
  1. 第二部分探讨明诗话中趣的涵义,包括趣的语义涵义和审美涵义。

    Part II discusses implication of Qu in poems of Ming dynasty : semantic and aesthetic meaning .

  2. 二暗一明农田灌排模式经济后评价

    Secondary Economical Evaluation of Farmland Irrigation and Drainage Mode with Two Kinds of Closed Conduits and One Kind of Open Ditches

  3. 第二部分研究明中期辞赋的主体题材、内容及时代特征。

    The second part of the paper researches the major themes and contents of the mid-Ming Fu and characteristics of the times .

  4. 以锡山市张泾镇泾北村的二暗一明灌排工程为例,探讨了该类工程经济后评价方法。

    Taking an irrigation and drainage project with two kinds of closed conduits and one kind of open ditches in Xishan City for example , the secondary economical evaluation method for this mode projects is discussed .

  5. 第二部分概述晚明的同性恋小说。

    Chapter two summarizes the homosexual novels in the late Ming Dynasty .

  6. 第二章:释明权制度比较研究。

    Chapter Tw the comparative study on the judge 's interpretation power system .

  7. 第二章概括中晚明自传文的总体特征,从自我书写和叙述手法两方面来论述,为下文的详细探讨作铺垫。

    Chapter ⅱ will summarize the general character of autobiographical essay by discussing self-description and narratives , which can pave the way for exploring below in detail .

  8. 第二章则对释明权行使的原则、要求、内容、方式、程序、法律效果和救济等进行了详尽的分析,为法官行使释明权提供了一个具体的标准;

    Chapter two has carried on an exhaustive analysis on principles , demands , contents , ways , procedure , legal results and relief ways about the enforcement of hermeneutic right , All these have offered a concrete standard to the judge .

  9. 第二部分指出中晚明时期社会各方面的特殊性,以及娱乐文论在此期间兴盛的必然性,具体分析娱乐文论产生的原因,从社会历史背景和文学风气转变两个方面来探讨。

    The second part indicates the particularity of society in the time of middle and later Ming Dynasty , and the prospering inevitability of the amusing literature theory , concretely , analyze the reasons that comes into being from two aspects , society and literature .