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jiù shú
  • redemption;redeem;rescue and redeem
  1. 他们得到了救赎,不再把自己的生活看作是自己的私事。

    They were saved from looking at their lives as their own private affair .

  2. 他仅仅把这称之为是人的高傲为了自我救赎而退出了王座。

    It is merely claimed that this is abdicating to save itself .

  3. 我们需要消毒,需要治疗,需要救赎。

    We have to recover from some poison , need saving , ransoming .

  4. 坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人

    It takes a strong man to save himself , and a great man to save another .

  5. 因此,上帝的话-将祂自己权威性的救赎应许赐给了人-必须是自证的

    Thus , a word of God , giving his own authoritative promise of redemption , must be self-attesting .

  6. adhoc网络中一种基于救赎机制的信任模型

    A Redemption-based Trust Model for Ad Hoc Networks

  7. 同时他还凭借在《借刀杀人》(Collateral)中与汤姆·克鲁斯的对手戏,而被提名为电影类最佳男配角的提名;并因《救赎》(Redemption)入围最佳电视类男演员的角逐。

    Foxx was also nominated as best supporting actor for his role opposite Tom Cruise in Collateral and as best actor in a TV series or miniseries for Redemption .

  8. Tess丧失伊甸园的原因是因为她所犯的原罪,由此也直接导致了她的谋杀罪,她后来所经历的救赎与再生则是她为了自己的谋杀罪所需付出的代价。

    The cause for her loss of the Garden is her original sin , which leads to her murdering of Alec . Afterwards , her redemption and regeneration are the price she must pay for her crime .

  9. 今年的救赎节撞上了威尼斯双年展(VeniceBiennale),后者把成千上万来自全球各地的高端游客吸引到威尼斯,欣赏最新的艺术、舞蹈和戏剧作品。

    This year , the celebration coincided with the Venice Biennale , which draws thousands of sophisticated , globe-trotting visitors to Venice to check out the latest in art , dance and theater .

  10. Dickason先生建议我们不要把钱花在太阳能板子上,而用来买一台节能电冰箱,荧光灯泡,和其它具有环保意识的产品来”救赎我们的良心“。

    Mr Dickason advised us to spend our money not on solar panels , but on an energy-efficient refrigerator , fluorescent light bulbs and other conservation-minded items to salve our consciences .

  11. 第五章主要阐释对苦难的救赎。

    In the fifth chapter it displays the salvation of suffering .

  12. 首先,小说环境和人物的寓言式书写体现了现代寓言理论的救赎性。

    Firstly , allegorical environment and characters embodies the redemption characteristic .

  13. 尼采审美主义与基督教救赎说之比较

    A comparison of Nietzsche 's aestheticism and Christian doctrine on salvation

  14. 救赎我脱离强暴人的手吗。

    Or , Redeem me from the hand of the mighty ?

  15. 只有那些承认自己不能救赎自己的。

    Only those who will acknowledge that they cannot save themselves .

  16. 基督徒相信耶稣是世界的救赎。

    Christians believe that Christ is the salvation of the world .

  17. 下次你发现自己需要救赎的时候

    the next time you find yourself in need of salvation ,

  18. 一个绝望的灵魂寻找救赎在你的床上。

    One more desperate soul looking for redemption in your bed .

  19. 但如果你犯罪,你必须救赎自己。

    But if you commit a sin , you must redeem yourself .

  20. 试析王安忆小说《乌托邦诗篇》的救赎主题

    Subject of Salvation of Wang Anyi 's Fiction Utopia Psalm

  21. 因为那些人根本就不想被救赎。

    Because the people there don 't want it to be saved .

  22. 上帝的救赎就是以耶稣基督为中心。

    God 's salvation is centred on the person of Jesus Christ .

  23. 上帝赐下救赎主,唤醒无限感恩之情。

    God 's highest Gift should awaken our deepest gratitude .

  24. 以换取整个家族的永恒救赎。

    In return for eternal salvation of his entire family .

  25. 你的人生,你的言行将会是对我的救赎,孩子。

    Your life and your deeds will be my redemption , son .

  26. 因著耶稣基督的救赎,我们便得著救恩。

    Salvation in Christ is free , because of grace .

  27. 从此以后,客体变成灵魂的救赎。

    The object thereafter became the salvation of the soul .

  28. 克拉莉莎的救赎&特里·伊格尔顿的马克思主义文本批评

    The Salvation of Clarissa & The Marxism Text Criticism of Terry Eagleton

  29. 耶稣宣告救赎的工作“完成了”。

    Jesus declares the work of salvation " finished " .

  30. 为了救赎我的灵魂这点代价不足挂齿

    It 's a small price to pay to restore my soul .