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  1. 凡事预则立,不预则废。

    Preparedness ensures success , and unpreparedness spells failure .

  2. 考虑腐蚀或焊接缺陷等因素,则立管根部的焊缝是疲劳损伤或脆性开裂的薄弱环节。

    Considering the corrosion and the welding defect , the welding line at the end of the riser is the weakest position of fatigue damage and brittle fracture .

  3. 《礼记·中庸》云:凡是预则立,不预则废。未雨绸缪,谋划在先,是成事的重要保证。

    " Book of Rites · Mean " says : " Those who advance the legislation , without prejudging the waste . " Plan ahead , plan first , and is an important guarantee succeed .

  4. 言语虽然通俗,但却道出了保障的重要性。凡事预则立,不预则废,在做任何事情之前,一定要充分的考量,谋定而后动。

    Although the popular speech , but it points to the importance of protection . " Forewarned is forearmed , not pre-waste ", before doing anything , we must give full consideration , before making any decisions .

  5. 如果说国外金融自由化的重点是放松金融管制的话,我国金融改革的重点则是立,即要建立新型的市场金融体制。

    If the focus of financial liberalization is financial deregulation in foreign , the focus of financial reform is the " standing " to establish a new market financial system in china .

  6. 这些接受环境差异包括:一、历史背景的差异,其主要表现为西方女性主义文学批评是先破后立,而中国本土则是先立后破;

    The differences include : 1.The difference in historical background , mainly manifested in the fact that " construction " came after " destruction " in the case of the feminist literary criticism of the West , whereas it was the other way round in the case of China .