
  1. 针对单边创新国际企业的R&D补贴策略

    R & D Subsidy Policy to a Unilateral Innovating International Firm

  2. 第二届中国民营经济创新国际论坛会议综述

    A Review of the 2nd Innovation International Seminar of China Private Economy

  3. 城乡协调发展与西部大开发&在中国西部地区城乡协调发展与社会创新国际学术研讨会上的致辞

    On relation between coordinated urban and rural development and west development & Speech on Coordinated Urban and Rural Development and Social Innovation of West China Symposium

  4. 各国普遍重视科技投入,从而极大地刺激了科学技术的发展,提高了新技术的产业化和整个世界的技术水平,所有这些都为技术创新国际互动链的形成奠定了基础。

    All nations realize the importance of the input of science and technology . So it makes science and technology develop faster than ever before and improves the industrialization of the world .

  5. 因此,需要从战略高度研究创新MS国际物流园区的规划建设。

    Therefore , we need to study the the innovative MS international logistics park planning and construction from a strategic perspective .

  6. 技术创新对国际贸易的影响研究

    Study on the Impact of Technological Innovation upon International Trade

  7. 这5个优先行动将帮助科学创新促进国际发展。

    These five priority actions would help science innovation boost international development .

  8. 但总体看来,国内金融创新与国际相比仍有很大差距。

    But compared with international innovation , there still exists wide gap .

  9. 本所之使命:专业,正直,创新,国际观。

    Our Mission Statement : Professionalism , Integrity , Innovation & Internationalization .

  10. 科学创新推动国际发展的潜力从未像今天这样巨大。

    Science innovation 's potential to boost international development has never been greater .

  11. 技术创新的国际互动链研究

    The Research of International Interaction Chain of Technological Innovation

  12. 金融创新与国际金融监管法律制度新发展

    Financial Innovation and the Development of International Financial Supervision and Control Legal System

  13. 国际金融创新是国际金融业发展的巨大推动力,因而,研究国际金融创新对推动我国金融企业改革有着十分重要的意义。

    International financial innovation is a great motive force of developing international financial industry .

  14. 本基金是创新和国际复兴开发银行-国际金融公司合作的典范

    Program is Model of Innovation , IBRD-IFC Cooperation

  15. 技术创新与国际贸易可持续发展二者之间存在着互动型影响的关系。

    There is interaction between technological innovation and the sustainable development of international trade .

  16. 氨纶企业自主创新与国际竞争力分析

    Independent Innovation and International Competitiveness of Spandex Enterprises

  17. 中日创新及国际贸易效应比较分析&以专利为例的实证研究

    Comparative Analysis on Sino-Japan Innovation and International Trade Effect : Empirical Analysis Taking Patents as an Example

  18. 从动态的意义上讲,技术创新既是国际直接投资、国际贸易的前提,也是国际直接投资、国际贸易的结果。

    In dynamic analysis , technological innovations have become both the premise and the result of FDI and foreign trade .

  19. 技术创新对国际贸易可持续发展影响的基础,在于技术创新对经济发展的决定性作用。

    The basic of technological innovation affected the sustainable development of international trade lies in its decisive function on the economic development .

  20. 外商直接投资对投资区域内改善居民就业、促进技术创新以及国际收支等有关方面产生深远影响。

    FDI has a profound impact in improving the employment of residents , promoting technology innovation and balancing of payments in invested regions .

  21. 其次是微观层面的企业自主创新提升国际竞争力模式。

    Secondly , the model is that the enterprises who are in the middle level should make independent innovation to raise the international competitiveness .

  22. 对此,各国纷纷加大了知识经济发展,突出高新科技创新与国际市场的开拓力度。

    Regarding this , various countries have increased the knowledge economy development in abundance , prominent high new technology innovation and international market development dynamics .

  23. 所以,现代机构学的研究对提高我国机械产品的自主设计、创新和国际竞争能力有着十分重要的意义。

    The research of modern mechanisms has very important signification to improve the independent design level , the innovation and the international competitive powers of our mechanical products .

  24. 强制发展中国家严格遵守知识产权的政策也会影响一个国家的排名,因为他们可能会阻止创新在国际上流动。

    Policies forcing developing countries to rigidly abide by intellectual property rules negatively affected a country 's ranking , as they may inhibit the international flow of innovations .

  25. 第六部分为中国农业水资源管理制度创新的国际参照,该部分分析了国外农业水资源管理制度的运行状况并得出了相应的结论。

    Part 6 is the international reference of the Chinese AWR management institution innovation , which analyzes the situation of overseas AWR management institution operation and comes to relevant conclusions .

  26. 中国企业、尤其是大型企业(集团)的技术创新受到国际上市场、技术一体化及原有技术水平相对落后的双重压力,亟需对技术创新的观念、思维方式等进行创新,形成自己的特点。

    Facing to the double press , which caused by the integration of market and technology and by their backward technology level , Chinese enterprises are in urgent to innovate their idea , concept and ways of technology innovation .

  27. 最后,主要从我国农产品加工企业入手探讨如何做大做强。并分别从产业链角度、品牌战略角度、产品和技术创新、国际战略角度进行研究,并对现行政策进行了补充完善。

    At last , how to develop the national agricultural product processing industry is discussed and actions on product chain , brand strategy , product and technology innovation , international strategic are also researched . And existing policy is complemented .

  28. 特别是20世纪90年代以后,信息技术的飞速发展使得国际金融取得前所未有的发展。国际资本流动更加快速,金融衍生产品不断创新,国际贸易和国际金融交易取得飞速发展。

    The international financial have developed than ever before by the developing of information technology in particular after 1990s . The international capital flow more quickly , financial derivative products innovate constantly , international trade and financial dealing develop rapidly .

  29. 航空国际私法领域的法律冲突随着航空事业的不断发展而愈益突出,特别是随着航空技术和航空经营机制的不断创新,国际航空法律体系也经历着考验和不断的自我更新。

    The legal conflicts in Aviation Private International Law become increasingly prominent with the continuous development of the aviation industry , especially as continuous innovation of aviation technology and the operating mechanism of aviation , the International Air legal system also suffers from the self-test and continuously updated .

  30. 混业经营已逐渐成为世界金融业的发展趋势,我国加入WTO后,国内的金融机构也在不断的进行金融产品创新,参与国际金融市场,应对国外各类金融机构的竞争压力。

    After the entry to WTO , domestic finance institutions have to implement finance innovation and adopt mix operation in order to participate in international finance market and compete with foreign institutions .