
kuài cān chē
  • dog wagon
  1. 吉娜,那个快餐车女士今天还来吗?

    Gina , is that monkey-fish cat-bread lady gonna be here today ?

  2. 快餐车侧围上墙板举升机构结构设计及多数优化设计

    Physical Design and Parameter Optimun Design for the Lifting Mechanism of Snack Vehicle Above-Side Wall Panel

  3. 该公司认为,快餐车、洗衣店、移动牙科等服务会伴随轮子上的办公室出现,随时为在那工作的人提供服务。

    Food trucks , laundry , mobile dentistry , and other ad hoc services can pop up around a ' Work On Wheels ' site , ready to serve people working there , the firm believes .

  4. 军用快餐保温供应车设计

    Design on the Vehicle Supplying Fast Food with Heat Preservation to Army Buying a Car

  5. 这类似于包装一个健康的快餐,放在车中作为储备,以确保您有一些合适的东西来消耗。

    This is analogous to packing a healthy snack in the car as a backup , to ensure you have something appropriate to consume .