
Deutsche Bank estimates that the Greek economy in 2014 will be a fifth smaller than was envisaged by the International Monetary Fund in May 2010 , when Athens got its first rescue package .
It was lunchtime and the seven of us two kids and five adults would be in the car for the next three hours as we drove from New York City to upstate Connecticut for the weekend .
Not at all , it 's only a petite self-sufficient apartment .
Steve : He ran a little hardware store in my hometown .
As a fifth grader , he received his school 's attendance award .
You are five years younger than my son .
The giant 's five years younger than me .
French Navy 's Rubis Class Nuclear Attack Submarine
The man-made disaster prevention literacy of fifth grade students'performances nationwide was good and positive .
That is five times smaller than the pearl that the fisherman just handed in .
I thought that was because , I was 5 / 6 years younger than him .
Contrastive Research on Relatedness Effect in Memory Illusion between Pupils in Grade Five and Undergraduates in Grade Two
When I was in fifth grade , I decided that I didn 't want to eat meat anymore .
Although spadger is small , completely of the whole , don 't have my house is like this .
This box is five times smaller than that one . The sales of industrial electronic products have multiplied six times .
They have discovered that women who drink four or more cups a day are a fifth less likely to become depressed .
The results of this research indicate that : ( 1 ) all subjects have no mature ability of syllogistic reasoning in this research ;
The Admission Scholarship will be granted to students ranked top10 in primary five and six , provided the number of students in the level is100 or more .
Cameron is in fact five years younger than his American counterpart . But when he meets President Obama in Washington this week , the age difference will look more like 10 years .
On Wednesday morning , the woman , who uses the pseudonym Xiao Wu to protect her privacy , took part in another , separately organized activity , intended to raise awareness about sexual harassment on campus .
The traditional understanding is that Little Red Riding Hood was eaten by the Big Bad Wolf because she was not careful , so the moral of the story is often said to be to stay at home and not go anywhere , said Xiao Wu by telephone from Xiamen .
In photos circulated on Sina Weibo , Xiao Wu and nine other female students can be seen standing at the entrance of their respective universities , dressed in identical Little Red Riding Hood costumes and carrying swords and shields inscribed with the characters : " Give female students back our freedom and our nights . "