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  1. 有关这一问题的种种解释,人们非常熟悉,无非是个人计算机不很普及,原因是用键盘输入日本假名有难度;

    S.The explanations are familiar : personal computers are not popular because it 's difficult to use the Japanese alphabet on a keyboard ;

  2. 正与反的结合才使得反讽在假名著作中有了更为深刻的作用,即给人指出一条逃脱直接性生活的道路,这也注定了反讽不是目的而是通向真实生活的阶梯。

    The combination of contradictions that makes his works in the pseudonym embodied with a more profound effect , which offers a retreat from direct life . Irony is not an end but a ladder leading to a authentic life .