
  1. 工业形成了以医药、化工、纺织、机械、建材、电子、食品为主的七大产业系列。

    Industry has formed a pharmaceutical , chemical , textile , machinery , building materials , electronics , food-based industries of the seven series .

  2. 根据对细分产业的评价,将七大产业做综合比较,可以得出,河南省战略性新兴产业划分为三个梯度。

    Then , the thesis made a comprehensive comparison of the seven industries . Strategic emerging industries in Henan province was divided into three gradient .

  3. 与之相应的是,十二五规划强调了七大产业的重要性:节能环保、新一代信息技术、生物、高端装备制造、新能源、新材料和新能源汽车。

    Accordingly , the 12th five-year plan highlights the importance of the magic seven industries : energy saving and environmental protection , next generation information technology , biotechnology , high-end manufacturing , new energy , new materials , and clean-energy vehicles .

  4. 江西产业集群发展,要选择重点,量力而行,目前可重点打造汽车、特色冶金和金属制品、医药、高新技术、食品加工等七大产业集群。

    In Jiangxi industry groups development , choosing the point , do according to it 's abilities , currently we should create seven industry groups : automobile , special features metallurgy and metal products , medicine , high technique , food processing .

  5. 两年前国务院确定了七大战略性新兴产业。

    Two years ago the State Council identified seven big strategic emerging industries .

  6. 电力行业是中国七大高能耗产业之一。

    Electric industry is one of the seven major energy-intensive industries in China .

  7. 在国务院颁发的《关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》文件中,节能环保产业被列为七大战略性新兴产业之首。

    Energy conservation and environmental protection industry is listed as the seven strategic new industry in the file issued by the state council .

  8. 近年来,国家先后出台了七大战略新兴产业发展规划、十大产业发展规划、成渝经济区规划、十二五规划纲要。

    In recent years , the country has issued seven strategic emerging industry development planning , national main body function region construction planning , and 12th Five-Year program .

  9. 我们下一步的研究方向是选定七大战略性新兴产业中的几个重点产业进行深入广泛的调查研究、搜集大量的一手数据来进行经验研究。

    Therefore , in the next step of the research , we will undertake extensive survey of several typical industries , collect a large number of first-hand data for more empirical research .

  10. 我国也在十二五规划中将环保产业列为七大战略性新兴产业之一,未来也将进一步加大对环保产业的投资力度。

    Environment industry is also one of the seven strategic emerging industries in Chinese " Twelfth Five Year Plan " . And China will further increase investment in environment industry in the future .

  11. 随着十二五规划中提出推进物联网的应用,作为国家七大战略性新兴产业之一的物联网技术呈现出迅猛发展之势。

    As one of the seven national strategic emerging industries , the Internet of Things shows a trend of rapid development after " to promote the application of Internet of Things " presented in the " 12th Five-Year Plan " .

  12. 在2011年出台的“十二五”规划中,生物产业被列为要大力发展的七大“支柱”产业之一。

    In the government 's latest five-year plan , launched in 2011 , the sector was identified as one of seven " pillar " industries to be promoted .