
  • 网络means of escape;escape trunk
  1. 地震时,楼梯是重要的逃生通道,然而,汶川大地震震害表明,楼梯间的破坏相当严重。

    Earthquake , the stairs is an important means of escape , however , the great Wenchuan earthquake disasters , shows that very serious damage to the stairwell .

  2. 不要去阁楼,因为阁楼没有逃生通道,可能会被困在里面。

    Do not go into the attic7 , as it is possible to become trapped there without a way to escape .

  3. 图中黑体涂实表示逃生通道。

    The bold solid signs in the drawing indicate escape ways .

  4. 他们要杀我们,逃生通道在哪里?

    They 're kiiiing us . where 's the escape hatch ?

  5. 是否有警报器和逃生通道?

    Are there fire alarms and escape routes ?

  6. 打开门确保逃生通道

    Open your door and secure an escape route

  7. 标有明显的逃生通道吗?

    B.11.13 Are escape routes conspicuously marked ?

  8. 由逃生通道到烟囱甲板。

    Go through manholes to funnel deck .

  9. 所有逃生通道畅通。

    All escape routes are clear .

  10. 开辟第二逃生通道;

    Inaugurate secondary passageway for escaped ;

  11. 沿标示的逃生通道行进。

    Follow the escape routes shown .

  12. 现在9楼只剩下两条逃生通道,电梯和金属防火梯

    Only two escape routes are left on the ninth floor : the elevator and the metal fire escape .

  13. 在其他方面联合会称公司宁可让紧急逃生通道被水淹没也不去维修。

    It said that among other things , companies have let alternative escape routes flood rather than maintain them .

  14. 保持过道畅通,清理过道上的旅行箱、背包及其它行李,因为如遇事故,过道是重要逃生通道。

    Keep aisles clear of any suitcases , bags or other items that might hinder escape in an emergency .

  15. 在大城市里,所谓的“安全通道”在需要派上用场的时候却被各种车子堵得水泄不通,小城镇和农村地区就更不用说了,连紧急逃生通道都少得可怜。

    Evacuation routes can get easily clogged with cars , especially in small towns and rural areas with fewer get-away routes .

  16. 部分配筋砌体框架结构能提高框架结构的整体抗震能力,加强逃生通道的安全性。

    Partial reinforced block masonry frame structure can improve the overall frame structure seismic capacity , strengthen the security of escape routes .

  17. 楼梯作为建筑中重要的逃生通道,在地震作用下,斜撑效应破坏周边框架主体结构梁柱构件。

    Staircase , as an important escape tool in earthquake engineering , under earthquake , bracing effect destroy the main structure of beams and columns surrounding frame .

  18. 楼梯作为建筑物主要的竖向交通通道,在地震和火灾发生时是建筑物中重要的疏散和逃生通道,甚至是唯一出路,所以楼梯被认为是建筑结构中极其重要的组成部分。

    As a main vertical transport channel of buildings , staircase is an important evacuation and escape passage , or even the only way out in the occasion of earthquake or fire .

  19. 防火逃生通道和中心集合点标在工地平面布置图上,并在工地所有显眼的地方展示。

    The fire escape route and central collection site shall be marked on layout map of the construction site , and they shall be displayed on all visual place of the construction site .

  20. 珠宝包括帝国皇冠上的黑太子的红宝石,被藏在饼干盒中,埋在暗门处,也是秘密的紧急逃生通道。

    The gems , including the Black Prince 's Ruby from the Imperial State Crown , were placed in the tin and buried under a sally port - a secret exit used in an emergency .

  21. 很多公路隧道具有主辅双洞,辅洞一般情况下被设计为紧急情况时车辆和人员的逃生通道,如何保证人员在疏散过程中的安全显得尤为重要。

    Many road tunnels have service tunnel , and the service tunnel is designed to be a evacuation passage for vehicles and people in emergency . Therefore , how to assure the safety of evacuees is very important .

  22. 摘要:楼梯结构作为重要的竖向逃生通道,在汶川地震发生时却先于主体框架结构发生破坏,没有发挥其应有的功能,造成大量的人员伤亡。

    ABSTRACT : As important vertical escape exits , a lot of stairs were destroyed before the body structures at Wenchuan Earthquake , which did not perform their proper functions and resulted in large numbers of people injured .

  23. 楼梯作为发生地震和火灾时重要紧急逃生竖向通道,对主体结构刚度的影响不容忽视。

    Staircase as earthquake and fire emergency escape key vertical channels , the impact on the overall structural stiffness can not be ignored .

  24. 撤退途中,莱娅前往自己的逃生运输机的通道被切断了,不过她搭上汉·索洛的“千年隼”成功逃脱。

    Leia 's access to her own escape transport was cut off , but she managed to escape in Han Solo 's Millennium Falcon .

  25. 楼梯是楼房中的竖向交通途径,也是地震时人群疏散逃生的重要通道。

    The stairs are not only the vertical transportation channel in a building , but also the important way for people to evacuate and escape in earthquake .

  26. 但是火灾发生后,作为人员逃生的竖向疏散通道如果遭受烟气侵害,不仅对人员的逃生不利,而且会加快烟气向其他楼层的蔓延。

    However , it is not only harmful to escape , but also beneficial for smoke to spread quickly to other floors if the smoke moves into the vertical escape evacuation routes while it is on fire .

  27. 通过分析计算数据,得出逃生效率取决于逃生设施设置间距、逃生通道宽度、桥面高度这三个因素。

    Calculated by analyzing the data obtained the escape efficiency depends on set spacing , the width of escape routes , bridge height of these three factors .