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  • Small ground;diminutively
  1. 以疣枝卫矛根皮中分离到的麻醉成分F对粘虫、菜青虫和小地老虎进行选择性试验,发现无选择麻醉作用;

    Compound F had no selective narcotic to armyworm , imported cabbageworm caterpillar ( Pieris rapae ) and cutworm ( Agrotis ypsilon ) .

  2. 小地老虎眼Agrotisypsilon穴Rottemberg雪演是湖南的一种重要烟草害虫,其第1代幼虫于4、5月为害烟株,卵和1-3龄幼虫对大风雨敏感。

    Cutworm [ Agrotis ypsilon ( Rottemberg ) ] is am important tobacco pest in Hunan Province , its larvae of first generation injures tobacco plant in April and May , the egg and larvae of 1-3rd instar are sensitive to storm .

  3. 对小地老虎卵空间分布型及抽样技术的调查分析

    Spatial distribution pattern and sampling method on eggs of Agrotis ipsilon

  4. 新疆墨玉小地老虎的初步观察小地老虎与粘虫发蛾期同步现象的探讨

    Observations on the black cutworm in the Moyu District of Sinkiang Uighur Autonomous Region

  5. 灭幼脲对小地老虎、粘虫及黄粉(虫甲)幼虫内部器官和组织的作用及毒理

    Effects of diflubenzuron on internal organs and tissues in slack cutworm , armyworm and yellow mealworm

  6. 小地老虎成虫直肠的发生和直肠乳突细胞功能性分化

    Adult rectum generation and functional differentiation of rectal papillary cells in the black cutworm Agrotis Ypsilon

  7. 小地老虎为害棉苗缺株产量损失及棉株群体补偿力模拟试验

    Simulation experiments on the compensation of cotton population to the decrease of plant number caused by black cutworm

  8. 两种转基因抗虫棉对小地老虎幼虫的生长发育、繁殖和营养效应均有较大的影响。

    Both kinds of transgenic cotton had strong effect to Blank Cutworm on development , reproduction and nutrition .

  9. 结果表明:在17-35℃恒温内,小地老虎的发育速率随温度上升呈逻辑斯蒂曲线趋势。

    Under constant temperature condition in the range of 17-35 ℃, the development rate increased with the temperature as logistic curve .

  10. 用投影寻踪回归模型,对第一代小地老虎危害程度进行预测。

    By using the PPR model , the damage level of the first generation of Agrotis ypsilon ( Rottemberg ) is forecasted .

  11. 但他声称他只用过净资产的很小地部分做过公开杠杆交易。

    But he himself claims that he puts only a minuscule amount of his net worth on the table for trading activity using leverage .

  12. 在某个城市举办大型活动,尤其是举办国际性的大型活动,都会或大或小地推动这个城市的进一步发展。

    The large-scale sport games , especially the international sports games , will promote the local economy development of the Amphitryon city more or less .

  13. 为了能够垂直地扩展,需要将应用程序部署到可在尽可能小地影响部署的情况下提高计算容量的平台上。

    Being able to scale up vertically involves deploying your application on a platform where the computing capacity can be increased with minimal disruption to the deployment .

  14. 这不仅丰富了昆虫性信息素研究的内容,而且有可能提供一种利用合成性信息素防治小地老虎的高效、无毒、无污染、无公害的新方法、新途径。

    This not only enriched the content of studying the insect sex pheromone , but also provide probably a new way and technique of high-effective , nonpoisonous , non-pollution , nonsocial effects of pollution for integrated control of the black cutworm by using the synthesized sex pheromone .

  15. 钙镁磷肥能提高土壤的pH值,降低土壤弱酸溶态铅和土壤碳酸盐态铅的含量,增加土壤氧化物态和残渣态铅的含量,降低小白菜地上部全铅的含量,促进小白菜生长。

    Calcium magnesium phosphate raise the pH values of soil , lower weak acid dissolvable lead contents and carbonic acidity lead contents in soil , enhance oxidisable lead contents and residual lead contents in soil . Calcium magnesium phosphate also lower the contents of lead in brassica chinensis shoots .

  16. 研究了微机在10(或6)kV小接地电流系统中寻找漏电故障支路的原理,为发电厂、变电站和厂矿企业的正常供电、人身安全及运行管理,提供了一项安全技术措施。

    The principles of electric leakage of microcomputer at 10 ( or 6 ) kV small connect ground system are looked for , which can provide a safe technique measurement for power plant , transformer substation with normal power supply and safety of human body and management .

  17. 小规模地培养基因工程菌JCC-2后,进行目标蛋白阳离子抗菌肽的诱导表达。

    The purpose protein cationic antimicrobial peptide was expressed through fermenting transgenic strain JCC-2 in a small scale and the fermentation supernatant had been analyzed through Tricine-SDS-PAGE .

  18. 小接地电流系统的绝缘监视及铁磁谐振

    Isolation monitor ing and ferromagnetic resonance of low ground current system

  19. 小接地电流系统激发铁磁谐振事故及反事故措施

    Failures and Their Prevention for Low Earthing Current System Exciting Ferro-resonance

  20. 小接地电流系统两相对地电压降低现象的分析与鉴别

    Analysis and discrimination of voltage to ground reduction in two phases in small grounding current system

  21. 研究表明,很久之前,人们倾向于小部分地群居在亲属部落里。

    Research has shown that people long ago tended to live together in a small number of related groups or clans .

  22. 我想要能被使用在小穷地被阻止的具体室的音箱并且以便他们容易被使用以超低音喇叭。

    I wanted a speakers that could be used in small poorly damped concrete room and so that they are easy to be used with subwoofer .

  23. 最后,他双膝撑地小翼翼地站起来,在草地里和篝火的闪亮处搜寻。

    At last he got up cautiously , on his knees , and went searching among the grass and the flickering reflections flung by the campfire .

  24. 小秦岭地体中的褶皱包括露头褶皱和宏观褶皱,组成褶皱的面理为次生构造面理。

    The fold in the Xiaoqinling terrane included the outcrop fold and macrofold , and the foliation formed by the fold was the secondary structural foliation .

  25. 该方法适用于小接地电流系统的各种中性点运行方式,并且现场安装简单、不需要定值整定。

    This method is suited for various distribution system with different neutral grounding modes . Moreover , it can be easily used in site without adjusting protective setting .

  26. 在我这片小风景地中,它提醒人们:阻碍我们去发现、去创造的,仅仅是我们心理上的障碍和思想中的顽石。

    At me this piece of land in the small landscape , it reminds people : prevented us to discover , to create , and only we are psychological barriers and thought of the rock .

  27. 本文介绍了一种实现小接地电流系统单相接地故障自动选线的新方法&最大投影差值法。

    This paper introduces a new method named " Maximizing shadow difference " which is used to select the faulted line or bus automatically when single-phase short circuit to ground appears in the power system with floating neutral .

  28. 电网发生小接地电流单相短路的机会很多,约占总故障的70%~80%,所以电网的单相接地故障的处理就显得很重要。

    The chance of single-phase short-circuit to earth fault in the power system is about 70 % ~ 80 % . So it is very important to deal with the single phase to earth fault in the power system .

  29. 小男孩紧紧地搂着玩具熊。

    The little boy cuddled the teddy bear close .

  30. 小男孩狼吞虎咽地吃下了半个苹果派。

    The boy devoured half an apple pie .