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ràng wèi
  • resign sovereign authority;abdicate;step down;step aside;move over;demise
让位 [ràng wèi]
  • (1) [abdicate] 让出官位或职位

  • 江湖未静,不可让位。--曹操《让县自明本志令》

  • (2) 泛指放弃占有、统始

  • 统治者让位于人民

让位[ràng wèi]
  1. 他被迫让位,为此举国降下半旗。

    He was forced to abdicate and all over the country flags flew at half-mast .

  2. 在货物运输方面,驳船让位给了公路车辆。

    Barges yielded to road vehicles for transporting goods .

  3. 她个人的雄心壮志让位给了家庭的需要。

    Her personal ambitions had been subjugated to the needs of her family .

  4. 数排摊位都让位给了使用煤气罐的饭店。

    Rows of stalls are given over to restaurants running off gas cylinders .

  5. 很多人更希望看到他下台,以让位给更年轻的人。

    Many would prefer to see him step aside in favour of a younger man .

  6. 女王不打算让位。

    The Queen has no intention of abdicating her throne .

  7. 在该公司任职这么些年后,我就要离开了,因为我觉得应当给比我年轻的人让位。

    I 'm leaving the firm after all these years as I feel that I should yield to a younger man .

  8. 我在这一行干了40年,现在该退居二线,让位给青年人和新思想了。

    After forty years in the business it 's time for me to take a back seat and make room for younger men and new ideas .

  9. “向我将让位给他的太阳致敬。”

    To salute the sun for whom I must make way .

  10. shower:洗澡makeroom:让位mess:将…弄糟好了,女孩子们,我亲爱的妹妹要洗澡了。

    Chuck : All right , ladies . My sister needs to shower .

  11. 办公室自行车男已经让位给了疯狂新爸爸(CrazyNewFather)。

    Office Bike Guy has given way to Crazy New Father .

  12. 后者似乎将让位给SOAP,SOAP支持面向消息的方法和过程方法。

    The latter seems to be giving way to SOAP , which has support for message-oriented as well as procedural approaches .

  13. 执政的旧英国贵族让位给忠实而且富有的诺尔曼贵族(温斯顿S.丘吉尔)

    The old English nobility of office made way for the Norman nobility of faith and landed wealth ( Winston S.Churchill )

  14. imf必须加以改进,增强其代表性、权威及效力,而g20则应该让位,仅仅充当一个顾问论坛。

    The IMF needs to improve , becoming more representative , authoritative and effective , while the G20 should step aside and serve as nothing more than a Consultative Forum .

  15. 这一次,詹皇要让位给KD了。在NBA选秀大会上以仅次于格雷格·奥登的第二顺位被选中之后整整10年,凯文·杜兰特终于拿到NBA总决赛的MVP。

    This time , King James gave way to KD , who was the NBA Finals MVP 10 years after being picked second in the NBA draft behind Greg Oden .

  16. 6月,韩国船厂在让位给中国竞争对手两年后,重新摘得造船市场最大份额的桂冠,韩国企业聚焦于液化天然气(lng)运输船等需求保持强劲的船型。

    In June , South Korean yards regained the top spot in market share two years after losing it to China by focusing on LNG carriers , among others , for which demand remains strong .

  17. 我们都知道贾伯斯不可能永远站在CEO的岗位上,但尽管如此,Jobs宣布辞职将公司的总裁职位让位给TimCook的消息仍令人感到非常惊讶。

    We knew that this day would come , but we were nonetheless taken by surprise when Jobs announced that he would be resigning his post at the head of the company , stepping aside for Apple COO Tim Cook .

  18. 我所在的是一个盒式录音带让位给CD,传真机让位给电邮,长途电话让位给大哥大的时代——然而好景不长,他们后来又被MP3,聊天平台以及智能手机取代了。

    I grew up in an era when cassette tapes , fax machines , and long-distance telephone calls gave way to CDs , emails , and cellphones - only to be supplanted by MP3s , chat platforms , and smartphones .

  19. 用格兰特•阿尔杜那斯(GrantAldonas)的话说,中国的态度一直是:我们让位了。阿尔杜那斯曾任美国商务部负责国际贸易的副部长,去年卸任。

    The Chinese attitude has been , in the words of Grant Aldonas , until last year US commerce undersecretary for international trade : We gave at the office .

  20. 在美西战争中,迷彩色展现出自己的优势,蓝色让位给卡其色,最终演变为德怀特·艾森豪威尔(DwightEisenhower)著名短夹克的橄榄绿棕色。

    When the tactics of the Spanish-American War showed the wisdom of some semblance of camouflage , blue gave way to khaki and eventually to the olive-brown tones of Dwight Eisenhower 's famous short jacket .

  21. 为何要建立一个机制,迫使那些出色的董事让位?

    Why create a system that force out good board members ?

  22. 最后,我让位她可以流泪。只要她愿意。

    And finally , I gave her a tear to shed .

  23. 这种配置最终让位给客户机-服务器模型。

    This sturdy configuration eventually gave way to the client-server model .

  24. 因为没有可能的继承人,让位无法实现。

    Abdication is precluded by the lack of a possible successor .

  25. 简析传统文化对孙中山让位的影响

    The Effect on Sun Yat-sen 's Abdication from Chinese Traditional Culture

  26. 首相辞职以让位给更合适的人选。

    The Prime Minister resigned in favour of a better candidate .

  27. 压力,不得不让位给部下。

    He had to give up his position to a subordinate .

  28. 石块太窄无法为底座让位。

    The stone blocks are too narrow to provide a base .

  29. 他在今年夏天退休了,让位给年轻人。

    He retired this summer and made way to young person .

  30. 她应对她的仓促让位负责。

    He is responsible for the precipitation of his own demise .