
  • 网络dive;Diving;flop
  1. 对于埃雷拉,或许还有卡斯特劳体育场(EstádioCastelão)的每一名墨西哥球迷来说,以动作夸张而闻名的罗本是在“假摔”。

    To Herrera - and , presumably , just about every Mexico fan at Est á dio Castel ã o - Robben , who is known for embellishing , took a dive .

  2. 我没有假摔或者故意手球,但我拉扯后卫。

    I didn 't dive or deliberately handball , but I pushed and pulled defenders in my time .

  3. “碰瓷”的概念也帮助解释了为什么那些假摔或者其他意图骗取犯规的NBA球员叫“景德镇之子”了(景德镇是一个著名的生产瓷器的中国小镇)。

    The concept of " bumping porcelain " helps explain why NBA players who flop or otherwise try to draw fouls they don 't deserve are called " Sons of Jingdezhen , " as Jingdezhen is a town in China famous as a center of porcelain production .

  4. 你是说,利用假摔把别人罚出场?

    You mean , like , fake somebody out ?

  5. 但在本届世界杯比赛中,内马尔因为假摔遭到不少非议。

    However , he has faced accusations of diving at this year 's World Cup .

  6. 双方都在不断的踢人,假摔。用西班牙的方式踢球。

    Instead , both teams kicked , dived and play-acted their way through much of the match .

  7. 诚实的球员因为他们的正派而付出代价,因为他们的对手在假摔。

    Honest players are punished for their decency every time an opponent dives to win a penalty .

  8. 在比赛进行中迅速且准确地惩罚假摔是唯一的正解。

    A swift and reliable means of punishing flops during a game is the only true solution .

  9. 我们很不喜欢假摔,也同样对法布做同样的事而感到不悦。

    We didn ` t like that , and we are unhappy to see Cesc doing the same .

  10. 琼斯指控苏格兰中场有意假摔才帮助杰拉德赢得了进球的任意球。

    Jones accused the Scottish midfielder of deliberately diving to win the free-kick from which Steven Gerrard scored .

  11. 但是,联盟发现并不是只有防守队员才假摔。

    But , as the league has found out , it 's not just defensive players who flop .

  12. 特别反感西班牙队与意大利队,他们在场上爱找岔、假摔或者拉拽球衣,他在书中写道。

    Piss off to Spain or Italy , where they niggle , dive or pull shirts , he writes .

  13. 虽然很多人对假摔行为嗤之以鼻,但它其实也是足球比赛的一部分。

    As much as it may be unappealing to many , diving is just apart of the game of soccer .

  14. 罗本后来说,虽然他上半场假摔了一次,但这次摔倒却是真的。

    Robben said afterward that while he did dive once in the first half , the final call was legitimate .

  15. 你们最伟大的成就是靠鲁尼的假摔和裁判的黑哨阻止了阿森纳的不败神话。

    Your greatest achievement is on the rooney 's diving and referees 's black whistle stoped the arsenal 's unbeaten myth .

  16. 联盟正在用这个赛季作为研究样本来测定每场比赛假摔的发生频率。

    The league is using this season as a case study trying to determine how often flopping occurs in a game .

  17. 尽管这样,球员有时还是对攻到篮下犹豫不决,因为他们知道那些假摔者会突然冒出来然后给你来一个莫须有的进攻犯规。

    Still , players sometimes are hesitant to attack the rim because they know floppers are lurking in hope of drawing phantom offensive fouls .

  18. 舍瓦看上去是在李碰到他之前摔倒在地,穆帅为乌克兰人辩护说他没有假摔。

    Shevchenko looked to have slipped before colliding with Lee for the spot-kick and Mourinho defended the Ukrainian from suggestions that he may have dived .

  19. 每块场地的电视摄像机会把假摔者来出来晒太阳,但是他们也会把凶猛的球员赶走。

    Television cameras in every ground have brought diving to the fore , but they have also helped to drive the hatchet men from the game .

  20. 真的要指出谁爱假摔,很多球员不会那么直接,但是联盟中的大部分假摔者是人所共知的。

    Many players are hesitant to point fingers at players who are floppers , but for the most part they are widely known throughout the NBA .

  21. “我知道一些人对于我的评价,但我知道我没有假摔,所以这对我不是什么问题。”

    " I 'm aware of what people are calling me but I know I am not a diver and it 's not a problem for me . "

  22. 我想最近几年的比赛变软了,联盟现在该对所有假摔行径采取行动了。

    " I think the league has gone soft over the last few years and they 've got to do something about all of the flopping ," O'Neal said .

  23. 联盟正在考虑给裁判执法权力,就是当裁判认为球员假摔骗犯规的话,他们可以选择吹该球员技术犯规。

    The NBA is considering giving referees the option of whistling players for technical fouls if they deem that a player has flopped in an attempt to get a call .

  24. 温格担心皮雷因为他有了这么一个假摔的名声,尤其是在与普斯毛斯的比赛之后,皮雷因为斯特法诺维奇的轻微的推搡,赢得一个点球。

    Wenger is worried Pires has gained a reputation , especially after the way in which he won a penalty against Portsmouth earlier this season despite the faintest of contact with Dejan stefanovic .

  25. 但是一些过分夸张的假摔和粗暴的肘击使得他在三月份表现很差劲,还得到了第二次停赛三场,而这一切都发生在阿森纳正在寻找他们的位置的时候。

    Some over-exaggerated diving and a petulant elbow that saw him sent off in March did little for his standing and earned him a second three-match ban just as Arsenal were finding their form .

  26. 裁判哈尔西征询边裁意见,给了球门球,而穆帅则因为没有向假摔的约翰逊出示黄牌了愤怒不已。

    Referee Halsey checked with the linesman and gave a goal-kick , at which point Jose Mourinho rose furiously from his bench to demand from Halsey why he hadn 't booked Johnson for diving .

  27. 我看过巴萨的比赛录像,里面会有他们的球员假摔。但重要的是我们我们要保持冷静。

    I watch Barcelona on television and see the players diving , but the important thing for us to do is step on to the field with a cool head and help the referee .

  28. 自从哈登被普遍认可为制瓷大师后,他也被提名为“景德镇镇长”。这个绰号也可以被直接翻译成“假摔市市长。”

    Since Harden is the acknowledged master of this art , he has been dubbed the " Mayor of Jingdezhen , " which we might translate more freely as the " Mayor of Floptown . "

  29. 我们应付得不错,他们在禁区前沿拿的那个任意球是假摔,但好在我们还是扳回来了。

    We coped with it well , even when they got a slightly controversial free-kick outside the box and they put it in , we still kept at it and found ourselves in the game .

  30. 这将会和欧洲足球对假摔采取措施达到一样的效果,当球员有时手舞足蹈般摔在草皮上,他们能做的只是很快爬起来然后冲回自己的半场。

    At times , it 's as though a European soccer game has broken out what with the way players fall flailing to the floor only to get up seconds later and sprint back up the court .