
jīnɡ jīnɡ
  • bright and brilliant
晶晶 [jīng jīng]
  • [bright] 明亮

  • 晶晶然如镜之新开。--明. 袁宏道《满井游记》

  • 日光晶晶。

  1. 小男孩并不知道自己在哪儿,而是在钢琴上弹奏着“一闪一闪亮晶晶”。

    Without knowing where he was , the boy was picking out Twinkle , Twinkle , Little star .

  2. 音乐会那天晚上,妈妈戴上亮晶晶的耳环,脸上没见她这么打扮过

    The evening of concert Mom wore glittery earrings and more makeup than I could remember .

  3. ~4He~+在Al和Si单晶晶面沟道中的半波长及阻止本领

    Half wavelength and stopping power for planar channeled ~ 4he ~ + ions in Al and Si crystals

  4. 综述了激光非晶晶化制备Fe基纳米软磁材料的国内外研究进展和现状。

    Preparation of Fe-based amorphous nanocrystalline soft magnetic materials has received much attention in a variety of fields .

  5. 晶晶在她的每个细胞中的两个DNA备份在许多地方都不相同,显示出高得惊人的杂合度。

    Jingjing 's two copies of DNA in each of her cells differed in many places , demonstrating a surprisingly high rate of heterozygosity .

  6. YAP和YAG单晶晶纤中Nd~(3+)离子分布

    The nd ion distribution in YAG and Yap single crystal fibers

  7. 溶剂的pH值对水热制备CeO2纳米晶晶化机制的影响

    Effect of pH Value of Medium on Crystallization Mechanisms for Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanocrystalline Cerium ( IV ) Oxide Powders

  8. 通过高温X射线衍射、扫描电镜等技术研究了合金在不同温度下的非晶晶化过程。

    The progress of crystallization from amorphous state at different temperatures were researched by means of X-ray diffraction and scanning electronic microscope ( SEM ) .

  9. 采用非晶晶化法制备出晶粒尺寸不同的Ni-P合金复相纳米晶体样品。

    Different grain-sized nanocrystalline Ni-P alloy samples with two crystalline phases of a Ni solid solution and a Ni_3P compound have been synthesized by the crystallization method .

  10. 差示扫描量热法(DSC)分析球磨粉的晶化过程中发现,其非晶晶化过程中无结构弛豫现象。

    Using DSC , it is found that the amorphous crystallization of ball milling powders has its own specialty .

  11. 用X射线电子能量色散谱(EDS)对YAP和YAG单晶晶纤中Nd离子分布作了测量。

    The Nd ion distribution in YAG and YAP single crystal fibers has been de-termined with method of X-ray electronic probe .

  12. 另外,还采用WAXD、高压DSC和常压DSC等方法对聚丙烯原生晶晶型、熔点、结晶度等进行研究。

    Secondly , initial crystalline , melt point and crystalline degree were investigated with WAXD , high pressure DSC and general DSC .

  13. D-D结合型金刚石聚晶晶界结构及其生长模式

    The interfacial structure of POLYCRYSTALLINES of D d ( bonding ) diamond and its growth pattern

  14. 结果表明,在复合催化剂作用下,SiC晶须的含量达到30%以上,晶须表面光洁,为完整β-SiC单晶晶须。

    The results indicate that the content of the SiC whisker is over 30 % with the role of the composite catalyst . The surface of the SiC whisker is smooth .

  15. 首先,采用快速包套锻热机械处理和非晶晶化法两种工艺制备了细晶TiAl基合金,为超塑性变形提供条件;

    First , a fine-grained TiAl-based alloy is obtained by a quickly canned-forging thermo-mechanical processing or by crystallization of mechanically alloyed amorphous Ti-50at % Al .

  16. 若要寻找穿戴类的纪念品,Renatta&Go(T恤售价从15欧元左右起)有别致的女性休闲服饰出售,还有Aristocrazy,那里所有亮晶晶的东西都是镀金制品(戒指售价从50欧元起),在饰品领域的生意十分兴隆。

    For wearable souvenirs , Renatta & Go ( T-shirts start about 15 euros ) has chic casual wear for women and girls , and all that glitters is merely gold-plated at Aristocrazy ( rings from 50 euros ) , which does a booming business in costume jewelry .

  17. 探讨了Zr元素对非晶晶化的影响,发现随着Zr元素替代Cu元素,提高了非晶的第一晶化温度。

    The effect of Zr content on the crystallization of amorphous alloys was discussed . It is found that the first crystallization temperature of amorphous alloys increases with the substitute of Zr for Cu .

  18. 同时研究了在不同聚合条件下原生态sPS结晶动力学规律。并且发现溶液聚合中改变溶剂的性质,对sPS原生晶晶型不产生影响,始终是δ晶型。

    The investigation on crystallization kinetics of nascent sPS shows that the crystal of nascent sPS from solution polymerization is in 6 type and does not change with variety of solvent .

  19. 根据等温转变过程晶体相形核孕育期采用Arrhenius公式所确定的晶化激活能更能反映非晶晶化过程及非晶的稳定性。

    It reflects the devitrification process and stability of amorphous better that the nucleation incubation time during isothermal heating was adopted to calculate activation energy of crystallization through Arrhenius equation .

  20. 华人圈内首家同志主题书店晶晶书库(GinGinStore)的发言人杨平靖谴责立法委员们在这个问题上装聋作哑。

    James Yang , a spokesman for Gin Gin Store , one of the first bookstores dedicated to the LGBT community and sexology in the Chinese-speaking world , blames the legislators of turning a deaf ear . '

  21. 非晶晶化法制备Si-Al-Zr-O系超微细晶复相陶瓷

    Preparation of Si-Al-Zr-O Composite Ceramics with Ultra Fine Grains by in situ Controlled Crystallizing from the Amorphous Bulk

  22. 球磨60h粉末在退火过程中除了晶体缺陷和应力释放等过程以外,有明显的非晶晶化和NiW相析出过程。

    For the powders milled for 60 h , besides the relaxation of crystal defaults and lattice stress , the crystallization of amorphous and the precipitation of NiW phase were both evident during the annealing .

  23. 城市项目的创始人AugostoPiazza说道:“汽车主宰一切,”他是一个有着亮晶晶的蓝眼睛,步履轻快,穿着黄马甲的淘气鬼。

    " Cars rule ," said Augosto Piazza , the founder of the city 's program , an elfin man with shining blue eyes , a bouncing gait and a yellow vest .

  24. 云已消散,露出了亮晶晶的星星。

    The clouds cleared away and the stars shone very brightly .

  25. 有限变形下多晶晶体塑性模型算法及应用

    Integration Algorithm for Elasto-Viscoplastic Crystals Applied to Modeling Polycrystalline Finite Deformation

  26. 你们可以看到我留着长头发,眼睛亮晶晶的。

    You can see I have long hair and bright eyes .

  27. 我的女儿苏兰和晶晶都是高中生。

    My daughters Sulan and Jingjing are high school students .

  28. 媚兰惊叫着,数了数那些亮晶晶的硬币,显然给吓住了。

    Cried melanie , awed , as she counted the bright pieces .

  29. 夜空有数不清的亮晶晶的星星。

    Countless stars are glistening in the sky at night .

  30. 迎迎对晶晶说:她真的是一个高傲的女孩。

    Y says to J : She is really a prideful girl .