
  • 网络let you guess
  1. 你猜我昨天碰到谁了?我让你猜三次。

    Who do you think I saw yesterday ? I 'll give you three guesses .

  2. 这个我可能会愿意叫做Jack的小伙子说:我愿意冒险让你猜一下。

    The young man , whom I will call Jack , said he would hazard an educated guess .

  3. 如果一定让你猜个价你觉得是多少呢

    If you had to guess the price , what would you say ?

  4. 等我回来的时候,我想让你猜一下这个相亲有何特别之处。

    When I come back , I want you to guess what was special about that blind date .

  5. 我让你门猜三次,看看篮子里有什么。

    Ll give you three guesses to find out what is in the basket .

  6. 她喜欢让你去猜她心思

    She likes to keep you guessing .

  7. 准备好把意思表演出来,让你的伙伴猜你的意思。

    Be prepared to act out the meanings and have your partner guess what you mean .

  8. 一个人很轻易正确猜出这种印象是好的、坏的,还是不好不坏的,由于有些人让你不用往猜,他们几乎直接就告诉你了。

    One may often guess pretty accurately whether it is good , bad , or indifferent some people render it unnecessary for one to guess , they practically inform one but that is not what I mean .

  9. 第二,让你的同学们猜会发生什么。

    Second , ask the class to guess what will happen .