- 网络dive;Diving;flop

To Herrera - and , presumably , just about every Mexico fan at Est á dio Castel ã o - Robben , who is known for embellishing , took a dive .
I didn 't dive or deliberately handball , but I pushed and pulled defenders in my time .
The concept of " bumping porcelain " helps explain why NBA players who flop or otherwise try to draw fouls they don 't deserve are called " Sons of Jingdezhen , " as Jingdezhen is a town in China famous as a center of porcelain production .
You mean , like , fake somebody out ?
However , he has faced accusations of diving at this year 's World Cup .
Instead , both teams kicked , dived and play-acted their way through much of the match .
Honest players are punished for their decency every time an opponent dives to win a penalty .
A swift and reliable means of punishing flops during a game is the only true solution .
We didn ` t like that , and we are unhappy to see Cesc doing the same .
Jones accused the Scottish midfielder of deliberately diving to win the free-kick from which Steven Gerrard scored .
But , as the league has found out , it 's not just defensive players who flop .
Piss off to Spain or Italy , where they niggle , dive or pull shirts , he writes .
As much as it may be unappealing to many , diving is just apart of the game of soccer .
Robben said afterward that while he did dive once in the first half , the final call was legitimate .
Your greatest achievement is on the rooney 's diving and referees 's black whistle stoped the arsenal 's unbeaten myth .
The league is using this season as a case study trying to determine how often flopping occurs in a game .
Still , players sometimes are hesitant to attack the rim because they know floppers are lurking in hope of drawing phantom offensive fouls .
Shevchenko looked to have slipped before colliding with Lee for the spot-kick and Mourinho defended the Ukrainian from suggestions that he may have dived .
Television cameras in every ground have brought diving to the fore , but they have also helped to drive the hatchet men from the game .
Many players are hesitant to point fingers at players who are floppers , but for the most part they are widely known throughout the NBA .
" I 'm aware of what people are calling me but I know I am not a diver and it 's not a problem for me . "
" I think the league has gone soft over the last few years and they 've got to do something about all of the flopping ," O'Neal said .
The NBA is considering giving referees the option of whistling players for technical fouls if they deem that a player has flopped in an attempt to get a call .
Wenger is worried Pires has gained a reputation , especially after the way in which he won a penalty against Portsmouth earlier this season despite the faintest of contact with Dejan stefanovic .
Some over-exaggerated diving and a petulant elbow that saw him sent off in March did little for his standing and earned him a second three-match ban just as Arsenal were finding their form .
Referee Halsey checked with the linesman and gave a goal-kick , at which point Jose Mourinho rose furiously from his bench to demand from Halsey why he hadn 't booked Johnson for diving .
I watch Barcelona on television and see the players diving , but the important thing for us to do is step on to the field with a cool head and help the referee .
Since Harden is the acknowledged master of this art , he has been dubbed the " Mayor of Jingdezhen , " which we might translate more freely as the " Mayor of Floptown . "
We coped with it well , even when they got a slightly controversial free-kick outside the box and they put it in , we still kept at it and found ourselves in the game .
At times , it 's as though a European soccer game has broken out what with the way players fall flailing to the floor only to get up seconds later and sprint back up the court .