
  • 网络Graduation Works;final project
  1. 这件有意思的号称“钢笔礼服”是伦敦中央圣·马丁时尚学校学生StevenTai的毕业作品,据悉,该学生的毕业作品还借助了创意大师JohnNussey之手共同创作而成。

    It was designed and made by creative technologist John Nussey and Central St. Martins Womenswear student Steven Tai for his final degree show 。

  2. 举个例子,马腾·巴斯(MaartenBaas)就曾凭借其2002年在埃因霍芬设计学院的毕业作品引起轰动。该系列的作品定名为“烟”(Smoke),是几件用喷灯烧黑的传统家具。

    Maarten Baas , for example , made a sensation with his 2002 Eindhoven thesis project : traditional furniture pieces blackened with a blowtorch .

  3. 中国美术学院摄影系2002级毕业作品

    2002 Graduate Works of Photography Department , Chinese Academy of Fine Arts

  4. 蔡磊将会展出其毕业作品&《我们》系列。

    Cai Lei will be showcasing his graduation piece , We series .

  5. 你真的开始你毕业作品了?

    Are you really working on your graduation piece ?

  6. 史密斯教授指导我的毕业作品。

    Prof. Smith directed my graduate work .

  7. 美术系学生毕业作品评介座谈纪要

    A Symposium Brief on the Works Created by the Graduates of the Department of Fine Arts

  8. 个体经验与公共秩序&关于一个雕塑毕业作品展的分析

    Individual Experience and the Public Order

  9. 他的43分钟毕业作品《分界线》为他赢得了分量很重的科学技术奖。

    His NYU thesis work , a43-minute drama titled Fine Line , won NYU 's prestigious Wasserman Award for outstanding direction .

  10. 作为一名构建主义学校的激进的俄国学生,列奥尼多夫想让自己的毕业作品大放异彩。

    A radical Russian of the constructivist school , Leonidov wanted to make the biggest splash possible with his graduate designs .

  11. 并且,在我的毕业作品里,我还试图向观者传达一种内在的哲学诉求&无序之有序。

    And , in my graduate work , I also tried to convey to the viewer an inherent philosophical appeal - of orderly disorder .

  12. 她的毕业作品《周末》在荷兰电影节和慕尼黑电影节上获奖。

    Her graduation film Weekend received the Tuschinski Award at the Dutch Film Festival and the Kodak Prize at the M ü nchen Film Festival .

  13. 最后通过毕业作品对论文成果进行亲自的实践,力求证明折纸工艺在服装设计中应用具有现实意义。

    Finally , to practise the results of the paper through graduate work , tried to emphasize the important of meaning of origami in fashion design .

  14. 结合科研课题提高电子信息工程专业毕业设计作品质量

    Improve the Quality of Graduation Design Works Combining Scientific Research Task

  15. 服装专业毕业设计作品展出的策划构思

    The Idea of the Plan for Graduation Clothing Design Display

  16. 同时,文章还阐述了本次毕业设计作品的设计实践内容和过程,以及最终效果。

    The graduate design work content and process of design practice , and do the kinds of effects .

  17. 本文是一篇反映自己毕业设计作品《中国森林认证形象设计》实践的论文。

    This paper is a practice reflection of the graduate design works of The image design of forest certification in China .

  18. 通过对西雅图雕塑公园及《深圳人的一天》和个人毕业设计作品的设计分析,就如何结合实际情况更好的创作优秀作品作了深入细致的阐述。

    Make detail elaborated of how to combine the analysis of actual situation to make better sculptures through analysis sculpture park and and personal graduation design works .

  19. 它是北京舞蹈学校第一届编导班的进修生在查普林与中国著名京剧艺术家李少春指导下的毕业实习作品。

    It was a graduate work by the first choreography class of the Beijing Dance School under the guidance and instruction from Soviet expert Choplin and well-known Peking Opera master Li Shaochun .

  20. 确立了发展泰山平安文化旅游商品的重要性和必然性,并从审美角度谈其设计原则,最终结合毕业设计作品真实的表现出来。

    Establish development Taishan peace culture tourist commodities importance and necessity , and from the aesthetic point of view on the design principle , the ultimate combination of graduation design works of real performance .

  21. 第六章为全文重点,即根据前文的分析,总结出从工艺角度上的创新,从而应用到最后的毕业设计作品中。

    As the key section of this thesis , the fifth chapter summarizes technique innovations based on previous analysis and applies them in the design work . The sixth chapter is the conclusion section of this thesis .

  22. 全文主要围绕我毕业创作作品所选取的造型形象,即摸这一状态,试图得到一些关于这一不适感的具有启发式的展示和理解。

    The full text mainly revolves the modelling image selected by my own graduation creation work , namely " feel for " this condition , and attempts to gain some heuristic demonstration and understanding about this kind of uncomfortableness .

  23. 赫尔辛基艺术设计大学2006毕业设计展作品

    Works of 2006 Graduation Design Exhibition of The University of Art and Design , Helsinki

  24. Albrecht在艺术学院表现很突出,他的油画简直比教授的还要好。到毕业时,他的作品已经能赚不少钱了。

    Albrecht 's etchings , his woodcuts , and his oils were far better than those of most of his professors , and by the time he graduated , he was beginning to earn considerable fees for his commissioned works .

  25. 安徽省一所高中的一组毕业照是目前为止最引人注目的毕业照作品之一,照片中来自40个班级的约2200名学生组成了一个巨型弧形。

    So far , a super arc-shaped group photo of around 2200 students from 40 classes in a local high school in east China 's Anhui province marked one of the most eye-catching works .

  26. 赵东亮于2009年毕业于北京中央美术学院,而他亦将会展出其毕业作品《盆景》。

    Zhao Dong Liang graduated in2009 from the Beijing Central Academy of Fine Arts and he will also be exhibiting his graduation piece , Bonsai Chair .

  27. 此外,本文将着眼于毕业设计中团队协作精神的培养,探索如何组织学生在完成各子课题功能设计的前提下,进行各部分的整合以实现完整的系统功能,切实提高毕业设计作品质量。

    In order to improve the quality of graduation design works , this article also explores how to improve the students ' writing level and how to organize the students to realize the whole system function after all the students finish their own sub-task .