
  • 网络Happy Girls;super girl;Supergirl
  1. 这位选手在电视歌唱比赛《快乐女声》的舞台上表现自信。在其他选手焦躁不安时,她却还是十分淡定。

    The contestant in the TV singing competition Super Girl carried herself with an air of confidence onstage and kept her cool when others got agitated .

  2. “快乐女声”是由湖南卫视基于一项全国年度赛事的基础之上创办的,于2009年5月拉开帷幕。

    Super Girl was based on an annual national contest held by HST since May2009 .

  3. 《快乐女声》见风使舵,将投票制度限制在大众评审团的范围之内。

    " Happy Girl " trimmed its sails by restricting voting mainly to a studio audience .

  4. 官方不希望《快乐女声》节目给人们一种错觉:他们可以自己决定谁来领导中国。

    Officials do not want anyone to conclude from " Happy Girl " that they should have a choice .

  5. 媒介协同营销策略在业界已经运用并成效显著,《快乐女声》便是其成功典范。

    Collaborative marketing strategy has been to use in the industry and get a significant results such as Super Girl .

  6. 而在此之前,一个类似的选秀节目超级女声曾风靡全国5年之久,该节目也被视为是快乐女声的前身。

    A similar TV talent show that was seen as the forerunner of Super Girl ran for five years and swept through the nation .

  7. 今年9月份,官员们勒令湖南卫视停止播出最高曾吸引4亿观众的选秀节目《快乐女声》。

    In September , officials ordered Hunan Satellite TV to stop broadcasting Super Girl , a talent show that at its peak attracted 400m viewers .

  8. 本年度的《快乐女声》刚刚落下帷幕,国家广电总局便宣布明年将禁止《快乐女声》播放。

    " Happy Girl " had just finished this year 's run when the broadcasting authorities announced that the show would not return next year .

  9. 《快乐女声》的前身是《超级女声》,这档节目允许观众通过手机短信方式进行投票,支持自己喜爱的选手,使得官方十分不快。

    The programme 's forerunner ," Super Girl ", upset the authorities by allowing viewers to vote for contestants by sending text messages from their mobile phones .

  10. 曾轶否在中国最流行的真人歌唱才艺大赛(快乐女声)中晋级,但充斥在她身边的赞叹和嘘声仍将下去。

    Whether or not Zeng Yike advances to the next round of China 's most popular reality talent show , the kudos and boos surrounding her will continue .

  11. 在那样一个深夜,一位很有才华的歌手在快乐女声的舞台上消失了,但是她还是不懈的努力着,把自己最好的一面呈献给大家,呈现给喜欢她的朋友们。

    In that one night , a very talented singer in the stage of a happy female voices disappeared , but the tireless efforts she put his best face that was presented to us , presented to like her friends .