
  • 网络7 Pounds;seven pound
  1. 探测器的重量约为七磅(包括4小时电池),并且配备了3.5英寸的彩色TFT显示屏。

    The unit weighs about seven pounds ( including the4-hour battery ) and features a3.5-inch color TFT display .

  2. 他出生时重七磅。

    He weighed seven pounds at birth .

  3. 只胖了四磅.-玛丽和我都认为是七磅.回头见

    It 's actually 4lbs . - Mary and I think seven.see you later .

  4. 布什说,他当上总统后最棒的一刻,是抓了一条七磅半的鱼。

    President Bush said catching a7.5 pound fish was his best moment since becoming president .

  5. 他能举起七磅重的东西,许多成年人都没有这么大的力气。

    Not yet5 , he can hold seven-pound weights with arms extended , something many adults cannot do .

  6. 他们的关系亲密无比,汤姆甚至让他的大儿子康纳在电影《七磅》中扮演年轻时的威尔史密斯。

    The two are so close that Tom 's oldest son , Conner , played a young Will Smith in his film Seven Pounds .

  7. 是时候出来活动了.约翰.你婚后长胖了七磅.骑单车也没用.

    Time you got out of the house , john . you 've put on 7lbs since you married and the cycling isn 't doing it .

  8. 卡戴珊在她的官方网站上公布了这个消息,在消息中她透露,该新生儿体重七磅六盎司。

    Kardashian announced the news on her official website , in a post that revealed the weight of the newborn was seven pounds and six ounces .

  9. 布什告诉一家德国报纸,说他当上总统后最开心的一刻,是在自家农场的湖里捞上一条七磅半的鱼。

    President Bush told a German newspaper in an interview over the weekend that his best moment since he became president was when he caught a7-1 / 2 pound fish in his own lake .

  10. 世界上最长的孕期持续了375天之久,不过奇怪的是婴儿却连七磅都不到。当然这也为晚几周生育提供了新的视角。

    The world 's longest pregnancy lasted 375 days , strangely , the baby was only a little under seven pounds.It certainly puts a whole new perspective on being a few weeks late , doesn 't it ?

  11. 这些学生中,只有一半体重明显飙升,平均在七磅以上,三分之一的学生体重没有明显改变,甚至有15%的学生体重反而出现了下降。

    Only half of the students gained weight at all , and the gains were about 7 pounds on average . A third of the students had no weight gain , and 15 percent actually lost weight during freshman year .