
  1. 第四,提出一种二取二乘二安全计算机冗余结构,并基于先进的高性能微处理器PowerPC,研制了主处理单元、安全I/O通道、外部通信接口等。

    Fourthly , the redundant structure of 2 out of 2 multiplying 2 for safety computer is proposed . And the main control unit , safety I / O channels , external communication interfaces , etc. are developed based on the advanced PowerPC processor .

  2. 二取一冗余计算机控制系统的同步方法

    A synchronizing method for one out of two redundant computer control system

  3. 基于通用计算机的二取二安全计算平台的研究

    Research on Two out of Two Safety Computing Platform Based on Common Computer

  4. 硬件设计方面:主控单元和计数单元采用了二取二结构;选用动态驱动安全型输入输出电路。

    Hardware design : Main control unit and axle-count unit use the " two out of two " security structure ; Using the dynamic drive safety I / O circuit .

  5. 最后,研究安全计算机软件的系统底层实现方法,给出了二取二乘二冗余结构安全计算机的软件实现方案。

    At last , the realization methods of bottom system level software in the safety computer are studied . And the 2 out of 2 multiplying 2 design schemes of safety computer software are proposed .

  6. 二次取尖提高苹果脱毒率研究

    The Research on Improving Apple Virus Elimination Rate by Twice Shoot-tip Removal

  7. 震旦二字取东方光明及前途无量之意。

    " Aurora " from the word Oriental bright and promising was intended .

  8. 第二阶段取前二名为优胜方案。

    At second stage , the first two plans will be superior plans .

  9. 长沙市二水厂取水泵房沉井下沉施工

    Construction of Sunk Well Sinkage in Changsha City No.2 Water Works Water-taken Pump House

  10. 当我第二次取看她的时候,我看见有的那只手长成了畸形。

    On my next visit , I saw that her hand had grown deformed .

  11. 取岩屑钻进技术专题讲座第二讲取岩屑钻进方法分析

    Analysis of Chip Drilling Methods

  12. 上海外高桥电厂二期取排水隧道设计介绍

    Introduction of Design of Water Supply and Drainage Tunnel in Second Phase of the Project at Shanghai Waigaoqiao Power Plant

  13. 总的结石取净率为100%(42/42),其中38例一期取石成功,4例二期取石成功。

    The overall stone clearance rate was 100 % ( 42 / 42 ), including 38 cases of stone removal on one session and 4 cases of two-staged clearance .

  14. 分析了丁二烯快轻超标的原因,提出了通过优化第二等取蒸馏部分的操作等措施来降低了二烯快经的方法。

    The article analyzes causes for butadiene which contains alkyne that exceeds to advance the method of reducing butadiene alkyne quantity through optimal operation of part of 2nd extractive distillation .

  15. 另一方面,知道自己可以回去再拿一份食物(如果你需要的话)可以让你在第一次取食物时在盘子里少放一些,并让你的身体在第二次取食物前收到已经饱了的讯号。

    On the other hand , knowing you can go back for another helping ( if need be ) encourages you to put less on your plate the first time around and allows your body to register fullness before the second helping .

  16. 3例失败,其中2例二次取内固定术中才被发现,第3例术后8个月X线片有假关节形成表现,再次术中也证实有假关节形成。

    Patients developed nonunion , 2 of 3 failures were firstly recognized in the operation of removing the internal devices , the remained one was found signs of pseudoarthrosis on X ray films taken 8 months after instrumentation and identified in the secondary operation .

  17. 基于FPGA的二乘二取二安全系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of FPGA Based Double 2-Vote-2 Security System

  18. SAP、UAP、对照组患者均于入院第二天清晨取空腹静脉血,心肌梗死患者于入院后即刻抽取静脉血,保证发病至采血的时间在6小时内。

    Blood samples were obtained from venous at the next morning after admission of the patients of SAP , UAP and control groups .

  19. 二段浸取硫酸浓度为92%,酸渣比为3∶1,熟化温度为200℃,熟化时间为1.5h。

    The second leaching condition is : 92 % H_2SO_4 , the acid-sludge ratio of 3:1 , temperature 200 ℃, time 1.5h .

  20. 计算机联锁系统二乘二取二容错结构分析

    Analysis of double 2-vote-2 fault-tolerant architecture used in Computer-based Interlocking System

  21. 硫酸铜二步法制取细铜粉新工艺

    A New Technique Making Copper Powder by CuSO_4 Two Step Method

  22. 一种嵌入式二乘二取二容错计算机联锁系统设计

    Design of An Embedded Double 2-VOTE-2 Fault Tolerant Computer-Based Interlocking System

  23. 二者必取其一。

    We must choose one or the other of these two policies .

  24. 因此,不是停战就是媾和,二者必取其一。

    Hence arose the alternative of armistices and peace .

  25. 二乘二取二冗余系统的可靠性和安全性分析

    Reliability and Security Analysis of Double 2-Vote-2 Redundancy System

  26. 湿浸硫酸镍工艺中的二次浸取

    Second leaching in wet leaching technology of nickel sulfate

  27. 二乘二取二计算机联锁控制系统的研究

    Study on Double 2-vote-2 Computer-based Interlocking System

  28. 第二步,取下激光外线

    Step 2 : Remove The Laser Diod

  29. 实验室及中试试验表明:采用二次浸取工艺替代蒸发浓缩工艺,行之有效。

    The tests of laboratory and plant indicate that it is efficient to replace inspissationwith second leaching .

  30. 上海市第二水源长江取水口环境生物调查和质量评价&(Ⅰ.浮游生物)

    Environmental Organism Investigation and Environmental Quality Assessment of Intakes of Yangtze River , The Second Water Source of Shanghai .