
  • 网络Innovation Services
  1. 服务创新是服务业持续快速发展的重要动力,同样也是整个经济增长的重要推动力。

    Service innovation is a important driving force for economy .

  2. 中国表示将深化改革、创新养老服务业,到2020年在全国范围内建成多样化养老服务体系。

    China says Greater reforms and innovation will be used to build a diversified nationwide elderly care service system by 2020 .

  3. 从服务业发展的政策创新、服务业与制造业的产业融合创新和服务企业的集群创新三个方面分析了服务企业宏观层面的创新;

    The paper analyzes the macroscopic innovation from three aspects including the innovation policy , the integrating innovation of service and manufacturing industry and service enterprise cluster innovation .

  4. 创新是专业服务业自身发展的基础,也是专业服务业为其他产业贡献智慧的关键。

    Innovation is the basis for the development of professional services sector , and the key to promote other sectors .

  5. 中国城市服务业创造的突破口应是创新发展现代服务业和新型服务业,再造传统服务业。

    Developing creatively modern service , new-type service and re-creating traditional service is a means of breakthrough in the creation of China urban service .

  6. 知识密集型服务业既是高R&D投入和高创新绩效的服务业,又是创新系统的重要节点和中介。

    Knowledge intensive services , characterized as high R & D intensity and good innovative performance , are the important node and medium in innovation system .

  7. 基于融合创新的现代信息服务业比较研究

    Comparative Research on Modern Information Service Industries Based on Fusion Innovation Theory

  8. 技术创新是生产性服务业集群发展的核心。

    Technical innovation is the core stimulus factor of producers ' services clusters .

  9. 在此基础上,运用灰色关联模型度量并分析了技术创新与高技术服务业竞争力的关联度。

    On this basis , using grey correlation model , the correlation of technological innovation and competitiveness of high-tech service industry are measured and analyzed .

  10. 完善的人力资本产权能增加专用性人力资本投资,进而影响知识的积累与创新,最终形成服务业跨国公司发展过程所需的核心竞争力,推动服务业跨国公司进一步成长。

    It shows that human capital property can increase the investment of human capital , influence the knowledge accumulation and innovation , finally form the core competitiveness which is needed for the service MNCs development , promote the service MNCs further growth .

  11. 第二部分以天津为主要对象,实证研究了影响区域服务业创新的主要因素、服务业创新能力评价、服务业技术预见、服务业创新政策体系等问题。

    The next part sets Tianjin as the target employing statistics and modeling . The main issues involved include empirical analysis on the determinants of regional services innovation , assessment on innovation capability of services , technology foresight in services and policy package for services innovation .

  12. 随着服务与科技的融合以及科技创新的发展,创新型服务业应运而生。

    With the integration of services and technology as well as the development of scientific and technological innovation , innovative service industry has emerged .