
jiù jì yuàn
  • poorhouse;alms-house;institution for the poor
  1. 最后,她突然说道:“那个孩子,你打算怎么办?”“我觉得你理解我的意思,她会去救济院的,”乔回答说,表现出似乎对她的问题很惊讶的样子。

    At last she said , abruptly ; " What are you going to do with that child ? " " I thought you understood me that she was to go to the poorhouse , " replied Joe , as if surprised at her question .

  2. 民国时期的救济机构在继承前朝做法的基础上,颁布《各地方救济院规则》,整顿全国的救济机构,恢复和重新建立救济院。

    Succeeding to the methods used by the former dynasty the relief institutions of the Republic issued the Rule for Each Local Poorhouse , reorganized the relief institutions all over the country , and rebuilt some poorhouses .

  3. 国民政府时期四川省的救济院研究

    Research on Relief Institute of Sichuan Province in National Government Period

  4. 改组与经营:民国时期的天津救济院

    Reorganization and Management : Tianjin Relief Institute in the Republic Period

  5. 1.贫民所,救济院这小屋的前身是一座建于1615年的济贫院。

    The cottage was formerly an almshouse constructed in 1615 .

  6. 救济院的孩子吃得都比一般孩子多。

    Workhouse boys always cost more to keep than they 're worth .

  7. 她怎么死的,救济院来的?

    What 'd she die of , workhouse ?

  8. 经费是救济院开展业务和取得成效的基础。

    Fund was the foundation to launch the business and make achievements in the institute .

  9. 我进来后要好好教训你一顿,救济院的小子。

    Then I 'll whop you one when I get in , you workhouse brat .

  10. 这些没有父母的孩子会被送到救济院吃早餐。

    All these children without parents will be sent to a charity to get breakfast .

  11. 你要哭了吗,救济院来的?

    You gonna cry , workhouse ?

  12. 很快,这件事就变得艰难起来,因为每一家公立救济院背后都有一位富有的资助人在支撑;

    It quickly became difficult : for every almshouse there was a wealthy patron who 'd paid for it ;

  13. 每个人都在救济院之外的地方找他,万一他从没离开过呢?

    Everybody is looking for him outside the asylum , but what if he never left ? What if ...

  14. 临死,人家把他送到纳凯救济院,我就是在那儿看到他的,当时我是救济院的住院医生。

    He was taken to the Necker Hospital , where I saw him . I was house-surgeon in that hospital .

  15. 天津救济院成立之初,为完全官办救济机关,在社会救济中力不从心。

    Tianjin Relief Centre was first established , government-run relief for all organs , in the community of insufficient relief .

  16. 如同狄更斯的其他小说,本书揭露许多当时的社会问题,如救济院、童工、以及帮派吸收青少年参与犯罪等。本书曾多次改编为电影、电视及舞台剧。

    The novel is one of Dickens 's best-known works , and has been the subject of numerous film and television adaptations .

  17. 救济院是国民政府时期政府设立的综合办理社会救济的机构。

    Relief institute was a comprehensive organization , which was set up to handle the social relief in the period of National government .

  18. 他们经常傍晚枣这是他们睡醒的时候枣在妇女救济院四周的草地上碰头。

    They were in the habit of assembling at nightfall , the hour when they woke up , on the plains which adjoin the Salpetriere .

  19. 妈妈:嗯,外面唯一免费的食物,要到救济院才吃得到,而且他们的汤可没我的好喝

    Well , the only free food on the streets is from a soup kitchen , and their soup isn 't as tasty as mine !

  20. 虽然贫穷,你也应该热爱生活,因为即使在救济院,你也有自己的快乐、激动与辉煌的时刻。

    Love your life , poor as it is . You may perhaps have some peasant , thrilling , glorious hours , even in a poor-house .

  21. 我的家人可能要搬去“贫民救济院”(呃,其实我想说的是“条件差一点的房子”)。

    My family could be on its way to the14 ) poor house ( er , poorer house ) . Life as we knew it could be over .

  22. 琼斯先生在自己的店铺里同顾客争辩,生意没做成。“你再多话,就还会让咱们搬进救济院哩!”琼斯太太说。

    Mr Jones lost the customer in his store by arguing with him . " you 'll talk us into the poor house yet !" said Mrs jones .

  23. 当时的医院主要分为四类:麻风病院,救济院,为贫穷的徒步旅行者和朝圣者提供食宿的医院以及照料生病穷人的医院。

    The hospital is mainly divides into four categories : the leper hospital ; almshouse ; hospital for poor relief , hikers and pilgrims and hospital for the sick poor .

  24. 国民政府为维护社会的安定,在各地增建了许多游民习艺所、贫民教养院、救济院等机构来收容教养贫困人群。

    In order to defend social stability , the citizen government established many stations to accommodate the poor crowd such as the vagrant house , the pauper reformatory and the relief institution etc.

  25. 此外,园里还有一个牲口棚,最初是救济院的厨房,现在主教在那里养着两头母牛。

    In addition to this , there was in the garden a stable , which had formerly been the kitchen of the hospital , and in which the Bishop kept two cows .

  26. 哈里斯互动公司的格里夫斯说,在人们的基本需求难以得到满足的年景,个人的援助常常能增加食品的供给,救济院的设施和卫生保健的加强。

    Greeves , of Harris Interactive , said that in a year when people are having trouble meeting basic needs , giving by individuals usually increases food , shelter and health care .

  27. 例如,一位社会医疗工作者因为照顾孩子而选择离职。后来她凭借救济院志愿者服务的经历成功获得另一家救济院提供的一份有偿工作&志愿者经理。

    For instance , a medical social worker who took a career break to care for her children parlayed her volunteer work at a hospice into a paid position at another hospice , as a volunteer manager .

  28. 尽管有层层的男搜查人员和女搜查人员,巴伯终于想到办法把那字条从拉弗尔斯监狱送到他的一个被关在妇女救济院的“相好”手里。

    In spite of male and female searchers , Babet managed to pass the note on from La Force to the Salpetriere , to a " good friend " whom he had and who was shut up there .

  29. 我们也不应总是哀悼这种美德:它们会产生邪恶的信仰,招致战争、不公和压迫;它们不只催生伟大的思想、大胆的政治活动,还会滋生帝国和奴隶制、排外行为和救济院。

    Nor should such virtues always be mourned : they have been a source of bad faith , warfare , inequality and oppression : part of the energy not just of great thought , or bold politics , but also of Empire and slavery , exclusion and the workhouse .

  30. 我在救济站、养老院,公共图书馆和公园都做过志愿者。

    I have volunteered at soup kitchens , retirement homes , public libraries and parks .