface 's speed is very low , and often cause bottleneck question .

  7. 判断OPEN表中是否存在与新节点相同节点的准则修改为只比较OPEN表中代价比新节点代价小的节点,新准则可以有效地减少对共享式OPEN,CLOSED表的瓶颈效应。

    Whether there is the same node with the new node in the OPEN list may be determined by selecting nodes whose cost are less than the new node . The new principle can reduce the influence of the bottleneck of shared OPEN and CLOSED lists .

  8. IMS媒体传输模式采用完全依赖承载网络的单径传输模式,存在着端到端的QoS保证困难、带宽瓶颈效应突出、传输效率低下等问题,严重制约了IMS业务的发展。

    IMS Media Transfer Mode entirely adopts dependence on Single-path Transmission Mode of Carrier Network , existing difficulty of ensuring end-to-end QoS , prominent bandwidth bottleneck effect , and inefficient transmission , seriously restricting the development of IMS business .

  9. 在沉积过程中反应物气体渗入的深度仅为一层(或几层)C布,突破了一般CVI法中瓶颈效应对沉积温度的制约,使沉积速度显著提高。

    At the same time , the depth of reactant gas infiltrating carbon cloth is just one and / or several layers during depositing process , which is valid to break through the bottle-net effect limiting of depositing temperature , and raise deposition rate .

  10. 文中对并行处理系统的一些关键问题进行了较深入的研究,如解决输入数据的瓶颈效应,双片TMS320C25的同步协调问题等。

    Some key problems in the parallel processing system such as the problem of data input and the concordant of two processor are researched .

  11. 这些结果表明糯玉米在遗传改良过程中经历了瓶颈效应,加之人工选择,一起造成wx基因多态性的丢失。

    The results indicate that Chinese waxy maize experienced a genetic bottleneck during its improvement , and improvement selection combined with a demographic effect should have contributed to the loss of genetic diversity on wx gene .

  12. 红外多光子解离中红移的瓶颈效应

    The Bottleneck Effect on the Redshift in the IR Multiphoton Dissociation

  13. 同时也观察到外加气体对早期瓶颈效应的消除。

    It was observed that buffer gases can reduce the early bottleneck effect .

  14. 浅谈如何突破高校德育效果的瓶颈效应

    A Talk on the Breakthrough of Bottleneck Effect of Moral Education at Colleges and

  15. 平面颗粒流的瓶颈效应及其与速度的关系

    The choke effect on a two-dimensional granular flow and the relation with its speed

  16. 核苷酸多态性很低(0.136%),这可能是由于冰期瓶颈效应的结果。

    Low nucleotide diversity ( 0.136 % ) was found indicating a bottleneck effect during ice ages .

  17. 农村公共物品供给不足对农村经济发展的瓶颈效应分析

    Probe on the Rural Public Affairs in China On the Insufficient Supply of the Rural Public Goods

  18. 当运输水平提高后,这类点对点飞行不象传统的航空中心及结点系统,不太会受到瓶颈效应的影响。

    As traffic levels increase , such point-to-point flights are less prone to bottlenecks than classic hub-and-spoke systems .

  19. 由于瓶颈效应和有效种群小,使得该物种种群遗传多样性贫乏。

    There are very low genetic variation existing in the population due to bottleneck events and small effective population size .

  20. 不同来源地桔小实蝇的多重入侵造成重庆地区种群的遗传多样性高,且多重入侵克服了种群建立阶段的瓶颈效应。

    Multiple invasions leaded the high population genetic diversities and overcame the bottleneck effect in population establishment stage , 3 .

  21. 中国蒙古马在过去没有出现群体扩张或持续增长模式,群体大小保持稳定,受到了人工选择的多重瓶颈效应。

    The size of Chinese Mongolian horse population kept stable and kinds of horses did not undergo expansions or lasting increase pattern .

  22. 对瓶颈效应与分子结构之间的关系及解离阈值与激发频率之间的关系也作了简单的讨论。

    The relations between the photolysis frequency and the dissociation threshold and between the bottleneck effect and the molecular structure have been discussed .

  23. 随着广东省产业转移战略的铺开,东莞产业发展的资源瓶颈效应和落后产业转移需求也很大,实施产业转移战略迫在眉睫。

    Because of Guangdong 's industrial transfer strategy , the bottleneck of resources and the great demand for industrial transfer in Dongguan is imminent .

  24. 目的探讨影响血液成分制备的“瓶颈效应”,以及消除“瓶颈效应”对血液成分制备过程的影响。

    Objective To study the effect of the preparation of blood composition " bottleneck ", and eliminate the bottleneck effect on blood component preparation process influence .

  25. 恶性肿瘤作为严重威胁人类生命和健康的疾病,每年要夺去数百万人的生命,而传统的治疗手段出现了瓶颈效应。

    Cancer as a serious threat to human life and health , claimed millions of lives annually , whereas the traditional methods of treatment have emerged bottleneck effect .

  26. 铅酸蓄电池的生产包括一系列工艺过程,其中化成是最重要的环节之一,是可能发生瓶颈效应的步骤之一。

    The manufacture of lead-acid batteries includes a series of processes , in which the formation step is one of the most important steps where bottle-neck may occur .

  27. 由于人力资本总量与结构的瓶颈效应,导致目前宜宾的区域产业结构与人力资本存在结构性矛盾。

    But owing to the bottleneck effect of amount and structure of human capital , there has been structural contradiction between regional industrial structure and human capital in Yibin .

  28. 立法议案的制度规定有一定的瓶颈效应,客观上会影响到立法议案能否进入立法程序以及立法议案在立法程序中的最终命运。

    The rule of bill system , which has some bottleneck effect and objectively affects whether or not the bill will enter into legislation process and its ultimate fate .

  29. 随着网络硬件设备的飞速进步,网络带宽的瓶颈效应日趋减弱,服务器的性能问题逐渐显现出来。

    With the performance of network hardware flying to progress , bottleneck effect of network bandwith has been gradually attenuating , and the problem of server performance gradually present out .

  30. 针对电子商务时代的物流瓶颈效应,给出了电子商务环境下,第三方物流供应方案,并解释了第三方物流在电子商务环境中运作的关键问题。

    Aimed at logistics bottleneck in Electronic Commerce , give relevant solution , and finger out the pivotal problem about the operation of the Third-Party Logistics in Electronic Commerce . 4 .