
  1. 中国古典小说考证和历史演进法。

    And the Method of " History Evolution " .

  2. 他致力于白话文学史的研究和章回小说的考证工作,写有《白话文学史》(上卷)和关于《红楼梦》、《水浒传》、《镜花缘》等小说的考证论著。

    He was engaged in the study of the history of vernacular literature and textual research of novels in zhanghui style , writing A History of Vernacular Literature ( first volume ) , and textual research works on A Dream of Red Mansions , Heroes of the Marshes and Flowers in the Mirror ,

  3. 第一章从鲁迅对明代神魔小说的研究和他所采用的研究方法等层面,明晰鲁迅对明代神魔小说的考证、阐释与分析。

    The first chapter obtains from the researching results and the technique which was used by Lu Xun to defined the explanation , analysis and summary with the Ming Dynasty god and spirit novel .

  4. 第一章小说创作论,分别联系陆士谔的若干代表作,对他的章回、笔记、纪实小说进行了考证和述评。

    The first chapter Fiction Writing does some textual study and comments on some of Lu 's representative works as chapter-type , note-taking type and documentary type fiction .