
  1. 我国独立董事职能应明确定位于监督。

    The function of our independent director should be made clear in supervision .

  2. 应明利用多年的观测资料,研究了西太平洋副热带高压对热带海温异常的响应及其相互作用过程。

    Observational data are used to study the response of subtropical high over the western Pacific on the SST anomalies .

  3. “客户第一,信誉至上”是公司的宗旨,公司法人代表应明祥携全体员工热忱欢迎海内外新老客户洽谈、导!

    Mr Ying Mingxiang who is the legal representative of the company with all staffs are most welcome the new and old customer from the home and abroad to make the discussion and guidance !

  4. 使用应明生教授提出的连续值逻辑语义的方法介绍了环的F-左、右理想的概念以及它们的一些等价性定义和性质

    In this paper , We use a semantic method of continuity valued logic to introduce the notion of left ideals and right ideals and ideals in a ring , and investigate some of their algebraic properties

  5. 症状规范应明确证、症状、体征、证候等概念,认识中医获取证候的特色,正确诠释、理解症状。

    Symptom standardization involves concept identifying of syndrome , symptom , physical sign and symptom group , understanding the features of gathering symptom groups in tcm , as well as correctly comprehending and defining the word symptom .

  6. 请购单应订明,供应商必须执行经认可的,已经文件化的质量计划。

    The PR shall stipulate that the vendor will implement an approved , documented Quality Program .

  7. 前项不受理之书面通知,应叙明理由。

    The notification in the preceding paragraph shall explain the reason of its rejection in writing .

  8. 每件货物上应刷明到货口岸、件号、毛沉及净重、尺码及唛头,安阳烟囱安装航标灯。

    Port of destination , package number , gross and net weights , measurement and shipping mark shall be stenciled conspicuously on each package .

  9. 如担保总额由一个以上的来源所提供,应列明每一来源的数额。

    If the total amount of security has been furnished by more than one source , the amount of each of them should be indicated .

  10. 精算报告中应列明测算的数据基础、精算方法和过程,确保费率水平的科学合理。

    The data basis , actuarial method and proceeding shall be indicated in the actuarial report so as to ensure that the premium rates are both scientific and reasonable .

  11. 如报告期内控股股东发生变更,应列明披露相关信息的指定报纸及日期。

    If the company 's controlling shareholder is changed during the report period , the newspapers where such information is disclosed and the date of disclosure shall be specified .

  12. 起造人因故不能于前项期限内开工时,应叙明原因,申请展期一次,期限为三个月。

    In case of failure to start construction within the time limit prescribed in the above paragraph , the proprietor shall explain the reasons to apply for extension of3 months for one time .

  13. 托收指示应列明付款人将要采取行动的确切期限。硬汉系列中又一感人至深的形象&托马斯·赫德森性格分析

    The collection instruction should state the exact period of time within which any action is to be taken by the drawee . Another Impressively Touching Tough Guy Image & character analysis of Thomas Hudson

  14. 公司应列明不在公司领取报酬、津贴的董事、监事的姓名,并注明其是否在股东单位或其他关联单位领取报酬、津贴。

    The company shall list the names of the directors and supervisors who do not get remunerations or allowances from it , and indicate whether they have gotten remunerations or allowances from any shareholding entities or any other connected entities .

  15. 前项查核签证规则,应订明会计师执行之查核程序、查核工作底稿、查核报告、财务报表之编制及其它应遵行事项。

    The examination and certification regulations referred to in the preceding paragraph shall specify matters related to the audit procedures to be carried out by the cpa , the audit working papers , the audit report , the preparation of financial statements , and other matters to be observed .

  16. 项目施工计划表上应清楚列明里程碑工程的重要性。

    Criticality of milestones shall be clearly set forth in the project implementation plan .

  17. 该预先通知书应清楚地声明本通知书仅供参考,且通知行不承担责任。

    This preliminary notification should state clearly that the notification is provided for information only and without the responsibility oif the advising bank .

  18. 在适用制造或加工工序标准的情况下,应准确列明授予有关货物原产地的工序;

    In cases where the criterion of manufacturing or processing operation is prescribed , the operation that confers origin on the good concerned shall be precisely specified ;

  19. 单击该表,然后单击重命名表按钮,或者双击表的标题条。每一个表名应清楚地表明表的主题。

    Click the table and then click the Rename Table button , or double-click the table 's title bar . Each table name should clearly identify the subject of the table .

  20. 银行帐号:填写在中国境内开户银行的名称和款项结算帐号,如系多家开户银行,应分别列明。

    A / C number : the name of the bank in China with which an account is opened and the A / C number of settlement . If accounts are opened with several banks , the names and numbers should be filled out respectively .

  21. 就DNV的工作,客户应按照已列明于本协议第三部份。

    The Customer shall pay DNV for the Work , as specified in Section III – Scope of Services and Remuneration – of this Agreement .

  22. 企业财务分析指标体系应能够充分、明淅,准确地评价企业的财务状况和经营成果。

    The finance analysis indexes should meet the requirements that the financial condition and the operating result of the enterprise be shown clearly , accurately and completely .

  23. 前项审查结果应通知投标厂商,对不合格之厂商,并应叙明其原因。

    The entity shall notify each tenderer of the outcome of the review referred to in the preceding paragraph and provide reasons for disqualified tenderers .