
  • 网络lifeline;life line;Flame-resisting Life-saving line
  1. 该安全带或防堕设备应系于适当之独立救生绳或固定系稳物。

    The safety harness or fall arresting device should be attached to an independent lifeline or an anchorage suitable for the purpose .

  2. 注意!在甲板上用栏杆和救生绳。

    Attention ! Make use of hand rails and lifelines in corridors and on deck .

  3. 许多家长用这笔钱确保孩子能继续上学,但是现在这根救生绳要被切断了。

    But this life line which many parents choose to keep children in school will now be cut off .

  4. 包括:防护服、空气呼吸器、耐炎救生绳、防爆灯、太平斧、安全头盔、消防胶靴、安全腰带各一。

    Parts including : Protective Clothing , Breathing Apparatus , Fire Retardant Life-Saving Rope , Exposition Proof Lamp , Axe , Helmet , Fire-fighting boots and Belt .

  5. 他在身上系好安全带,然后跳入水中,手一把一把地抓紧通向救生艇的静力绳向前走。

    He attached a safety line and leaped into the water , moving hand over hand along the static rope toward the dinghy .