
yìng zhì
  • write poetry or essays upon the emperor's order;write poem according to the emperor's order
应制 [yìng zhì]
  • [write poem according to the emperor's order] 旧指由皇帝下诏命而作文赋诗的一种活动

应制[yìng zhì]
  1. 采用微波快速加热应制备PbTe分级结构,研究不同反应条件下PbTe的生长规律。

    Hierarchical PbTe structures were prepared by microwave rapid heating and the growth rule with different reaction conditions was researched .

  2. 结论CPRI评分可作为肺癌手术后心肺并发症的预测指标,CPRI评分高预示患者术后并发症危险性大,护理需求量增加,提示护理人员应制订针对性护理计划。

    Conclusion CPRI can serve as an indicator for the risk of postoperative complications in lung cancer patients . A high CPRI rating indicates a high risk of complications and higher demand for nursing care .

  3. 初唐应制诗研究

    Study of under Ordered Poem during the Initial Tang Dynasty

  4. 皇家婚礼上的应制音乐.低音的黄铜制管乐器。

    Occasional music for a royal wedding the lowest brass wind instrument .

  5. 应制词在具体技法上显得单调程式化。

    The Under-ordered Ci was monotonic and stereotyped in the sense of concrete practice .

  6. 战术导弹的自适应制导律

    The adaptive guidance law for tactical missiles

  7. 富艳精工是历朝应制词人的艺术追求。

    The feature of being flowery and delicately composed was the artistic pursuit of all these Ci writers .

  8. 帝王或朝廷往往以命人应制的方式直接推动词的创作。

    The kings and royal governments often promoted the composing of Ci directly by ordering people to do it .

  9. 工厂应制订符合当地法律的工资与补偿政策文件。

    The factory should write a policy on wages and compensation which is in compliance with the local laws .

  10. 但外资的引进不应是盲目的,应制定出科学合理的外资政策,对外资的利用加以制约,从而确保西部地区产业结构的科学化和合理化。

    However , scientific and reasonable policies of investment must be implemented to restrain it in order to ensure scientific and rational industrial structure .

  11. 早期应制词表现出由诗向词演进的轨迹,对词体的正式确立有特殊意义。

    The early Under-ordered Ci exhibited an evolutional track from the poetry to Ci , engendering special significance to the formal establishment of Ci genre .

  12. 而这一转变影响了刘义恭的诗文创作,其诗文风格多样、字雕句琢,呈现出缺乏真情实感,多阿谀奉承应制之辞的特点。

    And This change affects the literary creation of Liu Yigong so that his works characterized by diverse styles , carved words , lack of real sentiments and flattery .

  13. 从内容、题材上看,二者的应制诗、描写女性的诗歌、咏物诗有着很大的相同之处,他们在写作中都善于刻画、描摹景物,展现山水、自然之美。

    Form the content and the theme , they had similarity in flatter poems , the poems describing female and the poems describing objects . Both of them were good at portray scenery , show the nature .

  14. 徒诗可以分为侍宴、应制题材和宫体两大类,这里的宫体又包含了艳情、咏物、山水风景三种题材。

    The poem can be divided into two main category : Shiyan subject and Palace poem , and Palace poem here ' includes three kinds of subjects : Gaudy feeling , Chant things , Mountains anf rivers scenery .

  15. 这类诗共二十九首,占庾诗的三分之一强。二是题目中未标出应制字眼,但可以通过其酬赠对象、表达主旨等而明确分辨。

    This kind of poetry , accounted for 29 convergence of the first third of the poem . 2 it is not marked title system , but through its word reward for 853 object , purpose , etc can distinguish between the expression .

  16. 第三部分为刘孝威诗歌的创作内容研究。根据刘孝威诗歌的主要内容,其诗歌大致可分为艳情诗、侍宴应制诗、边塞诗、咏物诗、山水风光诗几类。

    According to main precious poetry and song of Liu Xiao Wei content , whose poetry and song may be that the love poems , feast drink the poems , poems writing of frontier fortresses , chant the thing poems mark basically , Scenery landscape poetry .