
  • 网络seven night
  1. 那场火烧了六日七夜。

    The fire last six days and seven nights .

  2. 但是,显然地,Gaga的母亲没有把一切都教给她摇滚歌星的女儿:LadyGaga承认,作为一个成人,她每周七天七夜都带着妆睡觉。

    But apparently Mama Gaga didn 't teach her rock star daughter everything : Lady Gaga admits that as an adult , she goes to bed with her makeup on seven nights a week .

  3. 最后,他居然睡了整整七天七夜!

    All in all , he slept for seven whole days !

  4. 走上三,四和七夜游轮,或私人,个性化的包机。

    Embark on three - , four-and seven-night cruises , or private , customised charters .

  5. 七夜喊他停下来,并狂暴的追逐着志贵。

    He yells at him to stop , and chases after him in a frenzy .

  6. 整整七天七夜,他们没有吃到一粒米饭。

    For seven days and nights in succession , they hadn 't eaten one grain of rice .

  7. 船队经过七天七夜的航行,终于抵达印度洋。

    After sailing for seven days and seven nights , the fleet finally arrived at the Indian Ocean .

  8. 从巴哈马皇家警察部队的声明中中写道,他们几乎搜查了七天七夜。

    A statement by the Royal Bahamas Police Force noted that their search lasted for all but seven days .

  9. 只要您把我放在金钟里,七天七夜我就能变成人。

    Just cover me with your golden bell anti in seven days and seven nights I 'll become a man .

  10. 巨大的金色十字架将会出现在埃及吉萨大金字塔的塔尖上,在那里持续七天七夜。

    A huge golden cross will appear at the pinnacle of the Great Pyramid at Giza in Egypt and remain there for seven days and seven nights .

  11. 在你和帕里斯发生关系后的第三千两百八十七夜,那个日子是狡猾的潘达洛斯告诉我的,我正躺在西摩伊斯河岸边,拣伤口上的虱子,疲惫让我闭上了眼睛。

    On the three thousand two hundred eighty-seventh night of your Parisian affair , as I lay in Simois-mud picking vermin off the wound I got that day from cunning Pandarus , exhaustion closed my eyes .